25. A little detour

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"Are you okay?" I whisper to Mya as i am driving the to their hotel... She turns to me and forces a smile... "I am fine..." She mumbles and i sigh as another silence fills the car... She is not fine i can see it on her face... She is tense and she looks like she is fighting her emotions. I can feel the tension radiate off of her. I look at Oliver through the mirror and smile as he is looking outside his face pressed against the glass... Mya sees to and chuckles and just like on the phone when it comes to talking about Oliver she relaxes. "He was so excited to fly for the first time... He acted like he won the lottery when they asked him if he wanted to look in the cockpit... We had landed already but still... He was so excited." She says smiling and i smile to... I reach for her hand and give her a little squeeze, i dont know why but i did it on pure instinct. As i want to let go and pull back my hand, she stops me She is holds my hand tightly and i smile wrapping my hand around her hand again...  

I give her a quick glance as i am surprised and i need to see her face if only for a split second as i am still driving. I had not expected this sudden little show of affection but i was certainly not going to deny her it. It is a really small gesture... Almost innocent but it makes me smile and gives me a warm feeling... It also unexpected because of Oliver sitting in the back seat but he seems to not notice too caught up with everything outside. 

"Mya?" I whisper and she hums... "Can you please talk to me... I can see something is on your mind." I whisper and she takes in a deep breath... "I will be fine Chris... I am just tired..." She mumbles her grip on my hand tightening and i sigh letting it go for now as i can see she doesn't want to talk about it. No, you idiot maybe she doesn't want to talk about it in front of our son... I think to myself... All of a sudden, her stomach growls and i chuckle... "When was the last time you ate...?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders. "I took a bite of Oliver's snack at the airport... And i ate what was left of his breakfast..." She mumbles and i sigh... 

"Okay food first..." I say and Mya wants to protest but i shake my head... "We both know how you get if you are not fed properly..." I say joking and a little smile appears on her face... I change my way and drive to the little diner we always used to go to... I park the car and turn to Mya who looks at the diner with a little blush and smile... We used to come here often as it is close to my place... We had been her many mornings having breakfast... Cuddled up in a booth not a care in the world. Tucked away in the back... I can see she is thinking about our little breakfast dates to... All good memories...

"Do you want to eat inside? Or do you want to get it to go? My place is close so we can eat there before i take you two the hotel..." I say as neutral as possible. My heart is racing at the idea of having them at my place already to spend time with them in complete privacy... Maybe i can convince her to just stay at my place over some food... Without pushing my luck and without pressuring her. But the more i think about it the more it makes sense...

She looks at me before looking at the diner and i take in a sharp breath as she licks her lips... It is not meant to be but God it is sexy... "Where are we?" Oliver all of a sudden says and i smile... "Are you hungry, bud?" I ask and he nods vigorously... Mya chuckles... "That is a stupid question..." She whispers and i look confused... "He is always hungry..." She giggles and i smile... "Okay... So, what will it be?" I ask and Mya sighs... "Pick up... I dont want to eat inside..." She mumbles and i smile and nod... "Pancakes?" I ask and Mya smiles and nods... "You know what i like..." She says and i smile and nod... "What do you want Oliver?" I ask and he thinks for a second... "I want pancakes to... Just like mom..." He says and i chuckle... "Okay i will be right back..." I say and make my way inside to order us some food... 

I walk inside wait my turn and order food... As i wait for my order to be ready i look outside and watch Mya and Oliver talk... I can't believe they are both here... I can't believe that we are here and that i get to know my son even if he doesn't know i am his dad yet... I know and for now that is more than enough... There are many things we have to figure out when it comes to Oliver and my future with him. She promised that we would tell him and that made me hopeful and happy... 

But my mind quickly wonders to the way she would not let my hand go and a little hope seeped in... I thought of ways to plead my case for them to stay at my place... One including me staying at ma if that made her more comfortable... Especially after his operation Oliver certainly would be more comfortable in a house instead of a hotel room. I know i am being selfish as i just wanted them as close as possible for as long as possible. 

When the food is ready i walk back to the car and put the bag down next to Oliver who looks at it almost drooling... "You have to wait until we are at Chris his place to eat..." Mya warns Oliver who groans and looks at her pouting... "It smells so gooooood... Hungry!!!" He growls as if he hasn't eaten for days and i laugh. "My place is 5 minutes away bud... Just wait a few minutes..." I say and walk around the car and get behind the wheel... "Driiiiivee!!!" Oliver screams all excited and i laugh start the car as Mya rolls her eyes... "I feed him... I promise... Even if he acts like i never do... I do..." Mya says and i smirk making my way home...

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