36. Brunch

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I am sitting at the counter watching Mya put the finishing touches on brunch. I am having a cup of coffee to wake myself up... But every time i tried to sneak some food Mya would slap my hand... "Your worse than Oliver..." She scolded me making me grin... Oliver was in the living room watching cartoons... He was buzzing with anticipation... The doorbell rings and Mya looks at me raising an eyebrow... "Since when does she ring the doorbell..." She says and i sigh... I know the answer... It was since Genevieve had moved in... Genevieve did not want her just walking in... "I tell you later..." I mumble not wanting to spoil the mood but the look on Mya's face tells me she has already figured it out... "They did not get along..." I mumble and Mya shakes her head... "She sounds like a real peach..." She mumbles back and i chuckle... "She is here!" Oliver yells running in all excited and i smile... I get up and walk to the front door Oliver following closely behind... 

"Hey ma..." I say smiling after i had opened the door and i can see her face is already red and puffy... She has already been crying... I smile and pull her into a hug... "Sorry... Sorry... I am an emotional old lady..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "That's were i get it from..." I say and she chuckles... "Yes, you are an emotional old lady to..." She jokes patting my cheek making me smirk.  "Dad..." Oliver whispers and i grin as he pulls on my shirt... "Someone is a little excited to meet his grandma..." I whisper and step aside...

"Hi..." Oliver whispers a little shy now and ma smiles... "Hello sweetheart..." She says waving back before getting down to his level. "What is your name...?" She asks him and he takes my hand... He leans into me the excitement had turned into shyness... "Oliver..." He says and ma smiles... "That is a beautiful name... I am Lisa... Chris his mom..." She says and Oliver smiles back at her... "You are my grandma..." He says softly and ma nods tears forming in her eyes again... 

"Yes sweetheart... I am your grandma..." She whispers and they both smile... I look up and Mya is standing in the doorway of the kitchen a little hesitant watching it all from a distance... I can see she is struggling... Struggling to keep her emotions in check... You could see the tension radiate off of her and i give her a reassuring smile... Ma stands up and they look at each other... Ma walks past us over to Mya... For a moment i hold my breath as they look at each other... 

They are now both in tears but smiling at each other... "Hello sweetheart..." Ma whispers and pulls her in a big hug... Mya breaks down sobbing in her arms... "Why is mommy crying?" Oliver asks me and i sigh... "They have missed each other bud..." I say smiling fighting my own tears... 

"SSSSSSHHH... Dont cry... It is okay... I understand. I am not mad..." I can hear ma whisper as she comforts Mya while crying herself... This makes Mya cry even harder... "Let i out sweetheart... Let it all out... It is okay... It is okay..." She whispers to Mya as Oliver and i just watch... 

Ma pulls back a little and cups her face smiling at Mya... "You look good sweetheart..." She says and Mya chuckles. "You to..." She says and they both chuckle wiping away their tears... "You have a beautiful boy..." Ma says and Mya nods. "Yes, he is. He is the best." Mya says and i look at Oliver who blushes. I just smirk... 

Oliver looks up at me. "When are we going to eat...? I am hungry." He whispers and i laugh making Mya and ma look at us confused... "Someone is hungry..." I say pointing to Oliver who buries himself more into me all shy because the focus is on him all of a sudden. Ma and Mya wipe away the remainder of their tears... "Yes, let's eat..." Mya says and we all walk into the kitchen. Oliver sits down beside me and ma smiles... 

"It is almost freaky how much they look like each other..." Ma whispers to Mya as she sits down beside her. The table is filled with all sorts of food and Oliver and i are looking around licking our lips... Mya chuckles and nods. "Yeah..." Mya says and i smirk... "My mini me..." I say patting Oliver's head and he smiles proudly at me... 

Brunch is great. Oliver and ma ask each other all sorts of questions getting to know each other while Mya and i steal glances at each other across the table. I groan when ma promises him that he can come over to look at pictures, from when i was a kid... This makes Mya giggle, and she tells Oliver that there are a lot of silly pictures of me. Which ma is more than happy to confirm... Oliver looks at me smirking... "He is funny when he is sleeping..." Oliver says and he starts to make snoring sounds, i turn bright red making everyone laugh... 

After brunch Mya makes Oliver help her clean up. He protests but gets a choice either help clean up or no screen time for the rest of the day... This makes him jump and help her clean up immediately... Ma chuckles and looks at me... "He is adorable..." Ma says as she is now sitting next to me. We are watching Mya and Oliver clean up. Ma was forbidden to help and i had to keep her company. "Mya had done great with him..." Ma says and i nod... "Yes, she has..." I whisper and ma looks at me smirking... "She is still beautiful and sweet..." She says nudging me and i blush... "Ma... Dont start pushing... We are figuring everything out slowly..." I say and she smirks... 

"Good... I dont mind slow... As long as you two figure it out in a way that ends up with you two together..." She says and i chuckle... "Baby steps ma... Baby steps... There is still a lot to figure out." I whisper and she sighs... "I dont care... I am just happy she is back... She is the one for you..." Ma says and i blush and smile... "I agree with that..." I whisper and ma smiles... 

"How are you handling the whole dad thing?" She asks and i smile. "We told him yesterday... It was emotional. He took it amazingly..." I say and ma smiles. "I am guessing they are staying here instead of the hotel?" Ma asks and i nod... "Yeah..." I say in a dreamy voice and ma chuckles... "It is good to see you smile again... Really smile..." She whispers and i look at her. "Chris, you can't deny that you feel happier now than you have in a long time... Even if you guys are still figuring it out..." She says and i think for a second and nod... "Much happier..." I say and ma gives my arm a little squeeze... "Just dont f it up again..." She whispers and i smile... "I will do my best not to..." I mumble... 

"Grandma! Can we play a game..." Oliver says coming up to her and ma smiles... "I would love to..." She says and i watch ma being pulled out the kitchen by Oliver. I stand up and walk over to Mya cup her face and kiss her passionately... "See i told you... No need to be scared... She loves you..." I say and Mya smiles hugs me putting her head on my chest. 

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