351 : North Shadow Crystal

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At the beginning, Murong’s face was always facing away from the North Shadow. However, when Beiying Jingjing came in, she already knew who the coming person was.

"It's you!" As the sound looked, when I saw the familiar figure, the shadow of Beiying Jingjing became very difficult to see. "How come you are here?"

Even if Murong turns into gray, she can recognize it. It was because of this person that she was unable to complete her father's account, and was later blamed by her father. And because of this, the father is now a lot of cold to her.

Now she is seen by Murong, but it is said that the enemy is meeting, and she is very jealous.

"Why can't I appear here?" Murong shrugged and shrugged, and said with a funny voice, "I am the guest of your North Shadow!"

Speaking of it, she really did not expect to meet again with Beiying Jingjing under such circumstances. However, this is also good, although the North Shadow Jingjing is the owner of this Beiying family, but her as a guest, she will never be wronged.

"You are the guest in everyone's mouth?" After hearing the words of Murong, the eyes of Beiying Jingjing glimpsed, and then they thought of what they were, and looked at the side of Murong.

Since Murong’s face is here, does it mean that the man who is born in the world will also appear in this place? Sure enough, in the face of Murong's face, she saw a fascinating figure. Even if it is just a back view, it is enough to see that the man is strong and unfathomable.

She did not think that she and the man would actually reunite in such a situation, the man who had been remembered by her, the name she had been secretly chanting in her heart - Huangfu.

Since that time, the man’s figure has emerged from time to time in her mind. She had thought that she was only confused for a while. However, as time passed, the figure was not only forgotten, but more clearly. Even if her mission failed, there was a reason for this man. However, she feels that more reasons are in the face of Murong.

She didn't know if she could still meet Huangfu again. Unexpectedly, the encounter between the two is actually coming so suddenly.

When I saw the North Shadow Crystal, the whole person suddenly quieted down, and the whole person’s eyes almost stuck to the Huangfu’s body. Murong couldn’t help but frown. She quietly reached out and then picked up the waist of the imperial concubine. A piece of tender meat, directly came a hundred and eighty degrees of rotation.

Feeling a pain in the waist, Huangfu could not help but frown. However, he also knows that the hands-on person is Murong, so he does not have any angry emotions. He just looks at Murong with a puzzled look. He does not seem to understand why the other party is doing this.

Seeing the doubtful eyes of Huangfu, Murong looked at the direction of the North Shadow Crystal without a good look. She is a man who doesn't like others to look at her. This emperor is really a bettor, how can you encounter so many flower idiots every time?

Huangfu naturally understands the meaning of Murong. Although he was so disgusted with the eyes of Beiying Jingjing, he even wanted to directly dig the eyes of Beiying. However, when he saw that Murong was jealous of him, his mood became very good. Because of this, this time, he also generously let go of the North Shadow.

Beiying Jingjing did not know that she had just escaped. At this time, she finally came back to God, and then she looked at the emperor and said quietly, "I have come to us." The North Shadow family is a guest!"

Looking at the inconsistency of Beiying and Jingjing, the people present could not help but fight a cold war. Everyone is not a fool. Naturally, I know that the change of Beiying Jingjing is for what reason.

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