41. Ecstasy

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"Shut up..." Mya said again as i tried to say something... She was pulling the hem of my shirt out of my pants... "Fuck baby... Easy..." I growled as she almost desperately pushed up my shirt... "Shut... up... Since when are we doing things easy..." She growled again and i groaned and pulled the shirt over my head before crashing my lips back on hers... What followed was a desperate hungry sloppy yet fucking passionate kiss... "Never..." I growl and she smiles into the kiss...

Clothes were flying off as we desperately clawed at each other. Desperate to feel each other. Desperate to not have anything between us... To be as naked as the day we were born... 

"You have no idea how long i waited for this, baby girl..." I growl in her ear as i place a trail of kisses in her neck... "Not as long as i have... Now les talking more fucking." She growls and i let out a low guttural groan as her words go straight to my dick... "Or have you lost your touch.... Dont tell you gotten mellow with old age... Sir..." She says that little mischievous smirk on her face and that naughty twinkle in her eyes. 

I close my eyes and take a breath to keep control of my body... Her calling me sir... Fuck it still sounds so fucking good... When i open my eyes i smirk at her... I know what she is doing... She is trying to get under my skin... She is trying to be bratty... She is succeeding though... "Who are you calling old here..." I growl and take her hand and put it around my dick... "Does that feel old to you..." I growl and i hiss as she squeezes me... It feels fucking good but i regret it immediately as she starts to stroke me up and down slowly... I grab her wrist and stop her... "I will show you what this old man can do..." I growl and she gasps followed by a giggle as i drag her to the counter and bend her over... I groan as i see her pussy, her swollen lips glistening with her arousal... 

"I dont believe you..." She whispers and i chuckle followed by slapping her perfect round juicy ass... She yelps and i smirk as her legs tremble a soft whimper escaping her as she lays her head on the cold marble of the kitchen counter... I lean over her and grab a fist full of hair pulling her head up making her moan and there it is again... That mischievous smirk... She still loves being fucking handled... "Be careful what you wish for baby girl..." I growl in her ear... "All talk..." She whispers and i close my eyes as my dick twitches... 

"All talk huh..." I growl and slap her ass again... "Yes!" She yelps... I grab her ass spread her cheeks and line myself off and press my cock against her entrance... I groan with a dark smirk on my face as i watch my dick push into her pussy, slowly stretching her around me... I watch Mya breath heavy, her hands flat on the surface of the counter. Her warm pussy swallowing me more and more her walls stretching around me... Finally, i am burying myself inside of her. Finally, i can claim her pussy again... And it feels better than ever before... 

She moans loudly and curses under her breath... She is so fucking tight... So, fucking tight that i have to pause for a second to not come immediately... The anticipation... All the teasing. The dreams and then the tension and frustration of today makes it that my body is in overdrive... But she doubles down... She has no intention of taking it easy on me... 

"Please Chris... Please fuck me... Fuck me hard..." She begs me making it only more difficult to keep control... "Fuck baby... I love it when you beg..." I groan and snap my hips forward filling her balls deep.... "Oh shit!" She moans loudly breathing heavy as i give her a second to get used to me or maybe it is so i can get used to her... "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." She whimpers under her breath and i smirk and slap her ass again making her squeeze her walls even harder around me... "Holly shit baby... So, fucking tight..." I growl and she moans... "Well i has been 9 fucking years Chris..." She growls... 9 Years... Fuck no one has been there after me... I dont know why but that makes me fucking happy... "As tight as a fucking virgin..." I groan and she sighs... "Yes, but please dont be gentle... God please dont be gentle..." She whines and i pull out and slam back into her making her scream out...  

We get lost... Lost in each other as i fuck her bend over the kitchen counter not holding back like she begged me... Her perfect ass bouncing off of me. I lean over her and grab a fist full of hair again, she groans as i lift her head up... "Rough enough baby... Still think i lost my touch..." I growl and snap my hips forward making her whimper...  She is coating my cock with her juices, and she looks glorious... I nibble on her earlobe, and she groans... I snap my hips forward... "Does it feel good baby girl..." I whisper and she moans... "So good... Dont... Stop..." She whimpers between each trust..."That's right, such a good girl... Taking my cock so good... This old man can still make you feel good... This old man still knows what you like..." I growl in her ear, and she whimpers... "Yeeeeesss..." She moans...

"This old man owns you baby girl... Isn't that right..." I growl needing to hear her say it... After all that happened last night and today i need her to say it... Being inside of her is not enough. "Say it baby... Tell me who you belong to..." I growl closing my eyes waiting for the words while never stopping trusting into her... "Yes, yours..." She whimpers... I let her hair go and grab her hips. I lose it. I start pounding into her while she is egging me on begging me to fuck her harder and deeper... It is carnal... feral... She begs me to not stop as she is so close... She starts to push back grinding her ass into me our bodies grinding together finding a perfect rhythm...  

And then she comes... And she comes hard. Her body trembling her legs shaking as her pussy squeezes me hard, coating my cock while moaning my name in a hoarse ecstasy filled whimper. "Chriiiiis.... o... ooooh fuck... YES!"  She screams making me smirk... God she looks and sounds so beautiful when she comes. I grunt breathing heavy as i pound into her fucking her through her orgasm chasing my own high desperate to fill that perfect pussy... 

After a few more thrusts i bury myself deep inside of her one more time. i find my own release letting out an animalistic growl... "Fuuuuck baby girl... Oh fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck... Even better than i dreamed off...."  I grunt filling her up my body jerking as her pussy milks me for every last drop... Fuck it is heaven... Pure ecstasy. 

We are both breathing heavy and i lean over her planting a trail of kisses over her spine... She hums... I stand back up again... I smile as she pushes herself up and i pull her against my chest. "Are you okay?" I whisper and she smiles letting out a little hum... "Yes..." She whispers. "I love you baby girl..." I whisper wrapping my arms around her holding her tight against my chest.

 I see a blush appear on her face as i plant kisses in her neck and on her shoulder... "I love you to old man..." She whispers a sneaky smile on her face as she turns her face towards me... I grin and peck her lips before pulling out and turning her around... I kiss her passionately while my hands glide down her body... "Jump..." I command as i tap her thighs and she giggle and jumps wrapping herself around me...  

We kiss and i smirk... "Now this old man is going to take you to bed... Get ready for round 2 baby girl..." I growl and she giggles... "Really...?" She whispers a twinkle in her eyes as she raises and eyebrow... "Well in a minute or 10..." I grin and she giggles as i start to walk us to the bedroom... 

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