270 : Scapegoat (Unedited)

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In the next few days, Murong and Yan Huang did not leave the Dragon family. They stayed quietly in the room and were busy with their own business.

The rotors were not with them, but they were rushed to accompany Long Li by Murong, on the grounds that they are still not safe.

However, everyone knows that this is just an excuse. Now that Long Kui has already woken up, everything in the Dragon family has begun to proceed in an orderly manner, and there will be no more danger at all.

Murong is doing this, but he just wants to give them two more time to get along.

What happened to the Dragon family, Murong was not very clear, but it can be seen that since Long Kui woke up, the atmosphere inside the Dragon House became increasingly tense. Although everyone does not know what happened, it can be seen that it is definitely not a trivial matter.

Just when everyone was talking about it, in one of the dragon's yards, Song Huiyi was like nothing, and still lived his life.

However, this is only what it looks like on the surface. If it is a person who is familiar with her, she can feel that her temper for a while seems to be a bit more violent than before.

"Nanny," Long Liyun entered the room and saw Song Huiyi who was making tea. She smiled and sat down opposite Song Huiyi. "Your mood seems to be quite good today!"

"Yeah." Song Huiyi waved her hand and let all those who waited in the room retreat. Then, her face suddenly changed.

The smile that was still on the face, when there were only two people left in the room, immediately disappeared.

In the face of Song Huiyi's face change, Long Liyu did not feel any surprise, still sitting there indifferently, as if things should have been like this.

"How is the matter?" Song Huiyi looked at Long Liyu. "Have you ever heard anything?"

"No." Long Liyu shook her head and continued to speak. "I have already inquired about it, but there is no news. The defense of my grandfather is very strict, and there is no news at all."

"Oh, I don't know if the owner is looking for anything now." Song Huiyi frowned, with a trace of worry on his face. "The original plan was good, but now it has become like this. If it is not because This sudden appearance of Murong's face will not be the same."

"Mother, in fact, you don't have to worry so much." Long Liyu reached out and pulled the hand of Lai Huiyi, comforting. "Isn't the idiot of Long Liyun already caught? Now everyone's attention is put On her body, it won't be easy to find out about us."

"Hopefully!" Song Huiyi still has no way to completely let go of his heart. "I was originally planning to let the Dragon family owe a love to the Song family. But now it is not only unsuccessful, but the Dragon family has already begun to The Song family was dissatisfied."

This time the poison in the Dragon House was under her. The plan for this matter was originally very good. The Dragon family was poisoned, and the Song family sent people to treat. After the cure, the Dragon family will owe the Song family a favor. And her position in the Dragon House is also due to the fact that this time has risen.

However, there have been such mistakes. The Song family did not come, Long Lizhen invited Murong to face it. The worst thing is that it is just a yellow-haired girl, but it can solve the poison of the soul.

Now their plans have all been disrupted. The owner has also begun to investigate thoroughly because of poisoning. What she is most worried about now is that things will be found on her head.

"Mother, what did the Song family say?" Long Liyu calmed down and asked, "This time, but they want to come out of the plan. They should not want to stay out of it!"

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