198 : Leaving (Unedited)

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"No, why should we leave!" Seeing the voice of the singer, Chen Mengyi only felt that his chest had a blood, and he couldn't take care of his injuries at this time. "Miss Secretary, you can rest assured." Today we will be able to eat in this box."

No matter what, today he can't let Siyi go back like this, otherwise, he really has no chance. Moreover, although Chen Jia and the Secretary are compared, it may not seem to flow. However, what Chen said is also a big family in the cloud, but in fact, the people in this small city can compare.

If today's things are passed out, then how can he still stand in the sky after the Chen family! Whether it is to climb the boss or to honor the reputation of Chen, today he must not leave like this.

"Chen Gongzi, you don't have to do this." Siyin shook his head and whispered. "It's just a box. It doesn't have to be so true. Let's go back!"

"No." Chen Mengyi got up and then walked in again toward the box. "I have to look at it today. Who is this, so courageous, don't put the family and Chen family in the cloud ""

During the conversation, Chen Mengyi walked in again. However, this time he was more careful, that is, he was worried that he would be beaten again. Although he said so in a big way, his heart is still playing drums. Others may not know, but his party is the clearest. When the person in the room just shot at him, he almost had no room for resistance.

If it is not because the other party did not intend to take his life, maybe he is no longer there. However, even if this is the case, he must not retreat, especially now in front of the syllabus. Moreover, he does not believe that the other party will treat him like this after he knows that he is a man of the cloud.

Hey, wait a minute, he absolutely wants the person inside the box to apologize to him. Not only that, just the hatred, he must also report.

This time, Chen Mengyi was not blown out. After he walked into the box, he saw a man and a woman sitting at the table. The two did not seem to have any anomalies because he walked in.

Seeing that Chen Mengyi walked into the box, he was not beaten. The sound of the syllabus flashed a hint of darkness, and then he lifted his foot and followed him. Of course, she also saw the pair of men and women sitting at the table.

When I saw Murong's face, the sound of the syllabus flashed a scorn. Originally, she thought that the person sitting inside was only arrogant and did not know what kind of identity. It seems that it is just an ugly thing. She is ugly, but she has no interest.

However, when the syllabus turned around and saw the emperor sitting next to Murong's face, she couldn't help but stunned. She has never seen such a man of heaven and earth. Even Shi Huang, the heir to the future of the family, is already very good. However, compared with the man in front of him, it is simply completely transparent.

Even if this man is someone, she can still know the power of this man. However, why such a man would sit with an ugly monster.

When I think of it here, when the singer looks at Murong, the eyes are not only disdainful, but now there is a bit more smashing.

This guy of Huangfu is really a humanoid peach! How do you try to attract butterflies?

Murong looked at Huangfu and looked at it in his heart. However, she also knows that such a thing does not have much to do with Huangfu.

As long as it is in the box, it is easy to find the sound of the syllabus. Chen Mengyi naturally found out that his face was even worse. Originally, he sent his singer here today. What kind of thinking is it, it is already known to Sima Zhao. The performance of the singer now makes him feel particularly embarrassed.

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