42. Another bombshell

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We lay in bed wrapped around each other... I mindlessly run my fingers over her arm as her head is laying on my chest one of her legs laying between mine... Round 2 had been slow... sweet and gentle... Round 2 was filled with love... It was as if the flood gates were opened as we kept telling each other how much we loved each other... 

"You okay baby?" I whisper and she hums... "Yeah a bit sore... But i will be okay..." She mumbles and i grin... "Yeah this old man still got it..." I say with a proud smirk on my face... Mya giggles... She plants a kiss on my chest and i let out a sigh as a warm feeling spread through my body... 

"By the way... John is gay..." Mya whispers all of a sudden and i look at her shocked. She smirks at me that mischievous twinkle in her eye... "What?" I say as it hasn't really registered yet... "John is gay..." She says again and i turn bright red and groan... She starts to giggle, and that giggle turns into full on laughter... 

"How am i going to look that man in the eye tomorrow... I wanted to kill him... Seriously..." I groan and she laughs even harder... "Why didn't you tell me earlier when i said all that stuff..." I groan and she chuckled... "Maybe i liked the idea of you being a little jealous... Or maybe i wanted you to suffer a little bit..." She whispers blushing herself now... I groan again... "And there i was, thinking he was sizing me up as competition..." I mumble and Mya giggles again... "Oh he was sizing you up alright... Just not as competition..." She mumbles and i start coughing... "What?!" I say and she chuckles... "Let's just say John and i have the same taste in men..." She mumbles and i turn bright red again... 

"Well, he can't have me..." I whisper, pull Mya closer and she giggles... "No, he can't..." Mya hums, and she sighs... "You are mine..." She mumbles and this makes me smile... "All yours..." I whisper and she smiles to... "We should get dressed in case Oliver comes in..." Mya mumbles and i hum pulling her tighter against me... "Just a few more minutes..." I whisper as i dont want to move enjoying her naked body wrapped around mine. She chuckles... "You know we are both going to fall asleep... If that happens you are going to be the one to explain to Oliver why we are naked..." She whispers and i grin... "Sure no problem..." I say and she lifts her head a little... "Seriously... What would you say...?" She asks and i smirk... 

"Well son... I just gave your mother a good...." I start to say and Mya laughs putting her hand over my mouth to stop me from talking... "You are not going to say that... I swear to God Evans he is just a little boy... You will not traumatize him for life..." Mya scolds me and i smirk... "Mommy and daddy were hot?" I say batting my eyes at her and she smirks and shakes her head... "I needed to check if mommy didn't have ticks..." I say letting out a little shudder and she laughs... "EEEEW... You are nasty..." She giggles and i laugh... "Besides you would freak out, if you find one... You hate them..." She whispers and i shudder again... 

"I missed this..." I mumble and i can feel her smile... "Me to... You are softer now..." She mumbles letting out a satisfied sigh... "Softer?" I ask and she giggles... "Yes..." She says poking my chest... "No more Captain America muscles..." She giggles and i lift my head. She looks up at me smirking... "Are you saying i am out of shape, baby girl... I think i showed you this old man still got it... Dont need all those muscles..." I growl a little smirk on my face... "Not out of shape... You are still gorgeous..." She says biting her lip and i take a deep breath as a warm feeling spread through my body at her praise... 

"Just less pumped up... I like it... It is more... Comfortable..." She whispers and i grin... "And here i was thinking you were only with me for my muscles..." I whisper and she chuckles... "No..." She mumbles and i smile. All of a sudden, Mya sighs and untangles herself from me making me whine... "Noooo come back..." I say reaching out for her but she just giggles... She walks over to my closet and i just watch her walk away. Fuck she is still fucking gorgeous... Curves in all the right places. 

"Evans get your ass out of bed and put something on...!" She yells from the closet and i sigh... I groan and drag myself out of bed. I walk into the closet and smile... She is browsing my shirts just like she used to do... "You know you used to love being naked..." I say leaning against the door watching her... She looks over her shoulder and smirks... "Yeah well... I used to love sleeping in... Being lazy and lay in bed all day..." She says and lets out a sigh... "Accept it Evans... Those days are gone..." She says and i smile... "Not necessarily..." I say pushing myself off the door and walking over to her... I stand behind her and plant a kiss on her shoulder while running my hands up and down her upper arms... She hums and leans into me... "Keep talking..." She hums and i smirk and plant another kiss on her shoulder. 

"When my family is a little more familiar with Oliver i know they would be more than happy to have him over... So, we could have some lazy time..." I murmur planting a trail of kisses in her from her shoulder in her neck and she giggles... "Already want to pawn him off Evans?" She whispers with amusement in her voice... "No... But i dont think it is unreasonable to have some time to.... reconnect..." I say smirking as i let my lips graze her skin... "Take you out on dates... Woo you... " I murmur kissing her neck again... 

She turns in my arms and glides her arms around my waist planting a kiss on my chest before looking up..."Be girlfriend and boyfriend again?" She whispers with a cute smile on her face... I smile and nod kissing her... "I have to warn you Mr. Evans... I am a woman with a past... I am a divorced woman... And my ex-husband... Well he is quite possessive..." She whispers smirking and my eyes grow wide and i turn bright red... "Ye-Yeah... Divorced woman..." I stumble and she looks at me for a second her eyes piercing my soul and i heat up under her stare but not in a good way... I totally forgot...

"Chris... Is there something you need to tell me?" She asks and i look at the floor feeling nervous and anxious all of a sudden... "We are divorced right?" She whispers and i can't even look at her thinking about the divorce papers in my desk... The papers i never submitted because i just couldn't bring myself to it...

"Christopher...?!" She says grabbing my chin between her fingers and making me look at her... "We are divorced right?" She says this time her voice sounding more forceful and i sigh closing my eyes...


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