88. Christmas/New Year and new plans.

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Time goes by so fast that it is almost ridiculous. Christmas has come and gone... So has New Years eve... We had celebrated Christmas just the 4 of us... Kevin never really had a real Christmas before, so this first year with him we did not want to overwhelm him... Normally we would have celebrated with the whole family, but they all understood that it might be too much for Kevin... Oliver loved Christmas... He loved everything to do with it... His favorite thing... Christmas movies and decorating the tree... I had gone out with the boys to get the biggest tree we could find. And we had decorated it together... The only hiccup was Bucky who loved the lights and all the ornaments. He needed some training on not knocking the tree over...

We had decorated the house for Christmas, gone all out and over the top...The boys had helped, and they absolutely loved it. Mya had taken them Christmas decoration shopping... Especially the outside of the house was decorated over the top... So much so that it could be seen from space... I had made Christmas lists with the boys... Mya and i had basically ordered almost everything on their list... We had spoiled them rotten... But this was my first Christmas as a dad and i was not going to mis out on spoiling them... On spoiling my beautiful wife to be... 

The look on her face when she opened her gift... The keys to her dream car... A Mercedes G wagon in matt black... Was priceless... Squealing jumping around throwing herself at me... She kept telling it was over the top, but she needed a car as she still was driving around in mine... And i knew this was her dream car...  But the focus was on the boys... Mya and i were adamant to make it the best Christmas it could be for them... But i had not been forgotten... The boys got me this amazing gift basket filled with all sorts of thing picked out by them... An expensive bottle of scotch, cufflinks, a robe, my favorite sweets, these really cool sunglasses and all sorts of other things ... Mya had gotten me a beautiful watch... But the best thing she got me was after the boys had gone to bed... Mya dressed in Christmas lingerie a big bow that if i pulled it came off... It was like she was a gift... My absolute favorite... 

Christmas morning was just a blast... To see them unwrap their gifts with the biggest smiles on their faces... Even the dogs were not forgotten... God how did i get so lucky... We had a lovely Christmas dinner. The boys had baked Christmas cookies... We had a long hike with the dogs. Watched Christmas movies. Basically, every cliche thing you can think of surrounding Christmas we did... I felt like i was living in my own Hallmark movie... 

I had sneaked in some mistletoe and held it over Mya's head every change i got and kissing her passionately... It was just so peaceful... The days were filled with love, smiles and above all joy... 

New Year's Eve was basically the same... Just the 4 of us counting down to the New Year... A year that was going to be great... I was going to marry Mya this year... Maybe we would even adopt Kevin if he would let us know he wanted that... We had the idea he was starting to think about it... But above all we hoped to add to our family this year... There had been another negative pregnancy test followed by a painful period... But i knew it would happen sooner or later... We just have to be patient and keep trying... I didn't mind... Making the baby was the fun part...

We started New Years Day with a visit to ma with the whole family... It was nice... But it was now the end of January... Time was going so fast... School runs, Parent/teacher meetings in which we learned that they were even more amazing than we thought... Both were excelling in school, family dinners, Snowball fights, Game/Movie nights. Helping them with homework. Taking them to the science museum on a field trip with school... I was the chaperone... I loved it... Life was just so incredibly normal... Even the tantrums i did not mind... 

We also had a few meetings with our contractor. We had picked two rooms for the boys and asked them how they wanted it decorated. Oliver still wanted Captain America. Kevin wanted a music room... They were all excited when we took them to the house to show them what their rooms would be... Each with their own bathroom... 

"Chris... Can i talk to you for a second..." Mya says as i am pouring myself a cup of coffee... I had just come back from dropping the boys off at school... "Of course..." I say smiling... "Can you sit down please..." She says looking all serious and i get worried... "Is everything okay?" I ask as she sits down next to me... She nods and takes a deep breath. "I wanted to talk to you about an idea i had..." She says and i nod taking a sip of my coffee... 

"I was thinking... When we move into the new house..." She says taking a deep breath and i wait for her to continue not wanting to interrupt... "This house will be empty..." She says and i am curious where she is going to go with this... "With everything that happened with Kevin's mom... The fact that she didn't get the help she needed... I was thinking... I had this idea..." She says stuttering and i give her a reassuring smile... "What if instead of going back to work... I start a shelter here... A shelter for women with their kids... Women like Stacy... Not a big place..." She says blushing and i can see she is anxious for my reaction... She stands up and opens a drawer pulling out a folder... 

"I made a plan..." She says and i smile looking at the folder... "Stacy's place..." I say and look at Mya who bites her lip nodding... She explains her plan to me and i have to say i am impressed and i awe... She really has thought this through... "I wanted to ask you to sell the house to me... So, i can turn it into..." She starts to say but i shut her up by kissing her cupping her face with both hands... "It is yours, baby girl... It is yours... You dont have to buy it from me silly... Besides when we are married what is mine is yours..."  I say smirking and she chuckles... 

We look over the plans together again... It is really detailed... It is amazing... I had no idea that she was working on this... "I just wanted to do something to honor Stacy..." She murmurs as she lays her head on my shoulder... "You are amazing... You know that..." I murmur kissing the top of her head... She says nothing just hums... 

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