181 : Sharing a bed with a Pillow (Unedited)

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In the eyes of Huangfu, Murong can clearly see his own shadow, such a powerful person, only she is alone. Although the attitude is tough, but this is not a manifestation of deep love?

After a long time, Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and suddenly smirked. "I am yours, but you are mine, I am alone."

I heard the answer from Murong's face, and the emperor's face burst into a bright smile. "I am yours, you are alone."

The atmosphere between the two is just right, no one can plug in.

In the evening, Murong and Yan Huang are the evening meals used outside. This may be the first time that the two have been shopping together so leisurely!

Huangfu still used some blind eyes to change his original appearance, and put away the noble temperament. So, the two walked down the street, just like a pair of ordinary little couples, and no one paid too much attention to them.

"We never seem to have been like this," Murong said, holding the hand of Huangfu, and said with a smile. "In fact, this is also very good. We look like ordinary couples."

"If you like it, we can often go out shopping in the future." Huangfu looked at the Murong standing next to him and said, "As long as it is something you like, I will try it."

I have to say that for this kind of shopping experience, Huangfu has never been. Today, if it is not for the person who is with him, it is impossible for him to appear in such a place. But if this little person beside him likes this kind of life, then he will definitely create conditions for her.

"You don't have to be so nervous." Looking at the emperor's serious look, Murong couldn't help but laugh. "It's really good to go shopping, but it's not possible to live like this every day. Occasionally it is fresh, If there are too many times, then there is no such feeling."

"If you want to do something in the future, just talk to me." Huangfu reached out and stroked the hair of Murong's face, and said, "I will do it for you."

"I know." Murong leaned down and smiled on the shoulder of Huangfu. "I am very happy to meet you. However, if I really want something, I will try my best. I am really waiting." When I don't, I won't be reluctant. At that time, I will take the initiative to find you."

When I heard Murong's face, Huangfu did not say anything.

The two just strolled around the street aimlessly, and there was no special destination, just to be happy.

At about the same time, the two talents went to the inn where the first sunflower was located.

When she saw the arrival of Murong, she was very happy, but she did not forget the distinction of honor. In the first time she saw Murong's face, she kneeled down and leaned toward Murong. I took a gift, "The first sunflower has seen the master."

"Get up!" Murong also did not stop the first sunflower ceremony. After she got up, she found a seat and sat down. The emperor also sat next to her.

Chu Kui naturally also noticed the arrival of Huangfu, but she is also very clear about her identity, so naturally know what to ask, what should not be asked.

"First sunflower, how is your current repair?" Murong asked, "I have left you with the methods and exercises for cultivation before you left. What stage have you reached now?"

Since she had only had the body of Tianyin for the first sunflower, the first sunflower has been able to begin cultivation. Since she has already received the first sunflower, she naturally has to train talents for herself. It is no longer the body of the sky, the cultivation speed of the first sunflower should be faster than the average person.

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