32. Dad...

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Stealing kisses when Oliver was not looking was my new favorite thing to do... Oliver was sitting in the living room watching a movie. We had just had lunch and i was helping her clean up... "You are not really helping Evans..." Mya says and i smirk... "Can't help it... Now i finally got to kiss you i can't stop." I murmur standing behind her my hands on her hips as i plant a quick kiss on her cheek. "That is sweet... But let's traumatize Oliver with one thing at the time..." She whispers and i smirk... "Traumatize?" I whisper back and she sighs... "Sorry i didn't mean it like that... I am just scared on how he is going to take it..." She mumbles and i sigh... "It will be okay..." I murmur and turn her around... I look over at Oliver who is totally caught up in the movie tucked under a blanket... "What if he is going to hate me?" Mya whispers and i sigh... "He will not hate you..." I whisper and she sighs shaking her head... "I am scared..." She says and leans her forehead against my chest...

I would lie if i told you i am not scared to... I had spent the morning playing with Oliver in the back yard while Mya had been reading a book on the swing bench. It had really become her favorite spot in the short time they were here. Oliver and i had fun and got along amazingly... I see so much from me in him... It was going to be a big change and maybe even shock for him and what if he didn't want me to be his dad... That he was perfectly content with his mom alone... How would our future look like... Would he take to me in a fatherly role...?

As i bonded with him more and more Mya had found the book she had been reading before we had left for Vegas and was surprised as her bookmark was still in it, but it had been so long ago that she started all over. Oliver and i had played with the shield, just the two of us and the fact that Mya was caught up in her book gave me a sense of pride... She trusted me with him, she didn't feel the need to watch us like a hawk... It was amazing seeing him running around almost tripping over the shield so happy and excited. The sounds of joy filling my house was overwhelming and every now and then i had to pinch myself to make sure i was not dreaming. 

The shield was heavy and way to big. I made a mental note to have one made that was more his size.  The idea of spoiling him was overwhelming... I had to remind myself that i could not make up for missing almost 9 years of his life by spoiling him rotten... He would turn 9 in a month and i secretly hoped they would still be here...

Mya and i had talked about almost everything when it came to Oliver... Except how to move forward living arrangement wise... She had said she dreaded the day they were going back... But she had not said she would not go back. It had been plaguing my mind. Would she be open to moving back to Boston in the future... Would she expect me to move to Yellowstone? Would i be willing to? Move away from my family... From what would become Oliver's family. The idea of not seeing him every day hurt... So, i had told myself if Mya did not want to move back to Boston i would move there... If that was what it takes to have my family i would. But secretly i hoped she would be open to move back. But i didn't automatically want to expect her to give everything up that she worked so hard for over there... Would it be fair to Oliver to move him from the only place he knows. 

But for now, they were here and i pushed it aside... It was not important just yet... Focusing on the here and now was all i wanted right now... "Chris..." Mya murmurs as i plant kisses in her neck... "Hmmmm..." I murmur and she sighs... "You are not playing fair..." She mumbles and i smirk... "Not playing fair...? I am not playing baby..." I murmur and she groans... "Asshole..." She sighs and i chuckle... "Love you to..." I mumble and she chuckles... 

"Okay it is time..." She murmurs and i pull back smirking at her and she rolls her eyes... "Seriously calm energy please..." She whispers and i nod... We walk to the living room and Mya pauses the movie making Oliver protest... "You can watch the rest of the movie later sweetie... Mommy and Chris need to have a little talk with you..." Mya says and he sits up looking a little anxious as Mya sits down on the coffee table... 

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