190 : Fight against Murong Xue (Unedited)

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"Oh, it seems that in my sister's heart, I really have no position at all!" Although the tone seems to be full of regrets, but the expression on Murong's face is not the same thing, "However, This is better, I don't need to worry about it when I wait for the test."

During the conversation, Murong poured snow on her face with a sullen smile. It seems that she has won the same test now.

"It seems that you are very confident!" Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and evoked a meaningful smile. "Is it still in your opinion, you are already a winner? However, even if you win so many games, rely on Is it really your strength?"

When he heard that Murong had a slap in the face, Murong was shocked by the snow, but his face remained calm. "What are you talking about? I can be someone else, and relying on nature is my strength."

She didn't know if Murong had a look at it. However, she immediately denied such speculation. The thing she made a contract with that thing is very hidden, and it is impossible for anyone to know. Especially the thing is still inside the secret, Murong is even more impossible to know.

"Oh, what is the truth, your heart is clear." Murong sneered and said with a smile. "A lot of things, don't think you can hold it. After all, paper can't hold fire."

Does Murong really think that the things he is doing are hidden? She felt that those who sat on the podium watched, although they did not necessarily know that Murong had snowed a contract with the evil, but they still had doubts about the blackness of Murong. I am afraid that when the college competition is over, they will act!

"Oh, my sister is still playing here, it seems that there is no bottom in my heart!" Murong pours a smile, "but my sister is relieved, although I will not be merciful, but we will stay in this same blood." I will still leave you a life."

She really wants to defeat Murong, but she never thought about the life of Murong. If Murong is really dead, she may be very upset! What she wants is that Murong will lose her face to everyone in front of her. She wants Murong to face her face.

At that time, she was the genius that everyone praised, and Murong could only become a street mouse. Therefore, she will not let Murong die. She wants Murong to live and bear it all.

"I didn't expect that at this point, we really have a very tacit understanding!" Murong said in a humble manner. "However, there is only one person who can succeed in the end."

"The man must be me."

During the speech, Murong poured snow on the front of the body and directly attacked the past with a face of Murong. Her attack was direct and rude, and her right hand was filled with black gas, directly attacking the past toward Murong's face.

In the face of Murong's attack on snow, Murong had no panic, she did not hesitate to escape, and then quickly lifted her right foot and kicked it toward the abdomen of Murong. This kick did not use any mystery, but simply used its own power.

However, even so, Murong was kicked in, and then fell heavily on the ground, the whole person was particularly embarrassed.

Although I did not feel the fluctuation of mysterious force, but Murong poured snow and clearly felt the pain from her abdomen, she knew that she was kicked.

She didn't think of it at all, but at the beginning, she was unfavorable. She looked up and looked at the face of Murong's face filled with hatred and malice.

Murong's face makes her so ugly, she will never let go of Murong.

In the face of Murong's hatred of the snow, there is no change in the look of Murong's face. She went straight up again and kicked the past again toward Murong. This time, I still didn't use any mystery.

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