108. Ugh.

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I am sitting at the kitchen counter and watch Mya waddle around the house while i try to read a script i was sent... She is 32 weeks pregnant... She is in full on nesting mode... Today she is uncomfortable... She cant seem to settle and just started cleaning again... She has mostly good days but today is not one of those days... Most of the times i could distract her and make her feel good... Because she is in a horny stage... God she is horny all the time... The more i think about it the more i realize that she has been in the horny stage the whole pregnancy... I am not complaining but damn it was worse than i thought... She is beautiful though... Her belly sticking out, the way she rubs it all day without realizing it... That little pregnancy waddle... The way she sits down and stands up... It is all adorable... I go back to reading with a little smile on my face as i know saying anything right now will only piss her off... She is having an off day and somehow that means that everything i do is no good... So, i just leave her alone so to not ad to her discomfort.

After our little trip in New York, you just could see her belly grow every day... It just went so fast all of a sudden... Our little nugget was doing great, happy and healthy in mommy's belly. The New York trip was fun... We had dinner with Scarlet, went shopping for our little nugget and she had a nice spa day while i had another meeting. She came back from the spa day with this lazy satisfied smile only to fall asleep in my arms... I took her out on a fancy date in a fancy restaurant... She looked gorgeous... She had this big smile when the food was brought out doing a little happy dance in her seat... We had 2 lazy days in the hotel suite as she was tired after 4 busy days... It was just amazing... Cuddled up in bed, talking baby names. Not that Mya could make up her mind... Every day she would come with new names... The list got longer and longer but i dont care... We would figure it out... 

"Ugh... Seriously..." Mya groans and i look up from my script... Mya tries to get up from the couch where she had just sat down after cleaning the living room. "Need help?" I ask and she gives me a death stare... "No... I can get up myself..." She grumbles and i watch her get up and waddle off... I let out a soft chuckle, continue reading and shake my head... 

"I heard that!" She yells and i look up again with wide eyes... How in the hell did she hear that... 5 minutes later she walks back in but instead of sitting down again, she walks over to me standing in front of me and i lower my script looking at her... "Chris! Tell our daughter to stop using my bladder as a punching bag." She says and i give her a small smile... I sigh and pull her between my legs throwing my script to the side... I lift her shirt and kiss her belly... "Hello little nugget... Dad here... Can you please stop using your mom's bladder as a punching bag..." I say and kiss her belly only to be met with a kick... "Great... She is already not listening..." Mya mumbles and i sigh... 

"Is there anything i can do to make you comfortable?" I ask and she pouts and shakes her head... "Nothing...?" I say smirking and winking at her, and she sighs and shakes her head... "No..." She pouts and sighs again... "I am not in the mood for bedroom activities..." She mumbles and i pull her into a hug. "I am sorry baby... I wish there was something i could do..." I mumble and she hugs me back and then i hear a soft sob... That sob quickly turns louder and before i know it she is full on crying... 

"Oh baby... Shhhh... I am sorry... Please tell me what i can do to help..." I whisper and she holds onto me... "There is nothing you can dooooo..." She cries and i sigh feeling helpless. "I just feel ugh today... My belly is itchy... It is driving me crazy... Our nugget is not letting me sleep and i am just so tired but can't get comfortable..." Mya sobs and i sigh... 

"Okay... Well, what do you say if we go take a nap... I am going to put the moisturizer on your belly to help with the itchiness and i will rub your feet until you are asleep..." I say as we pull out of our embrace... "It is no use..." Mya says her face all red and puffy from crying... 

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