86. Tipsy Mya

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"Okay baby, let's get you to bed..." I say smirking as we walk in the house... "Ssssht... I dont want to go to bed..." Mya says putting her finger on my lips... I am holding her up as she has been drinking a bit too much and is definitely tipsy... "Well, some things do change... Mya turned into a lightweight..." Mackie says slurring his speech as he is being held up by Seb... At some point in the night, we had lost Mya and Mackie only to find them giggling like little children at the bar... They had been taking shots and when we found them, they were both trying to balance a shot glass on their nose... We had found them because people were cheering them on... On the bar 7 empty shot glasses each... 

"Scotty!" Mya squeals and when i look behind me there is no one there... "Son of a..." I say as Mya giggles, wriggles her way out of my arms and makes a run for it... Well, more stumbles... She kicks off her heels giggling and i sigh hanging my head watching her go with a smirk on my face... "Be free Mya... Be free..." Mackie cheers her on and i groan... Seb just laughs... "God i missed this..." Seb says and i chuckle... 

"You guys have the first guestroom on the left... Ma and Scott have the other one... Again... Sorry you have to share..." I say and Seb chuckles patting my shoulder... "It is okay... Good luck..." He says and all of a sudden, we hear her hysterically laughing... I look at Mackie and smirk as he is all of a sudden half asleep... "And he said Mya was a light weight..." I joke and Seb laughs before taking him to bed... I walk to were Mya disappeared to and find her lying on the floor in the kitchen smiling and giggling... 

"Hello handsome..." She says giggling and i smirk back at her... "Hello baby girl... What are you doing on the floor..." I say and she giggles... "I like the view from down here..." She giggles biting on her lip... "The view from up here is not bad either..." I say and she sits up... "Pssst... Want to know a little secret?" She whispers and i crouch down to her level... "What is the secret...?" I ask and she grabs my shirt and pulls me over so that i land on top of her. She laughs and wraps her arms around me and i smirk as she kisses me... She tastes like tequila and mint... "I think you tricked me baby girl..." I smirk and she giggles again... "Maaaaybe..." She says batting her eyes at me and kisses me again... 

"Or maybe i just wanted a kiss..." She whispers and i smirk... "Well, who am i to deny my beautiful girl that..." I whisper and kiss her... "Let's have sex...! Let's make babies...!" She blurts out when we break the kiss and i laugh... "Right now, right here?" I ask raising and eyebrow... "Yes...!"  She squeals and i chuckle as she starts to pull on my shirt but gives up... "You are wearing way too much... It should be illegal..." She moans and i laugh again... "Silly girl..." I whisper and she hums... 

"The floor is cold..." She murmurs and i smile... "Want to go to bed?" I ask and she gasp... "Mr. Evans... The audacity... I am a good girl..." She giggles and i chuckle shaking my head... "Sometimes..." I say and she gasps again... "I am..." She says pouting and i smile and kiss her... 

I manage to push myself up and take her hand pulling her up and she lets out a yelp as i lift her up bridal style... "So strong..." She giggles kicking her legs and i smirk proudly... "Let's get you changed and in bed..." I say and she kisses me... "You just want me naked..." She whispers and i smirk... "Always..." I grin and she lays her head on my shoulder...

"Chris?" She whispers as i walk into the bedroom and kick the door shut behind me... "Yes, baby..." I whisper kissing the top of her head before sitting her down in the lounge chair. "What if we can't get pregnant again... Or God forbid it goes wrong again..." She whispers looking sad all of a sudden... She has hit the emotional stage of being tipsy... "Please dont think like that baby... You just have gotten off of birth control... We just are going to try..." I say giving her a comforting smile putting her hair behind her ear... "You won't leave me?" She whispers and i take her hand and hold it up in front of her face... "I am going to marry you again, baby girl... I am going to be by your side forever... I will never leave you again..." I whisper kiss her hand over the ring before i cup her face with both hands and kiss her... 

"I love you, silly girl..." I whisper when we break the kiss, and she smiles... "I love you to..." She whispers and i smile... "Okay... Wait here..." I say and she nods... I walk into the bathroom and take everything i need to remove her make up... As i walk back into the bedroom i chuckle... She has fallen asleep in the big chair... She looks so tiny and peaceful. But as if she can read my mind and says hold my beer, she snorts in her sleep and i double over laughing... 

This wakes her up and she looks at me dazed... "What??" She says looking around confused and i know the alcohol has now really set in... "Okay baby..." I say sinking on my knees in front of her... "Let me remove you make up so you can go to sleep..." I say biting my lip to not laugh... "Hmmm... Sleep..." She murmurs and i chuckle... "Close your eyes baby..." I say and she closes them with a smile on her face... I gently wipe all the makeup off... "I had fun tonight..." She mumbles and i smile... "Good... I am glad to hear..." I say and she presses her lips on mine as to kiss me, but she doesn't move... I chuckle and push her back a little... 

"Such a good boy..." She says patting my cheek and i chuckle again... I stand up and grab one of my shirts before removing her clothes and putting my shirt on her... "Sex now?" She says dazed and i grin... "Maybe tomorrow..." I say kissing her cheek... There is no way she is up for that now.... She is half out of it... She is in no state to consent... Besides i like her reactive and present not out of it... "Okay..." She sighs as i lift her up and walk her to the bed. After i tucked her in i go and get myself ready for bed. When i walk back in the room Mya is out like a light... I get in bed and spoon her... I smile as she just fits perfectly into me... 

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