204 : Respectively (Unedited)

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In the room, Huangfu was half lying on the bed, and Murong was lying in his arms.

"What kind of plan do you have for the Song family?" Huangfu said. "They made this kind of thing, I think, you shouldn't let it go!"

"That is natural." Murong pours his lips and smiles. "Because of Song Lin's affairs, I and the Song family have already enemened. However, since Song Lin died, I did not intend to pursue it. Unfortunately, The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not. The Song family does not seem to have let go of me. If so, then I don't have to be polite."

"With your current strength, I am afraid that I can't deal with the Song family." Huangfu faintly told the truth, "Do you need my help?"

"No." Murong said with a light smile. "Although I am now unable to shake the Song family with my own strength, I believe that I will not be my opponent in the near future. Moreover, now Song Liyi Since I have found a white scorpion to deal with me, it means that she does not dare to act in a bright and honest manner. So my safety, you don't have to worry."

Hearing the persistence in Murong's remarks, Huangfu did not say anything.

"Hey, you are leaving tomorrow!" Murong's tone of voice was dull.

Although I already know and accept this fact, she still feels a little bad when she really needs to face separation. However, she also knows that such separation is only temporary.

"Yeah." Huangfu reached out and held Murong tightly. "I will go back tomorrow. I will finish the matter as soon as possible, and then come to you. During this time, you must be careful not to be hurt. "

Even if he has decided to put the rotor on the side of Murong's face, he still does not trust. If he can, he really wants to make Murong look smaller and then put it in his pocket. No matter where he goes in the future, he can take it with him.

"Do not worry! I will take care of myself." During the conversation, Murong turned over and squatted directly on the chest of the imperial concubine. "I am not at your side, you are not allowed to look at other women." Don't talk to other women, do you know?"

When I heard that Murong was so overbearing, Huangfu not only did not have a trace of anger, but felt very happy. Because, it is Murong's care for him.

"Besides you, I can't see other women in my eyes." Huangfu reached out and ordered a little nose that looked like a face. "You are the same. When I am not, don't be too close to other men." ""

Speaking of this, the emperor has a little regret, so that Murong regained his original appearance. Now Murong's face is really like her name, and she has the face of a beautiful country. He is not around her, and he does not know how many mad bees will come over.

Hearing the vinegar in the Huangfu dialect, Murong smiled and then leaned on the chest of the imperial concubine. "I know."

The night is very long, but for the lovers who are about to be separated, it is particularly short-lived.

Murong had originally thought that she would not be able to sleep, but she did not know when, when a sleepy attack came, she went to sleep. When I woke up the next day, there was only one person left in the room. Touching the bed with the remaining temperature, Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and smirked.

Feel the breath of the imperial concubine, and Murong leaned back and took a bed for a while before he got up.

Opening the door of the room, and sure enough, outside the door, she saw a familiar figure, this is the rotor that the emperor transferred to protect her.

"Long time no see, rotor." Seeing the rotor, Murong was not surprised, she smiled and said hello to the rotor.

The right hand of the rotor was placed on the abdomen, and a strange ritual was carried out toward Murong. Then the words opened with respect and respect, "The Devil."

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