68. Breaking news

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"Yep, i see it..." I groan talking on the phone with my pr team looking at the TV in my office... There it is... The words 'Breaking News' flashing on the screen. The video of me and Mya picking up Oliver from school playing after that. I sigh as i see me chasing Mya and picking her up... She is smiling and at least we look happy, and it is not a video of us arguing... We look like we dont have a care in the world... Thank God Oliver is in the car and not in sight... I want to kill the woman who filmed this... Or at least ask her why... Why did she feel the need to fucking film me at my kid's school... It is so over the line... But i think i know... Money... It is always about money... Were i used to only have to worry about paparazzi i now have to worry about other parents at Oliver's school...  "Great..." I sigh... Should i not pick him up anymore? I groan again as i dont want that. I want to be able to pick my kid up... 

I change the channel, but it is the same shit show. I sigh as i read the banner they are running under the video. 'Chris Evans back with ex?' Two chirpy women appear on the screen and i sigh as they talk about my past with Mya followed by talking about the video... A little smile breaks through as they say how happy we both look... But that little smile quickly disappears when they mention Oliver... Not by name... Thank God, but they mention a kid who suspiciously looks a lot like me making Twitter explode #DaddyEvans? was trending on Twitter and not for the usual reason... "Has Chris Evans gone back to his ex because of a secret love child?" One of them says and i sigh... How was i going to protect Oliver... How was i going to give him a normal life as much as possible. 

I had already talked with a lawyer to see if action could be taken about the video... But no such luck it was in public, we had no leg to stand on... I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice the ring Mya had around her finger... "Chris?" A voice on the phone says as i had totally forgotten i was still on the phone. Then all of a sudden, the call gets interrupted by a beep letting me know another call is coming in... I look at the screen and tell my team i have to put them on hold as Mya is calling... 

"Hey baby... What's up?" I say trying to sound upbeat. Mya is at work and probably busy so i dont want this to distract her... "Chris..." She says sounding panicked and maybe even a little scared... "Baby what is wrong..." I say sitting up alarmed by her panicked tone... "Chris... The clinic is surrounded... They are bothering my patients trying to come and go..." She says and i can hear she is on the brink of tears... "Fuck!" I yell and stand up running my hand through my hair feeling panicked... 

"I am sorry baby. Remember the woman who filmed us?" I say and she sighs... "The video is out, isn't it..." She mumbles and i groan... "Yes..." I mumble back... "OMG Oliver..." Mya yells now fully panicked... "Baby calm down... He is at school, and they can't get to him... He is not in the video... He was in the car... It is just you and me... But they do know there is a kid..." I say and Mya goes quiet... 

"Mya...?" I say feeling scared due to her silence... "I can't work like this Chris... They are bothering my patients... My patients deserve their privacy, they dont deserve to be harassed about their doctor's private life nor do i feel the urge to share my own private life with my patients... One of my patients even tried to film my appointment with her as she kept asking me one rude question after another... She had to be removed... I can't even leave... They are at every exit..." She whispers sounding scared and i sigh... "I am on the phone with my team baby... Hold on a little longer... I will get you out of there safe and sound... I will call you back in a minute okay..." I whisper and there is another silence... "Mya?" I say and she sighs... "Okay..." She mumbles and i hang up and get my team back on the phone... 

I am beyond pissed... I know it is not fair but i was very short with my team... I pay them good money and they better find a way so Mya and Oliver can life a relatively normal life... Now is the time to earn their money because if this in any way makes me lose Mya and Oliver i dont know what i will do... One thing is for sure... Not matter what... I will not let that happen even if that means stepping back and not making movies anymore... But first things first... Mya is going to be picked up by a security team and taken home... I wanted to be there but was advised against it as it would only attract more attention, giving them exactly what i want... I had called her, and she was anxious... All she wanted was to go home. She sounded relieved when i told her that a personal security detail would arrive there soon... 

She was scared and i understood the magnitude when she had sent me a picture of the one of the exits of the clinic. I just hoped that it would not impact her job there. She loved that job... She was not the person to be a stay-at-home mother... She wanted to help people. She loved the clinic and had found her place there... I did not want her to lose her job because of mine... 

I sigh and groan closing my eyes leaning back in my chair... I pinch the bridge of my nose as i feel a headache coming up... I get a phone call and when i answer it is one of the security guys telling me they arrived at the clinic and that they would call if they were on the way to the house. I dont know how my team got a security team that quick but i was certainly grateful. Now i have to wait for her to get home safe and sound...

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