226 : Live in the Habitat (Unedited)

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"Is there no way to get married?" Murong frowned and asked. "After so many years, have you not thought of a way?"

"The method is not without it, it is just too difficult." Chen Shanghua looked up and looked at the face of Murong. He said, "I have rummaged through all the books of Chen, and later found a kind of remedy in it - Fu Sultan. However, in that classic, there is no explanation for what kind of remedy is the remedy for the sultan. It is just a method of refining. However, we have tried many times and there is no way to refine it."

"Oh, in order to be able to refine the Sultan, we have been collecting good medicines over the years." The elders sighed. "And, looking for other whereabouts of the fire, is to refine this recovery as soon as possible." Dan. Just, I have not been able to do so."

"Re-Sudan, it's no wonder." After hearing the name, Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "You want to refine the Sultan, it's almost impossible. Even if it's all Medicinal herbs, as well as good medicines and fires, you can't refine the Sudan."

"What do you say?" After hearing the words of Murong, Chen Shanghua was very excited. He stood up directly. The sharp eyes only stared at Murong. "What do you mean?"

"On the literal meaning, not to mention you, even my master, should not refine this complex Sultan." Murong faintly said, "I think, Chen family, in the refining of remedies In terms of aspect, it should not be comparable to my master."

"Your Master?" Chen Shanghua frowned. "Who is your Master?"

Although he knows that Murong is the daughter of Shui, but all his heart has been placed on the water in the past few years, he did not pay much attention to this daughter of Shui. Therefore, in fact, when he saw this child coming to Chen's home, and it was so powerful, he was really shocked.

"Yuan is away." Murong spoke a name in her mouth. Her expression was dull. However, if she spoke it out, it was extremely shocking. "Master is now a ten-in-one alchemy teacher, but still can't refine it. This is the sultan."

When I heard the name of Yuan Li, everyone was shocked. Who is Yuan Yuan, they naturally know it. Although Yuan Li has been a dean of Qinglong College, his talent for alchemy is no one can deny. Yuan has taken away the news of a disciple who entered the room. They all know, but they have never thought about it. This person will be a face of Murong. However, what surprised them even more was -

"You said, Yuan Yuan is already a ten-in-one alchemy teacher?" Chen Shanghua's face is full of horror. "I didn't expect that he has already reached this step, and it is really admirable!"

In the past few years, no one knows what kind of alchemy teacher Yuan Yuan is. Because, in the past two hundred and three hundred years, Yuan has always been in Qinglong College, and it has rarely appeared in front of people. Who can think that he has now become a ten-in-one alchemy in silence!

"You mean, there is no way for Yuan to refine this sultan, is it?" The elders quickly found the problem. "What do you mean? What is the remedy for the sultan?" ?"

Yuan Yuan is already a ten-in-one alchemy teacher. There is no way to refine the Sultan. What is the order of the Sudan? Everyone can't think about it.

The words of the elders asked the voices of all people. In fact, everyone's heart has more or less speculation, but they are not sure. Moreover, they do not want to determine.

"In fact, you also have a number in your heart, aren't you?" Murong looked at the faint lap and said, "Re-Sudan, as the name suggests, can make everything recover. Whether it is a person who suffers from multiple injuries, just take it. In Sudan, there will be a strong vitality in the body, so that all organs will be restored to life. The name of the Sultan is also named. However, the refining of the Sultan is not easy, because the re-establishment of the Sudan is good. It is necessary to go through the baptism of heaven and earth to be truly Dan. Once Cheng Dan, it is Xiandan."

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