259 : Sudden Change (Unedited)

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Murong pouted his teeth and endured the burning pain, and began to slowly integrate that alien force into his own power. However, the pure power did not seem to be willing to give in. It began to wander around the body of Murong.
Feeling the tyranny of that power, Murong pours but does not give up. She gritted her teeth and gave up all the resistance, letting that force go around in her body and not doing any resistance.
Slowly, that force began to gradually stop, and it seemed to feel that there was no danger.
At this time, Murong began to direct that power into the original power of her body. In the beginning, it was not very smooth. However, she did not feel discouraged because of this, but still guided gently and slowly.
As time went by, that pure power finally slowly penetrated into Murong’s own power. When that force began to combine with its own strength, she was able to clearly feel that she was somewhat unstable and slowly consolidated.

Seeing Murong's face gradually began to blend that power, Huangfu also breathed a sigh of relief. The most important purpose of coming to the Beast Forest this time is to find the horn of the unicorn for Yan. Now that Yan has gradually got better, he is more relieved.
After all the forces have been integrated, Yan’s cultivation should be well consolidated.
Xiao Bai, Xiao Hong and Shantou on the side did not dare to fight at this time. The six eyes of the three little beasts were staring at Murong, for fear of a slight accident.
I don't know how long it took, Murong finally opened her eyes. At this point she found that the sky had gradually darkened.
"How long has it been!" Murong asked with a puzzled look. "How do I feel that time seems to be so fast?"
After fully absorbing that pure power, Murong felt that she seemed to be more spiritual. Although her cultivation is still only in the late stage of the fit, it is more consolidated than before. It seems that the power of the horn of the unicorn is really useful for her.
However, she did not expect that, one eye, the original day has turned into the night.
"It’s only a few hours." Huangfu came to Murong’s side, reached out and touched her hair gently. He said, “You absorb it very quickly. I thought you would spend it. I have absorbed all of the time in a day or so. Right, how are you feeling now?"
"I feel very good." Murong smirked and smiled back. "That power has been integrated into my original cultivation. I can feel that my cultivation is more stable than before. I think it should be The help of that power. I really didn't think that the power of the unicorn's horn had such use."
"That's good." After hearing Murong's words, Huangfu really let go of his heart. "It's already night, let's take a break here today! We will continue on our way tomorrow morning."
"Okay!" Murong poked his face and looked at the three little beasts. He smiled and said, "Little white, Xiaohong, and Shantou. We are going to spend the night here. If you want to eat." , then go around and see if you can hit a few World of Warcraft, let’s have a barbecue!”

Once in this place, Murong admired the barbecue. As for the source of food! These three greedy little beasts are the best hunters in front of you. If you want to eat, always pay a little work!
Sure enough, after hearing the words of Murong, the eyes of the three little beasts were bright. Because Huangfu and Murong have always been together, they have been hiding in space. Although there are many spiritual and spiritual fruits in the space, but eating too much, it will be a little greasy. Speaking of it, they haven't eaten anything outside for a long time.
Now I heard that Murong was swaying and lifting the barbecue. The saliva of the three little beasts had flowed down. Before the end of Murong's face, the three little beasts have directly entered the jungle. Among them, the fastest move, of course, the number of gimmicks.
Seeing the agile movements of the three little beasts, Murong smiled and laughed. "If you don't know, I think I usually abuse them three!"
She remembers that when they were in the secret of Chen’s family, these three little beasts did not eat less barbecue. Although they came out of the space after the secret, they could stay in the space, but there are many good things in the space!
Ever since she had these three little beasts, she felt that the good things in her space were consumed very quickly.
"Don't worry about them." Huangfu directly reached out and took Murong into his arms. "You have just absorbed those strengths, and you don't have a good rest. You have to give these three guys a barbecue. You There is no need to do this."
Looking at Murong's indulgence on the three little beasts, Huangfu also said that he did not know what his feelings were. However, he does not like Murong to pay too much attention to people other than him, or things.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Murong turned his head and looked at the emperor. He smiled and said, "You don't know. After absorbing those forces, I am now full of spirits. Where do I need to rest?" And, Xiaobai, they are also very happy, isn't that good?"

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