205 : Song Family & Chen Jialai People (Unedited)

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"He has something to leave for a while." Murong said with a faint voice.

When I heard the answer from Murong's face, Long Li's face flashed a little, and then he said with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

At this time, she really wants to smoke herself a mouth. It's really a crow's mouth, which pot doesn't open. The emperor left, and the mood of the face is definitely very bad. She also mentioned the emperor at this time. Isn't it obvious that it is going to provoke sadness?

Looking at Long Li's cautious look, Murong smiled and laughed. "You don't have to look like this. It's just that you have been away for a while, and you don't have to go back. Also, I am not so vulnerable!" "

When I saw that Murong had no idea how to look at it, Long Liyi also breathed a sigh of relief. "Scared me, I thought I had whipped up your sadness!"

"Okay, don't say me." Murong waved his hand and continued to speak. "What about you? What do you feel after seeing the rotor today?"

"Hey, you know it, you have to ask me." Long Li sighed helplessly. "My mind, are you still unclear? However, I can see that the rotor is a little meaning to me." No."

Speaking of this, Long Lizhen not only feels a little depressed. She felt like she was doing nothing, and the rotor didn't seem to have any feelings for her.

Just like not seeing the disappointment of Long Lijun, Murong smiled and said with a smile. "Have you already already known this? You have always known that the rotor does not have a man or woman for you."

"Hey, can't you be euphemistic when you talk?" Long Li snorted and said, "I'm sad enough. You still salt this on my wounds. You are still not a good sister."

"Because it is a good sister, I can't understand your dejected look." Murong turned his face and looked at Long Li, and said, "And if you really like the rotor, that's your last." Opportunity. During this time, he will protect me by my side. Can you let him like you, it depends on your ability."

"I know." Long Li slammed his fist in his right hand and the whole person was uplifted. "I don't believe it, I can't take the rotor."

Looking at Long Li's momentary recovery, Murong leaned and felt that she had just really been more than one move. She reached out and patted Long Li's shoulder. "There is such a good idea, but I think, If you want to take down the rotor, the first thing to do is to raise your body first! You can't even get out of bed now, let alone other things."

"Ah!" Long Li couldn't help but reach out and grabbed her own hair. Her face was angry and said, "It's all blamed for the snow. This is where the rotor is around, and nothing can be done."

Looking at Long Li's madness, Murong was so happy that he didn't laugh out loud. However, she still kindly comforted Long Li after a few words before leaving. Of course, before leaving, she did not forget to let the rotor come in. I believe that with the power of the rotor now, Long Lizhen should recover soon.

In the Song family, Song Liyi was in his room, holding a communication stone in his hand, his face was very gloomy. Her hands were hard, and then the stones in her hands suddenly vanished.

At the beginning, she tried to use the communication stone to contact the day, but she never got a reply. Now she is almost certain that the day has failed.

"It's really a waste." When she thought that Bai Hao had failed, Song Liyi's face was all gloomy. Obviously, this waste, the sly person is white.

Yesterday, she still knew what she was doing, so she has been waiting for the good news of the day. But knowing that there was no news coming this morning, even when she could not contact the day, she knew that Bai Hao must have failed.

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