109. A Day in her shoes...

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I am relaxing on the couch with the boys and the dogs... We are watching a movie... We are feeling lazy today... Or at least i am... It is a rainy miserable day outside so the boys wanted to just hang on the couch and watch movies... Today's movies of choice... All the Harry Potter movies... Mya is cleaning and just being in nesting mode... We still had to do the shopping and i had promised to vacuum but first movie time with the boys...

Me and the boys laugh at the movie when we hear it... "CHRISTOPHER ROBERT EVANS!!!" I sit up, my heart starts to beat fast and the blood drains from my face as Mya sounds pissed... really pissed... "Ooooh dad is in trouble..." Oliver sings a big smirk on his face and Kevin chuckles... "Yeah mom only uses your full name when you are in trouble..." Kevin ads and i groan... But all of a sudden i look at him shocked... He has never called Mya mom before...

But before i can even react to that, Mya appears, and she looks absolutely livid... "Is it too much to ask you to pick your shit up?!" She scolds me holding up a pair of my pants and my shirt from yesterday... "Seriously! How hard is it... It is like you like making it harder for me..." She says going off on me... "Even the boys manage to pick up after themselves... And i thought you were going to vacuum..." She sighs and i stand up... "Baby... Relax... There is still time... And i am sorry... I will pick up after myself..." I say carefully approaching her but stop as she gives me a death stare... 

"Relax...? Dont tell me to relax... How can i relax when you keep your shit lying around and dont do as you promised... Do you know how hard it is to pick things up right now...?!" She hisses at me... "I know... I know how you are feeling... I am sorry..." I say and she shakes her head... "No! You dont know... You have no idea how i am feeling..." She growls and i can't help but let out a little chuckle... "Baby calm down..." I say but as soon as i had said the words i knew i fucked up... 

"Christopher... I am 34 weeks pregnant... I look like a whale... Our nugget keeps kicking my ribs or my bladder... I am in pain... My back hurts, i feel bloated, my ankles are huge. My boobs hurt and i can't remember the last time i had a good night's sleep... I can't even tie my own shoes, let alone pick up your shit... You have no idea how i feel because your body is still the same... It is not fair... You are still ripped as ever..." She growls and i swallow hard... I know i should be sorry and i am... But God she looks so hot right now...I shake it off but just as i am about to say something else to hopefully calm her down Oliver speaks up...

"Mom i know what you can do, to make it that dad knows how you feel..." Oliver says jumping up and down on the couch all excited... We both look at him surprised... "I saw it on Tik Tok..." He says grinning and pulls out his phone... He walks over to Mya and Kevin joins them as they look at a video... Mya looks up to me grinning... "Come on boys... We are going to the store to get some supplies..." She says and i look confused... The boys giggle and run off to get their coats... "What is going on...?" I ask utterly confused as they did not show me the video...

"You will see... Just relax..." She says patting my cheek and waddles off leaving me behind wondering what the fuck just happened... I can hear the boys giggle at the front door telling each other this will be so much fun... I walk over to them... "What did you show your mother?" I ask and they both laugh and shake their heads... "You will see, dad..." Oliver says and i sigh. "Leave the boys alone..." Mya says appearing in her own coat and she grabs the car keys... "We will be right back... Just sit down and relax... Save your strength... You are going to need it..." She says and i roll my eyes but can't help but smile as the 3 of them look so excited... 

They leave and i close the front door and sigh, i dont know what is going to happen... But i know i am in trouble... My phone rings and i see it is Scott... I answer my phone and we catch up a little bit... He calls every few days to check in as he is in California right now for work... "You are in trouble..." Scott says laughing as i tell him what just happened. "I get that... I just dont know what is going to happen..." I sigh and he laughs... 

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