90. Our baby...

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"Mom? Why are you and both taking us to school?" Oliver asks Mya confused as we are making our way to school to drop the boys off... I have to work really hard to keep my face in check as big smirks threatens to break through. Normally i would take them alone as i loved doing the school drop offs. But today we are going to the doctor right after dropping them off at school... After Mya telling me that she was pregnant, she also told me she had made an appointment for a checkup... To confirm the pregnancy and to make sure the little one was in the right place this time... 

We had agreed on not telling the boys just yet... Not until we had more information... If it was up to me alone i would scream it off the rooftops but Mya wanted to wait and if she wanted to wait... We wait. She was going to set the terms... Because she is the one pregnant... She wanted to wait until after the wedding... Our biggest worry was how to keep the pregnancy a secret during the wedding... We had a champagne toast and people would expect Mya to have a few drinks...

"Your dad and i are going to the new house to do some things before the move tomorrow..." Mya lies and i bite my lip to not chuckle... I feel giddy... Oliver seems to accept this answer and i smile and wink at Mya who smiles back at me... 

I had spent yesterday on cloud nine. Mya had giggled the whole day as i was just rubbing her stomach planting kisses on it... I was worried she would find me annoying, but she just smiled at me running her fingers through my hair as i laid with my head on her stomach... We really had a relaxing day yesterday... I am just so happy... 

But it also would change some things... As we are moving tomorrow Mya and i had planned on packing up the last of our stuff in the old house... I wanted her to sit it out, but Mya would not hear of it... So, we made a compromise. She could help but no heavy lifting... She kept joking that she was going to be the most spoiled and protected pregnant woman on earth... I told her she was right, i was going to spoil her rotten and if she wasn't careful i would wrap her in bubble wrap. 

"Are you guys excited...? Tomorrow you both are going to school from the old house and come home to the new house..." I say and the boys both nod... Kevin had been so excited to have his own room. The other day we went furniture shopping for their rooms, and he could not believe he got to decide what kind of bed he would have... He had picked out a bunk bed, telling us he always has wanted one... Their bedrooms were already done... We wanted their rooms to be done as quick as possible, so we did them first... They were ecstatic when we showed them their rooms... Oliver was so happy with his Captain America room. It still made me feel proud that the character i played was his hero... I had put my shields on the wall in his room... He went nuts... But i told him it was decoration and not to be played with... He promised to not take them off the wall... I did not want him to get hurt... 

Kevin's room was all music themed... We had bought him a keyboard and guitar and the walls had these big music notes on them. A nice sound system and this set up to create his own music... Something else he really wanted was a desk, for doing his homework.  We had him pick one out and he was so happy...

"Mo... Mya... Can you help me with my school project tonight..." Kevin asks Mya and Mya and i look at each other smiling before she turns to Kevin... "Of course, sweetheart..." Mya says smiling and he was blushing... Lately he was starting mix up Mya with mom... He always corrected himself and according to the therapist it was completely normal... She advised to not put too much focus on it as he might feel guilt for starting to see Mya as a mom... He needed to come to terms with it... But she saw it as a positive sign. 

We wish the boys fun at school, but they barely hear it as they run off... I smile... "Can you remember being this excited for school?" I ask and Mya nods... "Yes... But i was excited because of a different reason than them..." Mya mumbles... "They are excited because they have fun... I was excited because it meant not having to stay at home..." She says and i sigh taking her hand in mine kissing the back of it... "I am sorry baby..." I say and she looks at me smiling... "I can't wait to be an Evans... Then i can finally shake the last thing of that man..." She says and i smile back at her... "I can't wait either... Now let's go see our baby... Only happy thoughts today..." I say and she nods smiling...

Mya is bouncing her leg up and down as we are waiting for our appointment. She is nervous and scared. Scared the pregnancy is not viable again... I had and still am trying my best to comfort her and tell her it will all be okay... She had told me yesterday that she had doubted on telling me at first... Scared to disappoint me if the baby was not viable... I was shocked by this and assured her that no matter what i loved her and i would never blame her if something might go wrong. But to be honest i am scared to... I just dont show it because i dont want to cause her anymore stress...  "Chris?" Mya whispers and i take her hand in mine... "Yeah?" I answer her and she sighs... "What if it is not good again..." She mumbles and i bring her hand to my mouth kissing the back of it... "Hey, hey, hey. Dont think like that baby... Everything will be okay... Positive thoughts, okay?" I say and Mya nods giving me a forced smile... 

We get called up and i smile standing up holding out my hand for Mya to take... She smiles putting her hand in mine and i pull her up... We walk into the doctor's office a friendly woman gives us a hand introducing herself as Dr. Meyers. 

"So i hear congratulations are in order..." She says pointing to two chairs a warm smile on her face... We sat down and Mya smiles at her... "We think so... I took 3 home tests, and they all came back positive..." Mya says and i smile... The doctor smiles back at us... "Okay we will do another test just to be sure..." She says and Mya nods... 

After Mya had taken another test we had to wait. In the meantime, we talked about the ectopic pregnancy. Mya told her about her fear and the doctor assured we would check... Then it became official... We are pregnant... The doctor's test came back positive to... She congratulated us again and we were both all smiles... Dr. Meyers went through the do's and dont's even if Mya was a doctor. I know they didn't do it for Mya but for me... 

And then it was time... Time to look at our baby... Time to see if everything was okay... If the baby was viable...  Mya goes to lay down and pulls up her shirt... The jelly gets squirted on her stomach and i take her hand sitting down next to her... "Okay let's see if we can find your little one..." The doctor says moving the thing over her stomach... 

"There..." Mya all of a sudden says pointing at the screen and the doctor chuckles... I look at the screen... There he or she is... Our baby... I feel myself tear up. Then a sound fills the room... "Well i am happy to tell you that this baby is right where it should be and has a strong heartbeat..." Dr. Meyers says and Mya starts to laugh/cry... I look at her confused... "Baby what is wrong...?" I ask through my own happy tears, and she looks at me... "I was so scared it would not be okay..." She says and i kiss her hand... "Your baby looks great... You are about 10 weeks along..." The doctor says and we both smile... "Look at our little nugget..." I whisper looking at the screen kissing Mya's hand again... Mya giggles... We just stare at the screen as Dr. Meyers checks everything. Staring at our little nugget... 

When we walk out of the doctor's office, we feel relieved and above all happy... "Show me again..." I say all excited and Mya giggles handing me the ultrasound picture... "Our little nugget..." I whisper in awe, and Mya giggles again... I wrap my arm around her my hand on her lower back as i pull her against me and kiss her... "Are you happy?" I ask her and she has the biggest smile on her face and nods... "Very happy..." She whispers and we both smile... "Are you?" She asks and i kiss her passionately... "Unbelievably happy..." I murmur into the kiss... 

"You know what i was thinking...?" I say as i wrap my arms around her holding her tightly and safely in my arms... "No... What are you thinking...?" She asks and i smirks... "10 weeks ago... Your birthday..." I say grinning and she smirks... "Best gift ever..." She murmurs and i smirk again... "I agree... Jeeey Dopamine..." I say and Mya laughs but gets a twinkle in her eyes... "Want to go home for another shot of dopamine?" She asks and i growl... She lets out a yelp as i lift her up bridal style and carry her to the car... 

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