104. Baby's first kick...

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"Chris...!" Mya yells somewhere in the house and i look up from the script i had been reading. "Chris!!!" Mya yells again and i go to look for her... "Where are you?" I ask and she yells back that she is in her little office... She was having virtual meetings for Stacy's place earlier... I find her standing in the middle of her office with a big smile on her face... "Are you okay... Is the baby, okay?" I ask a little worried and she nods taking my hand and putting it on her belly... She is having a beautiful bump... It was like it had appeared overnight, one day it was just there... She was now 20 weeks pregnant... She looks beautiful and is really glowing... She was feeling good... The baby was doing good. And we were just over the moon... We had an appointment in 2 days to find out the gender and i could not wait... Mya moves my hand over her belly and i hold my breath waiting for what is to come...

And then i feel it... It freaks me out and i pull my hand back while stepping back... Mya giggles and takes my hand again... "Can you feel it?" She asks and i feel a little kick... "Omg... Our baby is kicking..." I say stepping closer to her... She looks up at me smiling... "Our baby is kicking..." Mya repeats my words... I rub her belly with tears in my eyes... "Omg... I can feel our baby..." I say and Mya cups my face kissing me... 

"Are you happy?" She asks and i nod with tears in my eyes... "So happy... This is amazing..." I say and she smirks... I take her hand and lead her out of her office and walk her to the bedroom sitting her down in the big chair... She giggles as i sink down on my knees and lift her shirt kissing her belly... "Hello little one... This is your dad..." I say to her belly and i can feel Mya run her hand through my hair... "I feel you..." I say as our baby kicks again... "You are so amazing... So strong... I already love you so much... I know it is a good thing to kick... But dont hurt your mommy too much, okay..." I say and as i look up Mya has tears in her eyes... "It doesn't hurt handsome..." She says softly and i smile... "It doesn't?" I ask as i can't imagine that... She shakes her head... "Not yet..." She whispers and i kiss her belly again... 

I groan when my phone rings and i plant another kiss on her belly before looking at my phone... "It is my team..." I mumble letting out a sigh and Mya chuckles... "Duty calls..." She says and i nod... I stand up answering the phone telling them to give me a second so i can help Mya up... It is not that she really needs help but i love helping her were i can... She kisses my cheek and walks back to her office... 

The phone call of my team is a quick one... I was asked to promote my latest movie on Jimmy Fallons show and i sigh... I had said i was not doing too much until after the baby was born and a few months old, but there were a few things i could not get out of... Maybe i can turn it into a little babymoon with Mya... Combine business with pleasure...  A little get away before the baby was born... I could ask ma to watch the boys and take Mya with me and make a little romantic trip out of it... I tell them i will call them back to let them know... 

I call ma asking if she would be willing to watch the boys and she agrees. She loves spending time with the boys and the boys love spending time with her... I then walk to Mya's office finding her on the phone... Construction on our old house had started .... It was going to be a big project... Last week she had approved the plans after many meetings to get it exactly as she wants... We were there when they knocked down the first wall... There was going to be an add on for more rooms and a whole new professional kitchen... Mya was excited and was throwing her all into the project... Especially the kitchen... She wanted a professional kitchen that still felt like a kitchen in a normal house... She wanted the shelter to feel like a big comfortable house... A place where women could relax and start over... A place to catch a breath... A place that feels safe... It was not that our old kitchen was bad. But to cook for a big group of people every day it was not ideal... 

"I understand... Mhm..." Mya says over the phone looking up at me smiling... "Well sent me an estimate on that i will get back to you so we can make some plans..." Mya says before hanging up... "What's up?" She asks me, rubbing her belly... But i ignore her question as i am curious... "I thought that the plans were set?" I ask and she blushes... I smile and shake my head... "What did you change this time..." I ask curious and she blushes even more... "Please dont be mad..." She whispers and i walk over and sit on her desk... "I will never be mad baby..." I say and she gives me a little hesitant smile... "I had been thinking... I want to help as much women as i can... So..." She says taking a deep breath... 

"At the edge of the property there will come a clinic... A clinic for women and their kids... And in the same building i want to house a lawyer or lawyers... Who can advise women and help women to get away, help them with everything they need... I want to tackle the problems so they dont need to live in the shelter..." She says and i smile proudly... "I think that is an amazing idea..." I say and kiss her... "What was your thing?" She asks me and i smile... 

"So... I got an invitation to appear on Jimmy Fallon..." I say and Mya smiles... "Okay..." She says and i smirk... "I was thinking... Come with me... It is in 2 weeks... We can make a little baby moon out of it... Spend a few days in New York just the two of us..." I say and she smiles... She holds out her hand and i walk over to her. She puts my hand on her belly again and our baby is still kicking... So, i sink down to my knees again... I am still in awe of feeling our baby kick... "I think someone likes that idea..." She says smiling... "So, you are up for it?" I ask excited and she smiles leans in and kisses me... "Every opportunity to spend some time just the two of us, i am taking before life gets even more crazy..." She says smiling and i smile back at her... 

"I am going to spoil you rotten..." I say and she smirks... "Oeh la la la... A few days in bed with my sexy husband... I can't wait..." She says and i chuckle... I chuckle because she means every word of it... That is her idea of being spoiled just being cuddled up in bed... "Whatever you want baby girl..." I say and she smirks... "Can we maybe have a fancy dinner... Date night?" She asks blushing and i smile and nod... "I am going to take you out... We will have a fancy date..." I say and her face lights up... "I need to go shopping... I need a dress..." She says and i chuckle... "We can get you one in New York..." I say and she is all giddy and kisses me passionately... 

"Are you going to wear a suit..." She whispers pouting at me and i laugh... "Of course..." I say and she bites her lip... "And after dinner... You can take it off..." I whisper in her ear smirking, and she giggles... "That is my favorite thing to do..." She whispers and kisses me again... She starts to pull on my shirt but just as she is going to pull it over my head her phone rings and she groans... "I have to take it... That is the contractor..." She sighs and i smirk... "Go ahead... I will start making arrangements for our trip..." I say and kiss her again... "Dont forget the most important thing..." She says and i look at her a little confused. "And what is that...?" I ask and she smirks... "A big comfortable bed..." She says giggling. "Dont worry that is my number one priority..." I say winking at her as she answers the phone... I smile as i walk out looking over my shoulder as Mya is in full business mode again... 

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