121. Morning antics

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"Good morning. baby..." I say as i walk into the kitchen... I had just woken the boys up so they could get ready for school... "Hey..." She says and i look at her confused as she is breathing heavy and her hey sounded a little off... Iris is sitting in her bouncing chair babbling on distracting me... "Goodmorning my little nugget..." I coo at her and give her kisses all over... When i look up at Mya i can see she is struggling... "Everything okay?" I ask and she nods... "Yep... Trying to make breakfast but feeling nauseous..." She mumbles and i sigh and walk over to her rubbing her back as she is bending over her hands on the counter. She is trying to breathe through it... I wish there is something i could do but i remember this from her pregnancy with Iris... All i could do was rub her back, hoping it would pass...

"Can you please not touch me..." She says taking a deep breath and i lift my hand of her back... "Sorry... Is there anything i can do?" I say and she shakes her head... "No... Nope... Just morning sickness..." She mumbles... She stands back up and takes a deep breath... "Baby just sit down and relax for a second..." I say worried but she shakes her head... "Cant... Need to make breakfast... Boys are already late... And we can't be late today as we barely have time to make it to the doctor in time..." She mumbles and i sigh... "Baby... Sit down..." I say leading her to a chair... "But breakfast..." She protests and i smile... "It won't kill the boys if they have cereal for one morning..." I say smiling and she groans but gives in and sits down... Mya is a big, breakfast is the most important meal of the day believer and hates giving the boys cereal for breakfast... But desperate times call for desperate measures... I grab the cereal and put some in two bowls and put the milk out for them to pour...

I crouch down in front of Mya, and she looks at me looking absolutely miserable... "Baby... Do you want me to call the doctor to let him know we will be a little later?" I say and she shakes her head... "No... I want to see our baby..." She mumbles and i smile... "I will make you some ginger tea and toast..." I whisper and kiss her cheek... She gives me a forced smile... 

The boys come running in and i point to their cereal bowls... They both sit down, big smiles as for them cereal is a treat... They are oblivious to the fact that their mother is feeling miserable... "I am going to take a shower... Iris had breakfast and is dressed already..." She mumbles and i look at her and sigh... "Baby... What time did you wake up?" I ask and she sighs... "4..." She mumbles and walks off... Yep pregnant alright... Yesterday she was feeling fine saying that she was barely sick... But now it had hit her hard... 

The boys eat and i make some toast and ginger tea bringing it up stairs... I hear her throw up as soon as i enter the bedroom so i put everything down and walk in the bathroom... I find her over the toilet throwing up and i sigh and sit down beside her and rub her back and hold her hair... Somehow it seems worse than when she was pregnant with Iris... It worries me a little but i dont want to overreact just yet... 

When she is finally in the shower, i walk back down after telling her that tea and toast are on the dresser... I walk back down and hear the boys laughing in the kitchen making me smile... But that smile quickly disappears as i walk into the kitchen... I look around... My eyes grow wide and i groan as the boys are throwing cereal at each other using their spoons as catapults. The kitchen an absolute mess and they are so caught up in it that they hadn't even noticed me yet... 

"BOYS!!!" I say raising my voice and 2 sets of eyes look at me and they freeze on the spot... I groan as i look at Iris who is all dirty from the soggy cereal that had been thrown around... "Seriously! What were you both thinking, throwing food around..." I say annoyed and they look at me with big eyes... "Go upstairs and get changed... When you come back from school, we will discuss what the consequences will be... Now rush or you both will be late..." I say and they both look at the floor... "Sorry dad... Yeah sorry dad..." They both say and i sigh... "Upstairs now... Change and get ready to go..." I say and they both walk off moping... I groan as the cereal is even on the ceiling... 

I walk over to Iris who is giggling and squealing not bothered by the fact that the cereal is in her hair... " What happened here?" I hear and i turn around to see Mya standing there showered and dressed, with her tea and toast in hand... She looks around stunned... "I left the boys for 5 minutes with their cereal and spoons..." I mumble and Mya looks annoyed... "Dont worry... They are already going to change and i told them when they get back from school, we will discuss the consequences..." I say and she nods... "You eat and drink your tea, i will change Iris who has been caught in the crosshairs and then i will clean up here..."  I say and she sighs... "No... I will clean up..." She mumbles and i shake my head... "Nope... You go sit and i will be right back..." I say and she looks around... 

"Sit were...? There is cereal everywhere...!" She says annoyed and just puts her breakfast down and starts cleaning... I sigh knowing it is no use and i walk upstairs with Iris... I hear the boys giggling and stick my head around the corner to see them in the middle of a pillow fight... Seriously what is up with them this morning... "Last warning... Stop messing around..." I say and they jump as they are caught... They both nod and get dressed... I sigh and shake my head... It would have been funny if it had not been a school day and Mya had not felt miserable...  

As i am changing Iris i hear the boys run downstairs and sigh... Is this the start of puberty? I think to myself... When i have cleaned up Iris, i walk down to see the boys ready and dressed at the front door... "Wait there and dont move..." I say pointing to the bench... They sit down and walk to the kitchen where Mya is still cleaning... "Baby, we need to go... I will clean up when we get back..." I say and she sighs and nods... 15 minutes later we are all in the car... The boys are quiet their sister between them... 

We reach school and before i open the door i look at them... "Behave at school today... No play dates after school... I will pick you up and we will go home immediately... No exceptions..." I say and they both nod... They say goodbye and get out of the car... 

I look at Mya and smile... "Ready to see our baby?" I ask and she smiles and nods... "Yes..." She says and we take off to the doctor's office...

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