315 : Help (Unedited)

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Soon, the second child sent the dishes, and then retired.

"Hey, what do you think of this?" Murong looked at the emperor and said, "Do you think that this little second is true, is it true?"

It's not that this little two is interested in deceiving them. Just a lot of things, this little two is just a hearsay.

"Although there are some exaggerations, however, most of them should be true." Huangfu said. "Before, the rotors went there and the news was similar. Now in the Chiyan Desert, It is full of danger everywhere."

"That seems to be that the Nether WISP is really likely to be in the Red Flame Desert." Murong pours his face with a smile of excitement. "Otherwise, there will not be so many strange phenomena in the Red Flame Desert." happened."

Although the place where the residual map was directed, the direction of the Red Flame Desert, plus the rotor also found anomalies in the Red Flame Desert. But what kind of situation is it, no one really knows. However, the strangeness of the Red Flame Desert indicates that there should be changes in it. Even if it is not because of the Nether WISP, there should be other reasons! Anyway, they are all here, so just go and have a look.

"Well, don't think too much." Huangfu reached out and touched the hair of Murong's face. He said, "First use the meal! Tomorrow morning, we will set off to the Chiyan Desert, which should be within tomorrow. Arrived."

After the two had finished using the dinner, they took a break.

In the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, two black figures came to the door of Huangfu and Murong. They put their ears on the window and heard that there was no movement inside, they opened a small window from the window. The mouth, then lit a scent, put it in.

After a while, they took out the incense and then pushed the door straight in.

"The treasurer, do you really think that these two people carry a baby?" One of them was a shopkeeper who was asked by Murong today. However, at this time, he was completely different from the daytime. "What do they think?" They are like two ordinary couples. Moreover, both of them are only the repairs of the Golden Age, and even the Yuan Ying period has not yet arrived."

"So I said you are stupid!" The dispenser directly reached out and slammed on the head of Xiao Er. "Today, they are not asking you about the Red Flame Desert? The flames of the desert are all those of the big family. You said that the cultivation of these two people will be so low, and they dare to go to the Red Flame Desert. It is not dependent, what is it?"

After hearing the treasurer, Xiao Er suddenly realized, "The treasurer, you are really too smart, I did not think of it!"

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Er, the treasurer did not want to talk. They have been working in this inn for so long, or they have no eyesight.

After entering the room, the two saw the two people sleeping on the bed.

"The treasurer, then what do we do now?" Xiao Er looked at the shopkeeper and asked, "You said, where will the two people hide their treasures?"

"They should all be people from the big family. They should all have space spirits." After the treasurer pondered for a while, he said, "We will take away their space spirits first, and then find a way to put them inside." The things are taken out."

Xiao Eryi has always listened to the order of the treasurer. He quickly came to the bed and looked at the pair of **** who were sleeping well on the bed. They reached out and rummaged through them. But when his hand was about to hit the bed, he suddenly felt a chill. He raised his head subconsciously and saw a pair of cold eyes without any emotions.

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