82. Making birthday gifts.

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"Okay boys... We are on a mission today..." I say parking the car and the boys look at me smiling... "Yes Captain!" Oliver says and both boys salute me... I chuckle and shake my head... Ever since we started to watch the Marvel movies, they started calling me Captain... I get out the car and let them out... "What is the mission Captain...?" Oliver asks, Kevin giggles and i smirk rolling my eyes. I do that because they love the way i react to it... It is like a little game... "We are going to make a birthday present for you mother..." I say and both boy's smile... "Make?" Oliver asks and i nod...

"I asked your mom what she wanted for her birthday... But she said she didn't want anything... But i dont think that is right do you?" I ask them and they both shake their heads... "Well in here you can make all sorts of things with clay... So, let's make mommy something and have fun with it..." I say and they both jump up and down all excited... I smile as we walk in a little bell announcing our arrival... I had called in advance.

"Well, hello... I heard you boys were here today to make something nice for mom..." A woman says walking up to us with a big warm smile... Both boy's nod... "For Mya's birthday!" Kevin says and the woman smiles. 

"Well, my name is Gigi... What are your names?" She asks and the boys smile introducing themselves. "I will help you make something beautiful for her birthday... Will dad be making something to?" She asks me and i shake my head... "Yes dad... You have to!" Oliver says and Kevin nods... "Come on Chris...! You said WE would have fun..." Kevin says and i chuckle... Kevin is too smart for his own good sometimes...  Gigi laughs... "I think you dont have a choice...I think mom would love a family project..." Gigi says and i sigh... "Fine..." I say and the boys high five and Gigi chuckles... "Well follow me to the back were all the clay is." She says and i smile as we walk to the back... I had found this place online and with Mya's old place in Yellowstone in mind were all sorts of arts and crafts projects from Oliver were displayed i decided that this would be something fun for the boys to do and to give to her for her birthday. 

We had sneaked out of the house this morning leaving a note behind telling her i was taking the boys out for the day. I had taken the boys for some breakfast first so Mya could just have a nice relaxing day to herself... 

"Well dad you are in luck because i have 3 clay wheels..." She says and she sits the boys down behind two of them pointing at the third for me. I hesitate for a second. I take a deep breath... She smirks... "Dont worry she will love it... It comes from the heart that is all that matters..." She says and i laugh... "Let's wait and see what the end result is going to be..." I say and Gigi chuckles... She hands each of us a lump of clay before she sits down in front of us behind her own wheel... She focusses her attention on the boys as she shows us what we have to do...

We have fun and i smile as the boys seem to enjoy themselves... Oliver seems to pick up quick and in no time a vase appears. He looks so proud...  Gigi helps Kevin and i smile as he ends up with a bowl. He then looks at me and blushes... "Chris..." He whispers and i smile at him... "Yes kiddo..." I say and he looks shyly at his hands... "Can i make something for my mom to..." He asks and i smile... "Of course, kiddo..." I say and look at Gigi... Gigi looks a little confused but doesn't question it... She gets him another lump of clay. "Can i make a heart...?" He asks and Gigi smiles at him... "Of course..." She says and helps him as Oliver helps me... "Chris can we put it on mommy's grave on Sunday?" He asks and i smile and nod... "Of course... I know she will love that..." I say and he smiles... 

"My mommy was sick... She died... Now i am living with Chris, Mya and Oliver..." He whispers to Gigi who looks at him with sad eyes... "I am so sorry sweetheart... Let's make a beautiful heart for her, okay?" She says and i smile as they work on the heart together.... 

With help from Oliver i end up with a big bowl for Mya... When Gigi and Kevin have made a heart, it is time to paint and when we are done our art project go in the big oven... I look at the boys and even thought they wore apron's they are still covered in clay and paint... But they had fun and that is all that matters. 

While we have to wait for the oven to be ready i take them next door for ice cream... "Did you both have fun?" I ask and the boys nod smiling... "You both did really good. She will love it..." I say as we sit down to eat our ice cream and they beam proudly at me. "Yours is good to dad..." Oliver says patting my shoulder and i smile feeling a little proud. 

When we go to pick up our art projects Gigi hands us the vase, she made to... She had painted it in the same colors as the boys did theirs... I pay and we carefully take it all to the car. Then it is time to go home. The boys are all giddy and i have to tell them a few times it is a surprise for her birthday, and we can't tell her just yet... I smirk as they look a bit disappointed and i wonder if they are able to keep the surprise. Only time will tell... 

"Mom! Mya!" The boys yell running into the house, and we find her curled up under a blanket with a cup of tea and a warm water bottle... She smiles at the boys before they hug her... I look at her for a moment. I get the idea something is wrong... "Hey boys... Shower and PJ's... I will order dinner..." I say and the boys nod and run off... "Hey baby... How was your day?" I ask leaning down and kissing her and she shakes her head almost in tears... "Hey, hey, hey... What is wrong?" I ask sitting down next to her and pulling her into my arms... 

"I got my period..." She says and starts to cry... "Oh baby... Are you in pain?" I ask and she nods... "With the implant i didn't get my period... I hate it..." She sighs and i take a deep breath. "The worst thing... No baby..." She whispers and i sigh... "It is okay... We will just keep trying... It will happen eventually..." I whisper hugging her tighter and kissing the top of her head. "I know... Am just sad..." She sighs and i kiss her forehead... "Is there something i can do for you?" I ask and she nods... "I want tacos..." She says and i chuckle pulling out my phone. "Coming up..." I say ordering us food...

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