92. Anxiety

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I look at Mya shocked and maybe a little bit annoyed... "Sit down?" She says pointing at the couch and i shake my head like a petulant child... "Sitt... Your... Ass... Down..." She growls through gritted teeth... A look on her face not to be messed with and i immediately drop myself on the couch... 

"Chris... You got to stop..." She says putting her hands on her hips... "Stop what?" I ask pretending not to know what she is talking about... I know damn well were this is going to go... But part of me doesn't want to hear... 

"Christopher...." She says dragging out my name and i sigh looking away. I know i am being ridiculous and i know she is serious because i am not Chris... I am Christopher all of a sudden... "Seriously you are acting like a 9-year-old boy..." She sighs and i snap my head back at her... "Am not..." I pout and i can see she is fighting a smile. "I swear, it is like i have Oliver sitting in front of me... Remember when we told him the other day, he could not slide down the railing of the stairs..." She says and i bite the inside of my cheek letting out a huff... 

She sighs and sits down next to me... "Chris... You got to stop hovering over me every second of the day..." She says running her hand through my hair... "I am pregnant... Not dying... I love you... I really do... But we still have over 6 months to go... And i dont want to end up killing you..." She says a little smirk on her face.

"I am just trying to help you... I just want to take care of you..." I say and Mya sighs... "Chris you are doing all that... But you are taking it too far... You are becoming overbearing..." Mya says and i sigh. I know she is right... But i am just so scared. On the other hand, i dont want to miss anything so i feel the need to be around her all the time... I want to experience it all...

"I know i am... But i can't help it... I feel anxious... I am scared. Scared something goes wrong and i dont think i can deal with the guilt if something does, knowing i could do more to keep you and the baby safe..." I mumble. She smiles and takes my hand putting it on her stomach... "The baby is where it is supposed to be... You heard the doctor... Everything is great... We are both healthy... I am not doing anything that can harm the baby... I promise you if i need help with anything... You are the first one to know..." She says and i sigh... 

"I just feel this urge to be near you every second of every day... " I mumble, and she sighs but gives me a loving smile putting her hand on my cheek and i close my eyes leaning into her touch... I open my eyes again and she gives me another sweet kiss... "I know... I know you want to be there for it all... I know the fact of missing everything with Oliver comes in hard right now... That is the reason i had not said anything up till now..." She says and gives me a little peck... "But you are driving me crazy... And i dont want to come to resent you when the hormones will fully kick in.." She whispers and i sigh before she kisses me again...

"I promise you that you will be the one to hold my hair when i throw up... That you will be the one, i ask to rub my feet or my back. I promise that you will be the one, i yell at when i am hormonal... You will be the one i will send on craving runs... You will be the one to hear my farts when i get gassy..." She says and i grin pulling a face... She giggles and kisses me again. "The point is whenever i need help... Or something is happening i will make sure you are there for it..." She says and i smile and now kiss her...

"I promise you that every day i will be by you side, so you won't miss a thing... I will make sure you feel our baby kick for the first time... I will make sure you will not miss out on anything this time... But you have got to ease up a little bit..." She says and i sigh... "I am sorry... I didn't mean to drive you crazy... I will ease down a little bit... But can i ask one thing of you... I know i am not being fair... But please no coffee..." I whisper and she sighs letting out a little groan and leans her head against my chest... She takes another deep breath and looks up at me... "Fine..." She mumbles... "You can have Decaf..." I say and she looks at me mortified... "I rather not drink coffee than drink that..." She pouts and i chuckle... 

"I am sorry for driving you crazy..." I mumble and she sighs... "I get why you do what you do... I am sorry you missed all of it with Oliver..." She mumbles and i see the tears start to form in her eyes... "Hey, hey, hey... Dont cry... It is okay... It is in the past..." I whisper hugging her, but it is to late she starts crying... "Shhhhh... Shhhhh..." I say rubbing her back trying my best to comfort her as she is now fully sobbing... 

I just hold her and let her cry and when she finally has calmed down a bit, she looks up at me wiping away her tears... "You know... There is one thing that is completely different know..." She mumbles and i smile... "Oh yeah and what is that...?" I ask, and a smirk forms on her face... "I have someone to fuck me when the horny phase sets in, no more helping myself... You better bulk up... Because when it sets in i promise you i will use you in every way i see fit... Better stock up on the Gator Rade..." She says and i laugh... I laugh hard throwing my head back slapping my chest...

"Oh, i am definitely there for that..." I say and grin cupping her face and kissing her again... "I will go to the store to stock up, after i drop of the boys tomorrow..." I mumble and she giggles. 

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