325 : Arrive at Water Home (Unedited)

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Murong let go and let go, and there was a small sword in her hand. She gently stroked it twice. Then she pointed the tip of the sword directly at the cheek of Nanfeng Qiwei and said with a smile. "You are a brother." Let's start with you!"

Feeling the chill of the little sword, the south wind was so scared that he was about to cry. He kept leaning back and wanted to avoid it. He said, "No, this adult, I have I don't know Taishan, I beg you, let us go! You cut her face! Just when she wants to kill you."

During the speech, Nanfeng Qiwei’s constant eyes indicate Nanfeng Yaling. Obviously, what he meant was that he wanted to launch the Nanfeng Yaling. In such a critical moment, he can't take care of anything. He only wants to escape this time now. As for the future, he has no way to think about it.

"Nanfeng Qiwei, what do you mean?" Nanfeng Yaling suddenly became angry. "I am your sister, how can you treat me like this?"

"I don't have anything wrong with this!" When Nanfeng Qiwei looked at the south wind Yaling, his eyes were red. "In normal times, I let you, as long as it is your fault, the last one is me." It is time for you to repay me."

Normally, Nanfeng Qiwei really helped Nanfeng Yaling to carry a lot of black pots, but this is not because he loved this sister very much, but because of the usual eccentricity of parents. He now takes these things out and says that he doesn't want to be stripped.

"I am embarrassed." Nanfeng Yaling dismissively said, "Nanfeng Qiwei, don't say that you are so great, you want to pull me to be a shield, impossible."

After that, Nanfeng Yaling turned to Murong in the direction of the face, "I tell you, at the beginning, he was tempted me to find your troubles. So, you peeled his face!"

Looking at the two brothers and sisters began to bite the dog, Murong is really quite speechless. In fact, she just said that she had to peel off the faces of these two people, but it was just a matter of saying, how to deal with them, she actually did not think about it.

After seeing such a situation, the water spirit on the side will not be surprised at all. She has always known that these people in the Nanfeng family are not good people. In a dangerous situation, fratricidalism is also expected.

I saw that I was quarreling with each other, and I couldn’t wait to give the other brothers and sisters who had eaten each other. After the eyes of Murong’s eyes turned, I said, “You don’t bother, it seems that you all want to live! ”

After hearing the words of Murong, Nanfeng Qiwei and Nanfeng Yaling immediately raised their heads, and their eyes sparkled with hope. As long as you are alive, no one is willing to die.

"It's actually very simple." Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked. "One of the two of you, I will only let one go today. In the end who can survive, then anyone can get out of this door. As for the other One, then I can't help."

After hearing the words of Murong, Nanfeng Qiwei and Nanfeng Yaling both opened their eyes. Although they were just now, they were pushing each other. However, if they really want them to kill each other, they are not sure whether they can get their hands.

Even the water spirits standing on the side couldn't help but turn their heads and look at Murong. After a few days of getting along, she felt that she still had some understanding of Murong. However, it seems that those understandings are too shallow.

However, when I think about it in the forest, the means of Murong’s fascination, now happening like this, it seems that it is not so difficult.

It seems that he did not see the hesitation of Nanfeng Qiwei and Nanfeng Yaling. Murong continued to open his mouth. "How, have you decided?"

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