305 : Under the Black Hand (Unedited)

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"Song owner, is your family living by the sea?" Murong looked at Song Huili and spoke sarcastically. "It's so wide, even when I am there, it's all about you."

This Song Huili is really annoying, and everything is related to him. This kind of fly behavior is really annoying.

"You--" Murong pours such rude behavior, so that Song Huili is not too angry. "You ignorant children, dare to talk to me like this, is this your family's education?"

"Our Chen's education is not to be nosy." After Murong looked at Song Huili, he whispered. "At least our Chen family will not care when the Song family will arrive." Yes, I think the second test should have not started yet!"

"Hey, I don't talk much with ignorant children like you." Song Huili had a sleeve. "I have to look at it. What kind of skills you have, you can be so arrogant here."

During the speech, when Song Huili looked at Murong, he had a cold light in his eyes.

"Then see the real chapter under the hand!" Murong smiled.

However, when she saw the cold light of Song Huili's eyes, her heart also had a hint of vigilance. She always felt that when Song Huili spoke today, it seemed to be a bit more emboldened. It seems that he should have moved his hands and feet in private!

A quarrel that was almost no quarrel was quickly brought to a close. In the eyes of others, this time it was the Song family that fell. The Song family has always been suppressed on the Chen family, but I don't know when it started, and the situation has changed.

Before this exchange meeting began, when Song Jia and Chen Jia had contradictions every time, it seems that Song family lost. Everyone can't help but speculate that Chen is going to rise up?

Song Huili returned to his seat. He didn't say anything, but his face was hard to see. In a place that everyone did not notice, his gloomy gaze glanced at Murong.

Oh, it's just a little yellow hair, it's not a long time. Taking advantage of his own ability, he wants to step on the head of the Song family. It is simply an idiotic dream. Be aware that genius is easy to fall. Chen's desire to re-emerge with such a granddaughter is absolutely impossible. He also absolutely does not allow such things to happen.

Murong leaned into her seat and suddenly felt like someone stared at her. She looked up and looked at it, but she still found nothing.

"Yan, what's wrong?" I noticed that Murong was the same, and Huangfu pulled her hand and asked, "Is there something going on?"

"Nothing." Murong smiled and shook his head.

Probably she is too sensitive, and now there are so many people here, even if someone really stares at her, it is normal. It seems that she is too big a problem.

The second match began very quickly. In the form of a lottery, one-on-one comparison, the winning party advanced to the third match.

The test started very soon, and Murong looked at his number on the fifteenth. However, she does not know who her opponent is. After the lottery was over, everyone returned to their own actions, waiting for the start of the test. In other words, you will only know who your opponent is when you wait for the downfall.

The first test began very quickly. Above the ring was a white woman and a thick man. The combination of such a visual effect is really a bit contrasting!

"Look, it's the big lady of the family - Bilian Erye! I heard that her favorite is a white dress like snow. Her current cultivation has already reached the late Yuan Ying period, maybe soon. The promotion period has passed."

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