49. Dessert at home

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"Thank you..." I whisper to Shanna while taking a sip of my beer watching Mya, ma and Carly laughing while Scott is playing with Oliver and the dogs... She had joined me in the kitchen, and she sighs... "Yeah well... I didn't know the full story before... Ma told me... I should hit you in the head..." She mumbles and i sigh... "Just dont fuck it up again Chris... You have a kid now..." She says and i smile... "Was not planning on it... Besides we both have grown up..." I say and she lays her head on my shoulder... "Good boy..." She says and i chuckle... 

"He is an amazing kid..." She says and i smile... "Yeah... She did great with him..." I whisper and she hums... "It is uncanny though how much he looks like you... No DNA test needed" She mumbles and i grin... "Yeah... When i saw him for the first time it was like looking at my younger self in the mirror..." I say and she hums again... "That must have been quite the shock..." She mumbles and i sigh... "It was... But it is the best thing ever happening to me... As strange as that sounds... And Mya... I am just so happy to have her back in my life... Walking out on her was the worst thing i ever did..." I say and Shanna nods... 

"Thank God you came to your senses and fought for them... Thank god you got rid of that awful woman Genevieve in the process... If anything, i am thankful that you didn't marry her... God she was awful..." Shanna sighs and i groan... "Yeah, i see that now... I guess i was just desperate to a point i just ignored all the red flags..." I mumble and she chuckles... 

After dinner and dessert, we go back home... I smile as Oliver is sitting between the dogs on the backseat. He is leaning against Steve while Bucky has his head in Olivers lap. He is tired out from playing with Scott... Scott had been playing with him all the time we were there... Scott had been excited to be able to practice his sign language with Oliver and Oliver was always happy to help... Mya was holding my hand lacing our fingers together a smile on her face... She and my family had just picked up where they had left off. Scott and Mya had made plans for brunch and i had joked i would be on standby just in case. Oliver was excited to meet Carly's kids so a play date had been set up... Carly's kids were a bit annoyed that they couldn't come along today but Carly wanted to have a night without them and Ryan her husband stayed home with their kids to not add to the chaos and over stimulate Oliver. 

As we arrive home Oliver is out like a light... As Mya takes the dogs inside i carry Oliver and i put him to bed immediately... I smile and tuck him in taking his processor off and kissing his little forehead... The dogs walk in and get on the bed with him making me chuckle... I pat both their heads and tell them to watch over Oliver. It is amazing how attached the dogs and Oliver got to each other in such a short amount of time... Were Bucky was Mya's dog he sticked like glue to Oliver mostly wanting to play... Steve was this gentle dog who just followed him around waiting for him to pet him and get cuddles... 

I walk out of the room and make my way to the living room... No Mya... I check the kitchen... No Mya either... I look around and there is no sign of her so i walk to the bedroom... "Hi..." She whispers her tone sensual as i walk in on her standing naked in the middle of the room... My throat goes dry and i swallow hard. "Fuck me..." I mumble and she smirks... "I was planning on it..." She whispers and walks over to me...

She takes my hand and walks me to the bed sitting me down... I watch her, licking my lips as she tells me to put my hands in the air. I do ask asked and she lifts my shirt over my head... She throws it to the side and cups my face kissing me... I put my hands on her hips, and she smirks... I let my fingers softly graze over her skin and i smile as i see goosebumps appear... 

"So soft..." I mumble into the kiss, and she smiles... I groan as she starts kissing her way down and slowly sinks down to her knees... She fumbles with my jeans... "Hips..." She growls and i smirk lifting my hips to help her pull down my pants... When my pants and boxers are removed, she looks up at me that dark twinkle in her eyes... Those eyes now filled with lust... "You know... I skipped dessert..." She mumbles and i smirk... "Oh yeah... And why is that?" I ask and i groan as she wraps her hand around my dick slowly stroking me up and down licking her lips again. Fuck she looks sexy, naked on her knees... "Because i had something much better in mind..." She mumbles and i hiss as she runs her tongue up my shaft... 

"O i love it when your dick grows in my hand..." She moans before running her tongue around my tip. "Fuck..."  groan and let myself drop back on the bed. She toys with me, and my breathing gets heavier... I put my hand in a fist in my mouth biting on my knuckles suppressing a moan as pleasure sources through my body... I want to tell her to stop teasing me, but fuck it feels good... I close my eyes and just give in. "Let me hear you handsome..." She murmurs still toying with me. I groan as my whole body is buzzing... 

I drop my hand to me gripping the sheets... "Oooh fuck Mya..." I moan and lift my head... Our eyes meet as she takes me in her mouth... I push myself on my elbows so i can watch her bob her head up and down... She hums and i throw my head back... "Fuuuuuck... Baby girl... I missed that mouth of yours..." I groan through gritted teeth breathing heavy. Her hands glide up and down my chest her nails scraping over my skin making me shiver... "Such a good girl..." I groan and i hiss as she digs her nails in... 

But all of a sudden, she releases me with a pop and i whine at the loss of pleasure... Mya crawls over me and kisses me hard... "I can't wait anymore, i need you now..." She mumbles her voice hoarse and desperate. I run my hands up and down her back. I groan as she pushes herself up a little, reaches behind her and lines me up sinking down around me biting her lip letting out a soft groan... She puts her hands on my chest steadying herself... I reach for her boobs squeezing them and she starts to rock her hips back and forth... "You look so beautiful riding me baby... Riding me so good..." I grunt and she moans. 

She keeps riding me pushing me back into the bed every time i want to sit up or move... She takes my arms pinning them above my head... "No touching..." She growls before she pecks my lips and pushing herself up again. It makes me smirk as she just wants control so i finally give in and let her use me. I am just going to enjoy the show... And damn what a gorgeous show it is. Her eyes are closed, and her head thrown back... She moves her hands over her body caressing herself. Playing with her boobs pulling on her nipples moaning as she picks up the pace... Her movements get more erratic. Her moans more strained and louder... I groan as my own pleasure is building... I move my hands gently putting them on her hips helping her move and this time she lets me. I move my hips grinding us harder together as we both now are desperately chasing our orgasms...

And then the fireworks explodes. We come together and she collapses on my chest. I buck my hips up a few more times making her let out a few soft yelps. Her body is trembling as i fill her up finding my own release while groaning loudly wrapping my arms around her holding her tightly against my chest. Neither one of us says a word as we are in our post orgasm daze... 

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