328 : Water Repair (Unedited)

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Under such anger, Nanfeng couldn't help it anymore. He went straight to the front and attacked the past with Murong. At this time, he has almost lost all his sensibility. The only thing he can think of now is to give a good lesson to Murong’s ignorant and thick yellow hair.

However, when he was about to attack, he was stopped by an invisible barrier. Then he felt a fierce attack flying straight toward him. He wanted to escape, but he found his body seemed to move. No, I can only watch the attack hit him directly. He felt that his body had suffered a heavy blow, and then the whole person lost his strength and spit a blood.

Seeing such a situation, when the people in the hall suddenly looked at Murong and Huangfu, the eyes were just completely different.

To say that at the beginning of the first time, the two men escaped the south wind and the attack was luck. Now they not only escaped the attack from the south wind, but also injured the south wind. Moreover, the two men have always been sitting there, and there is no extra movement at all. Does this mean that the cultivation of these two individuals is even higher than that of the South Wind?

At the thought of this, when everyone looked at Murong and Huangfu, there were a few more taboos in their eyes.

Shui Haotian didn't say anything, but when looking at the two people, the eyes flashed with dark and unclear light, and people really couldn't guess what he was thinking at the moment.

As for the face of Nanfeng Ruolan, it becomes very difficult to see. Although she is now married to the water home, but the Nanfeng family is still her mother. Now her brother is treated like this, and the face of the south wind family has been trampled on the ground.

This fact makes her always proud to accept. However, she did not dare to act rashly when she saw that there was no move in the water. Yes, on weekdays, Shui Haotian is very valued for her wife. Only, it is all based on her obedience.

Today, she repeatedly pleaded for her brother to say good things, has caused the dissatisfaction of the water Haotian. If this time, what she is really doing, I am afraid that it will provoke the abandonment of the water, and then she will really have nothing. Therefore, in such a situation, even if she hates her teeth, she can only endure it.

Ou Xiru sees her husband and daughter being treated like this, she wants to go forward and do something. However, although she took two steps, she was treated like Water Haotian and was shot dead.

There are not many people in the front hall. Only a few people from the water house and the south wind have three family members. Of course, there are two disciples of the Nanfeng family. They just supported the Nanfeng Yaling. However, now that the two disciples are watching the South Wind and Ou Xiru's end, they don't dare to move. They can only stand there and tremble, and there is no use at all.

Originally, Nanfeng was very good at asking for a sin, so I didn’t think about how many people would come. Because he feels that reason is on his side, even if he does not bring someone, he will not lose his momentum. However, he did not expect that he had been played by his daughter.

Murong looked at the south wind and Ou Xiru, who didn’t even look down on the ground. She looked at the Nanfeng Yaling, which was lying on the ground like a dead dog, whispering. “Before, I have already put it. I have been there once. In fact, as long as you no longer come to provoke me, I will soon forget you. Unfortunately, you don’t seem to like to have a stable life, but you have to choose to be against me!"

Nanfeng Yaling barely propped up her body. When she looked at Murong, her eyes were full of fear. "What do you want to do?"

She did not forget, before she and Nanfeng Qiwei offended the woman in front of her, and the woman let them kill each other. Now she has offended the person again, she does not know what kind of revenge she will face next.

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