101. Fantasies...

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"So now that we are married..." Mya says still catching her breath from round two... We are lying in bed tangled up in each other and the sheets... I am sweaty... I have just fucked her hard... Giving her my all showing her what this old man still can do... Mya on her hands and knees as i kept slapping that perfect ass until it was nice and pink, fucking her doggystyle her ass bouncing on my dick... 

"So now that we are married...?" I repeat her words, and she giggles... She can't stop giggling and i sit up wondering what the fuck she is going to say... I lean over her and kiss her... "What were you going to say baby girl..." I growl planting kisses anywhere i can. She giggles more trying to push me off of her, but she is getting nowhere... 

"Me thinks the lady has impure thought hence she giggles too much..." I growl and she laughs hard... "What was that...!" She squeals laughing so hard that tears run down her cheeks. "Dont change the subject baby girl... What were you going to say..." I growl smirking and she shakes her head... "Nothing..." She says that mischievous twinkle in her eyes while she bites her lip... "Oh i dont think it is nothing baby girl..." I grin and she giggles... "O i dont think you are ready to hear what i had to say... Mr. Evans..." She whispers and i get more curious by the second... "Call me intrigued Mrs. Evans..." I say and lower myself to kiss her... 

But before i know what is happening, she locks her legs around me and flips us over, so she is now on top of me... She looks proud and i laugh... "There will be a time i will be too big to do that..." She sighs and i smile... "You will be beautiful..." I say beaming at her, and she blushes... "Will you still love me when i am huge like a whale my ankles swollen and with my moods swinging harder than Oliver on the swing set in the yard?" She asks and i chuckle... "Yes... I will take it all with a smile..." I say and she blushes letting out a giggle... "Would you want to find out the gender when we can?" She asks and i nod... "I would like to...? You?" I ask and she nods... "Yes..." She says and i sit up, so we are now nose to nose... 

"But baby girl you are trying to distract me..." I say and she puts her hands on my face and kisses me... "Is it working?" She asks and i shake my head... "Nope..." I say and she giggles. "How about now?" She asks as she grinds onto me and i groan... "Nope... Nope... Nope..." I protest and roll us over so i am in control again... "Not fair..." She laughs and i smirk. ... 

Her stomach growls, and she giggles. "The baby needs a snack..." She says and i hang my head... "Who is not playing fair now..." I say and she grins at me... "You wouldn't deny your pregnant wife food, right?" She says and i sigh... "Noooo..." I say rolling my eyes before i kiss her getting off of her and she sits up... She gets up and puts on my clothes. I smile as she had not once opened her own suitcase other than to get her toiletries. She looked good though... My shirt looked good on her... She walks to the little kitchen... "I could make us lasagna..." She says with a twinkle in her eyes and i laugh looking at the time... "It is after midnight..." I say and she shrugs her shoulders... 

"Fine... No lasagna..." She sighs and i smirk... "Ice cream it is..." She says pulling open the freezer and getting the ice cream. She hops onto the counter getting a spoon out of the drawer... She looks at me smirking as she scoops a bit of ice cream up and putting it in her mouth... I just watch her as i put on some sweats before putting some more wood on the fire... 

I walk over to her and put my hands on either side of her caging her in... She smiles at me and scoops up some more ice cream holding it out for me... I take a bite, and she sighs... "Okay... Without any judgement..." She says and i smirk... "What is your biggest fantasy..." She says blushing and i smirk as i knew it had something to do with sex... "My biggest fantasy?" I ask and she nods... I squint at her... "You first..." I say curious but she shakes her head. "Nope... I asked you first..." She says and i sigh... "Hmm i dont know... It is not we are boring or something... I like it when you are submissive... But i found out... I dont mind being submissive to you to..." I say and she grins... "Yes... What have we learned from that?" She says and i smirk... "That i have a praise kink..." I mumble and she giggles... "Good boy..." She says patting my cheek and i laugh before she feeds me another scoop of ice cream... "Oh fuck..." I growl and she looks at me victoriously... 

"If i would give you carte blanche... What would you do to me?" She asks her voice overly sweet as she is batting her eyes at me... "Remote control toy at a public place..." I say and she giggles... "We can do that... Sounds exciting..." She blushes even more and i smirk... "I am going to order one when we get back home immediately..." I say licking my lips... "But that is it? That is the only thing you can think of?" She asks and i shrug my shoulders... "I am highly content with our sex life..." I say and she smiles... "Well i am happy to hear that..." She says and i kiss her... "I would like to tie you up and blindfold you... But not while you are pregnant..." I say and she kisses me again... "I am down for that..." She says her voice sweet and sultry... "But again... You already let me do all that stuff..." I say and she smiles... "It is not like i never tied you up before..." I say and she sighs... "Yeah, just my hands... I could still move them... I could still move..." She mumbles and i smirk... 

"Are you happy with our sex life?" I ask a little unsure and she nods... "Very happy... I have no complaints..." She says blushing and i grin... "But there is something you want to try?" I ask and she sighs and looks away... "Maybe... But i dont think you would like it..." She mumbles and i am now more curious... I stand up and grab a bottle of water handing her one to... She takes it handing me the ice cream to put back in the freezer... I lean against the fridge and study her... "Tell me... You won't know until you tell me..." I say trying to get her to open up but more because i am now really curious... 

I take a sip of water... "I would like to fuck you... Take your ass virginity... Like you took mine..." Mya blurts out her face bright red and i spit out the sip of water i had just taken and i start to cough... She jumps off the counter and pats my back taking the bottle of water from me... "You, okay?" She asks and i look at her shocked... "Yeah... I just thought you said you wanted to take my ass virginity..." I say and she blushes... "I did..." She says and i take in a deep breath... "Look if you dont want to..." She mumbles and i sigh... "I dont know... I never really thought about it..." I say and she nods... "Think about it... Get back to me on it..." She says yawning and stretching herself out... 

"Can we sleep now? I am tired..." She says giving me a small smile and i smile back at her and kiss her... "I promise i will think about it... We can at least do some research..." I say and she smiles... "Okay..." She whispers and takes my hand leading me to bed... We get undressed taking advantage of the fact that we will not be woken up by kid and sleep naked... She wraps herself around me under the sheets and sighs... "Are you really okay... I dont want you to feel like you have to... It is just a fantasy..." She mumbles and i sigh... "It is just not what i had expected... But i am okay baby girl... I will think about it..." I say and she hums... "No pressure..." She mumbles and i can feel her body relax and soon she is asleep... 

But i can't sleep. I think about what she asked of me... It is true that she almost never denies me anything. I have fucked her ass before... I sigh and close my eyes trying to clear my mind... I dont know when but i eventually fall asleep... But even in my dreams i think of her request...

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