1. Shock.

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Chris pov...

I walk into city hall. I am here to get the paperwork for my marriage license. I dont have to do a lot for our wedding but Genevieve asked me to do this one thing and who am i to deny my fiancée. She was more into planning the fun part of our wedding... All i had to do was pay up and show up.

I didn't mind. As long as she was happy i am happy. The details of the wedding were not the most important thing to me... I am just so happy she said yes when i asked her to marry me and i finally would have what i really wanted in life... A family... Besides if i suggested something she would look at me like i was crazy... I had suggested games for the reception. I thought it would be fun to have a little beer pong tournament with our guests, but Genevieve shot that down immediately saying that bar games were not going to go with the elegant ambiance... I had just given up at that point. She made it clear all i needed to do was show up and say i do... 

I get in line and sigh... I pull my cap a little lower not wanting to draw to much attention. This is going to take a while as it is busy and the last thing i wanted was to cause chaos... I peak at the girl behind the counter and sigh... She seems not to be in a good mood, she looks bored and just uninterested. The line slowly moves and i fidget with my bracelet... I smile and wave at a little boy who seems to have figured out who i was at least i think he does... He hides behind his mother's legs all shy all of a sudden making me chuckle... He peeks out from behind his mother every now and then and pulls on his mother's shirt. Not wanting the attention i put my finger over my lips and he stops... He smiles and waves back at me. God i can't wait to start my own family... As soon as Genevieve and i are married we agreed to start trying... She wanted to be married first. But i would dream of a little kid who is part of me... I can't wait to be a dad...

When it is finally my turn i step up to the counter. I give the girl my most charming smile, but she doesn't seem impressed or care who i am... So, i take a deep breath and put on my poker face. I tell her why i am here and she blows a bubble with her gum making it pop as she lets her fingers glide over the keyboard... "Huh..." She says and pops her gum again. "Something wrong?" I ask and she looks up at me... "According to my files you are married..." She says and i look at her in utter shock... This can't be... 

"What do you mean i am married...!?" I say a little too loud looking shocked at the girl behind the counter. She looks at me as if i am crazy... She hands me a paper and the blood drains from my face... The name i have been trying to forget for years jumping off at me from the paper. "Mya..." I whisper a lump forming in my throat... "You can take that." The girl says in a tone that tells me to move on... "But? How is this possible... This was supposed to be annulled..." I say more to myself than the girl... "I dont know Mr. Evans... All i can tell you is what the paper says... Want my advice... Call your lawyer... He can figure out what to do..." She says annoyed and i sigh give her a nod and turn around walking out in a daze... 

I walk to my car bumping into someone because i am so out of it...  "Sorry..." I mumble pulling my cap down a little before walking on. I sit in my car feeling numb and so confused... After sitting in my car reading the paper over and over again... It is really written there... In black letters... I am still married... After a while i snap out of it. I can't stay here sitting in my car for to long. I might attract attention... Attention i do not want right now. 

I dont know how i got home. The ride has been a blur... I am in shock... I park the car and walk inside. The house is quiet and i call out for Genevieve... But there is no answer... I let out a sigh of relief... She is out... I see a note on the fridge and sigh... She is out shopping... I walk to my office closing the door behind me. I take the paper out of my jacket and sit down behind my desk... After looking at it for a while i take a picture of it before putting it in the drawer between some other papers... I stand up and take a deep breath... Panic starts to sit in as i start to realize what the ramifications could be from all of this... 

I start pacing up and down in my office... I am trying to calm myself... I really am trying to keep my sanity. This is a disaster and that is a bit of an understatement... I am still married... I have been married on paper for 9 years...

I run my hand down my face as i am just in shock... How am i going to tell my current fiancée Genevieve that i am still married... How am i going to tell Genevieve that i am still married and have to handle this before i can marry her... Oh she is not going to be happy... How did this happen. I groan... This is not good... We were already stressed enough. I sigh and groan again... All sorts of things were running through my mind. 

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