350 : Guest Conscious (Unedited)

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A good cup has turned into a powder, but it seems that it can not calm down the gloomy mood in the heart of the water, she is still a gloomy face.

"Murong pours out, isn't it?" The words of Yinsen are said from the mouth of the secluded water, adding a bit of awkwardness. "Chen Ruoshui, why do you have to be so sinister?"

If you are a little courageous, you will be scared if you see such a scene. Even though it is still daytime, but because of the water, the whole room seems to be a bit sinister.

At this time, a crisp voice sounded and broke all the gloom.

"Mother, mother, are you?" With a crisp voice, the door of the room was pushed away.

Hearing this familiar voice, the faint water immediately put away the dark look on his face, replaced by a face of love. The speed of such a face change is simply amazing!

After the door was pushed open, a young woman ran straight in and came to the front of the water. There are no other people who can be so arrogant here, except for the daughter of the secluded water, Beiying Jingjing.

"How is your gimmick, how do you lie?" Although the mouth is blaming, but the face of the water is full of loving smiles. "If you see you like you, you must be less than you." A meal."

"He didn't have time to take care of me!" North Shadow squinted and whispered, "He is not the big brother."

In the North Shadow family, who does not know, Beiying Chenfeng is already the next choice for the next owner. For this heir, Beiying Hongguang is very important. It can be said that among all the children, he is most concerned about this son.

"Well, if you don't want to talk about it in this way." The faint water reached out and clicked on the forehead of the North Shadow Crystal. He smiled. "If your father heard you say this, you will be very angry." He still loves you very much."

The northern shadow 琉 撇 撇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北

"Yeah." Nodded and nodded. "He brought a few friends back. Now he has settled down and lives in the guesthouse closest to his yard."

"I don't know what the big brother's heart is thinking." Beiying Jingjing turned a blank eye and dismissively said, "Our North Shadow family is not a small family. He really is who dares to bring it home. I am not afraid that others will depend on our family."

"Sui Jing, what do you say?" After hearing this, the face of the secluded water became serious. "If you are like this, what would you think if you were heard by outsiders? Also, if you were Big Brother heard it, how do you get along in the future?"

Seeing the serious appearance of the secluded water, Beiying Jingjing also felt that she was a bit too much. She spit out her tongue and then walked to the side of the secluded water, pulling her hand and opening her mouth. Don't be angry! I just just talk about it, where will the big brother know! You can rest assured, so I will definitely not say it in front of my older brother."

Looking at the shadow of Beiying, I liked to sell it, and the water shook my head helplessly. "Sui Jing, I don't want to be so serious to you, but you have to know that your older brother is the future owner of this family. You can I only rely on him. So, I don't want any gap between the two of you."

It is almost certain that Beiying Chenfeng will inherit the Beiying family in the future, so she does not want any suspicion between her daughter and the Beiying Chenfeng. This is very unfavorable for the future of twins.

After hearing the faint water, Beiying’s mood was also very bad. She bowed her head and some of them lost their faces. “Mother, if you can give birth to a son, that’s fine. If you also have Son, who is the heir to the North Shadow family, is still an unknown number."

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