307 : Mysterious person came (Unedited)

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Long Liyu has such an end, she is looking for herself, no one is special. Moreover, she still shot first, so no one blamed Murong for her face. Of course, they did not have the courage to accuse Murong.

The second game is still going on, but it is probably because of the impact of this matter, in the next test, everyone's interest is not very high.

The second test was quickly drawn. The third game was followed by the test.

The test is still going on intensely, although everyone's mood is affected. However, in the next test, they have exhausted their full strength.

The second day of the test ended, but after the test of this day, the number of people who were eliminated was also a lot more. After the trial was over, everyone returned to the inn to rest.

However, at this time, people from all families did not have a rest, but they were discussing the next test. The trial is getting more and more intense now, and there are still a lot of newcomers, so now everyone is under a lot of pressure.

At this time, the Dragon House is not quiet. Although the Dragon family is not an alchemy family, this time it was also attended by the alchemy teacher in the family.

At this point, the alchemy teacher is giving Long Liyu a diagnosis. At the end of today's test, the Long family returned with Long Liyu.

Long Liuqi looked nervously at the alchemy teacher and waited for the result. In fact, in his heart, there is already a general understanding. However, he still has a lucky feeling, and hopes that Long Liyu is fine.

Others are also in the room of Long Liyu, waiting for the final result. No one thought of it, but it was just a test. Long Liyu was seriously injured. However, everyone's heart does not have much sympathy for Long Liyu, because all of this, in the end, is that Longli Yoga is taken by itself, and no one is special.

Finally, the alchemy stood up. He hasn't said anything yet, and Long Liuqi has already rushed forward.

"Pharmacist, how is Li Yu now?" Long Liuqi's eyes are all eager. "When can she get better?"

After hearing the words of Long Liuqi, the face of the alchemist flashed a bit of a dilemma. Such a problem, he really can't answer, because according to the current situation, it is almost impossible for Long Liyu to get better.

"Pharmacist, if you have anything, you can say it directly," Long Kui, who has been sitting on the side, said, "Even if you don't say it, we can guess something. So you don't have to worry, we will put The responsibility for this matter is blamed on you."

After hearing the guarantee of Long Kui, the alchemy teacher also breathed a sigh of relief. After he smashed his body toward Long Kui, he bowed reverently. "Home, then please forgive me. The three ladies are physically eroded. The toxins have already been completely cleaned up, so she will not be in any danger any more. However, there is no way to make up for the damage caused by the previous bones."

When it came to this, the alchemy master paused and took a deep breath and continued to speak. "Now Miss San's spinal cord has been eroded a large part, so she is afraid that she will never stand up again." I can only stay in bed all the time."

"What?" Others haven't said anything yet. After hearing the news, Long Liyu can no longer keep quiet. "What do you mean? You mean that I can only lie in the rest of my life. The bed?"

"This -" The alchemy teacher showed a difficult face and did not know how to answer it. Although this fact is very hurtful, it can't be changed.

"Pharmacist, trouble you." Long Kui nodded and said, "We are all very clear now, let's go first!"

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