37. The video

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Ma had stayed all day playing board games with Oliver. She adored him, i could see it in her eyes. But then again what is not to adore about our kid... She also had a little one on one time with Mya while i took over with the board games. It was nice to hear Mya and ma laughing and chatting like they haven't been apart for 9 years. Mya and ma had cooked dinner together while i practiced my sign language with Oliver. Sometimes i had to pinch myself to make sure this was not just a dream again. It is so nice... So domestic and peaceful. 

Ma had left after dinner not wanting to drive in the dark. We had to promise to visit soon so she could show the family photo albums to Oliver... Oliver had been out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow and i had to get Mya because i was too scared to remove his processor and hurt him. She had chuckled and shown me how to do it and it was just simple. She explained it is connected with a magnet so it would not hurt to be removed. He could do it himself but mostly forgot it was there... 

She dan sat me down at the kitchen table and explained how it worked. She showed me video's online and explained what would happen in surgery. To say i felt worried was an understatement but after Mya explained it all i was a bit more at ease... 

"Your sweet when you are worried..." She said kissing my forehead as she stood up to make herself some tea... "Dont worry tomorrow is just a checkup he will not be going into surgery yet... They are going to do some tests... You can ask questions and the doctor can explain it even better than i did..." She said and i sighed... "I know... And you explained it perfectly... This is all just so new... I can't help but worry..." I mumble and she smiles... She walks over to me pulls my head back so i am looking at her as she leans over me while standing behind me... 

"Welcome to parenthood... Sometimes it sucks... You are going to love it..." She whispers a big smile on her face before planting kisses all over my face making me chuckle... I reach behind me and pull her in my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck as sitting sideways and i bury my head in her neck planting soft kisses everywhere. 

"You are not playing fair..." Mya says in a soft moan and i smirk... "Says the woman who literarily had her hand in my pants yesterday only to walk away a few seconds later..." I growl in her neck nibbling on her skin on hand on her thigh massaging the soft flesh the other on her ass squeezing it... "Aaaah sweet memories..." She moans followed by a little giggle and groan before attaching my lips to her skin sucking hard marking her... 

She shifts in my lap grinding on my dick and i groan... "If you keep moving like that i will come in my pants..." I growl and she giggles again. She puts he hand on my cheek and kisses me... It is a soft kiss but soon the kiss turns hungry our tongues fighting for dominance as we get lost in the moment... "Fuck Mya... You are killing me..." I growl as she is now moving intentionally giggling as she does... "Right... Sorry..." She whispers but with a grin on her face and i groan as she stops wriggling her ass against my throbbing cock... "I didn't tell you to stop... Fuck it felt good..." I murmur sounding absolutely desperate... 

She smiles and stands up and i sigh hanging my head... Me and my big mouth. She takes her tea and i readjust myself as i am once again uncomfortably hard in my jeans. When she sits down next to me i kiss the top of her head and she smiles...

"I have something i wanted to show you..." She whispers and i look at her confused... She goes to a folder on her laptop and a video appears on the screen.  

A little baby appears on the screen sitting in her lap and i smile as it is Oliver... "It was the first time he could hear..." She whispers and i smile but tears form in my eyes. She presses play and we hear the voice of a person out of view of the screen... Someone steps in and puts the processor on his little head... The room goes silent, and Oliver looks around he gets a little fussy... "Hello my sweet, sweet boy..." Mya says softly and you see his little head snap in her direction, and he immediately stops fussing... His eyes grow wide... "Hi..." Mya says tears streaming down her face and he starts to squeal only to immediately stop as he is confused were that is coming from... "Yes, that was you..." Mya coos at him and he smiles at her... I wipe away my tears smiling at the screen... I feel a bit conflicted. I am happy she showed it to me but i also missed it... 

"I am sorry... I thought you would like to see it..." Mya says sounding sad and i turn to her and kiss her... "I did... just gives mixed feelings..." I whisper and she sighs... "I am sorry..." She mumbles and i sigh to... "I missed so much..." I whisper and Mya stays quiet... "I have a son and i dont know anything about him. I missed it all..." I whisper a little frustrated and it may have come out a little harsher then i had wanted... Mya lets out a sob... "I am sorry..." She says again and puts her tea down stands up and walks out... "Mya!" I yell after her and before she disappears, she shakes her head... "I need a moment Chris..." She says and i groan and throw my head back. "Me and my big mouth..." I mumble and sigh... I look at the screen of the laptop again. I press play and the video starts over.  ... 

I dont know how many times i have watched it before i finally turn the laptop off... Mya had not come back and i curse myself. I knew that when she says she needs a moment, she needs a moment, and you better leave her alone. I learned the hard way that bugging her when she said she needed a moment would only backfire... I sigh and get up turn all the lights off and lock up the house putting the alarm on... As i walk to my bedroom were we both slept, cuddled up last night she is not there... Panic sets in and i check the guestroom she had slept in the first night... But no Mya... 

I sigh and hang my head and walk to what has become Oliver's room... Next week we would paint and decorate... There she is cuddled up to Oliver... Her cheeks are tears stained... She is asleep.... I sigh and walk over kiss both their foreheads before walking out... 

I walk to my bedroom and close the door... "Fuck!" I growl in frustration... I sigh as the realization sets in that i fucked up yet again and will be sleeping alone tonight... I hate it...

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