318 : Absorbing the Power of Lightning (Unedited)

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Although the two people stood in a flat place at this time, but Murong can clearly feel that the ghosts are in this place.

"Hey, I found it." Murong couldn't help but raise a smile. The whole person looked like a little girl who had eaten sugar. "I can feel that the Nether WISP is here."

Seeing the true smile on Murong's face, Huang Fu's eyes were full of pets. He nodded and smiled and said, "Well, find the ghosts of the Nether, we will recover it now."

"But how do you get down to the ground?" Murong looked at the red sand everywhere, and there was a slight embarrassment on his face. "You can't open it here, then walk in!"

Looking at Murong's embarrassed look, Huangfu couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Yan, would you think too much? You just want to devour the Nether WISP, and you don't really want to see it. Look at the ghosts!"

After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong looked in front of his face. "Oh, what you mean is that as long as I release the heart of the earth, then let the heart of the earth devour the ghosts of the Nether."

For a time, even Murong looked at himself and felt a little funny. Yes! In fact, she simply did not have to go down and find the ghosts of the Nether, just let the heart of the earth go to the ground. The fires of the gods have their own connection with each other. As long as she releases the heart of the earth, the heart of the earth should be able to find the ghosts of the ghosts.

Thinking of this, her heart has also been put down a lot. As long as there is a way to swallow the Nether WISP, that's fine.

Soon, Murong leaned down and sat down cross-legged. Then, after running for a while, he put the heart of the body out. Because the light of the Milky Way, the flame of the phoenix, and the fire of the next day have been swallowed up, the power of the current heart of the earth has already been different from the previous day.

Therefore, even if I know that I have to devour a kind of fire, Murong has no big worry. When she swallowed the fire of the next day, she did not spend much effort. Now it's not too difficult to swallow the Nether Ghost!

However, even so, Murong pours his mouth very cautiously. "Hey, I am going to swallow the ghosts now. I don't know what it will be like, you will protect me from the side!"

"Do not worry!" Huang Dagger, "You will concentrate on swallowing the ghosts!"

Because there is Huangfu around, so Murong is also relieved. She did not continue to say anything more, and then directly controlled the heart of the earth into the ground.

Although she could not see the situation under the ground, but because the heart of the earth is now integrated with her, she can still feel the situation under the ground.

After drilling into the ground, the heart of the earth seems to feel a very strong attraction. Even if Murong sitting on the cross-legged face at this time, I can clearly feel the strong attraction. Even in the case that Murong's face has not yet begun to be pulled, the heart of the earth has already been unable to withstand the attraction, and it has been marching forward.

For such a situation, Murong has no idea to stop it. Because her heart is clear, compared to herself, the heart of the heart should be able to feel the existence of the Nether WISP!

Sure enough, the Nether Ghost continued to advance, and soon reached the most central position of attraction.

At this time, Murong was on the ground, so I could not see the following. If she can see the situation below, I am afraid that at this time, I will involuntarily sigh!

Because, at this time, the ghost of the Nether is in front of the heart of the earth. There is mutual induction between Shenhuo and a desire to devour each other. Nethered WISP is the second-most sacred fire, and it has only one step difference from the heart of the earth.

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