329 : Shui Lingshan (Unedited)

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After all, poor people must have hateful things. If Nanfeng Yaling does not come to the water home today, then all this will not happen. It is too ignorant to blame her.

"Sui people, poisonous women." Seeing that Nanfeng Yaling suffered such treatment, Ou Xiru couldn't help it anymore. She began to swear in the direction of Murong's face. "If you are so vicious, you will definitely have retribution." of."

Although I know that Nanfeng Yaling has killed Nanfeng Qiwei, after all, she is a daughter who has been pampered for many years. Her heart still has pity. However, now that Murong is swaying in front of her eyes, she will directly abandon the Dantian of Nanfeng Yaling. After that, there is still a future for Nanfeng Yaling!

However, she had just slammed her exit and was once again fanned by a palm of her hand. Then she felt a sharp pain in her mouth, and then she spit a blood, and there was a mixture of things, her tongue.

"Since you can't talk, your tongue stays there, and there is no use." Huangfu looked coldly at Ou Xiru, and there was no trace of temperature in his eyes. Then he looked around the hall and continued to open. "I don't want me to hear you say bad things in the future, otherwise, she is your end."

After hearing the words of Huangfu, everyone was shocked and found that it was just a tongue that Ouxi had just spit out. At the same time, everyone was also shocked by the maintenance of Murong's face. This Ou Xiru is just a slap in the face of Murong, and he has been cut off his tongue.

From the beginning to the present, Huangfu has never opened his mouth. Everyone thought that he was a born and indifferent person. However, it turned out that he was not born with indifference, but he did not touch his bottom line, so he did not care. And his bottom line, it is a lot of Murong.

The water spirit that has been standing there, after seeing such a scene, not only did not feel bloody, but an envy. As she walked along the way back to the home, she was able to feel how deep the feelings between Huangfu and Murong were. Today, I saw Huangfu’s unconditional maintenance of Murong’s face, and her heart was a glimpse of it.

Which girl does not want, can I have one and every moment to unconditionally maintain my lover? If in the future, her other half treats her, she can feel that she has a tenth or even one percent of the emperor's treatment of Murong.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of her fiance, who had set up a marriage contract from an early age. Although she has never seen the North Shadow Chen Feng, but during this time, Murong has always been in her ear to mention the North Shadow Chen Feng this person, her heart is not much more than a look.

In the face of the maintenance of Huangfu, Murong turned his face and said nothing, just smiled at the emperor.

She felt that a lot of words, even if she did not say it, Huangfu would understand. The two have been together for so long, and many words are no longer needed to be exported.

At this time, Nanfeng Yaling’s heart was even more remorseful. She did not expect that she would have planned to plead guilty. In the end, it turned out to be such a result. The father was seriously injured, the mother was cut off her tongue, and she was abolished. She didn't even have the strength to look at it, and her own mother is not okay.

She doesn't even know what to do next. Without cultivation, without the love of parents, even if she returns to the Nanfeng family again, she is only facing punishment.

For a time, she felt very confused.

After abolishing the repair of Nanfeng Yaling, Murong looked down and looked at the Nanfeng Yaling, who was always ignorant, and continued to speak. "This time, it is to warn you that it is better to think clearly before doing things, or else It will only harm others."

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