106. New York.

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"Chris... Look at the view..." Mya whispers walking to the big window of our suite looking out over New York... We had just arrived and checked in... We had dropped the boys off at school and gotten on the road. Ma would pick them up from school... She had slept most of the way... 

"It is beautiful..." I say letting my eyes roam Mya's body as she looks out the window... She looks over her shoulder and rolls her eyes... "I meant out there..." She says pointing out the window and i smirk... "It is nothing compared to you..." I say with a cheeky smirk on my face, and she giggles... "Smooth Chris... Very smooth..." She giggles and i smirk and walk over to her and hug her from behind... 

"Sorry for falling asleep for most of the way here..." She mumbles and i kiss her neck... "Dont be sorry baby... You looked so cute... Drooling and mumbling in your sleep..." I say and she turns around and slaps my chest playfully... "I do not drool..." She says pouting and i smirk and poke her on her hoodie... "Then what is that?" I say pointing out dried up drool spot on her hoodie and she blushes... "Stop it..." She mumbles and i smirk pulling her into my arms... "Ever since your pregnant you talk in your sleep..." I say and she blushes... "Oh god... What do i say...?" She asks and i chuckle... "Can't understand it... It is more a mumble..." I say and she sighs... 

"What do you want to do first... We have a few hours before we have to be at the studio..." I say and she sighs... "Are you sure you want me to come along?" She asks and i pull back a little and look at her... "Yes... You will love it... I promise... Jimmy is nice and i want to show you off..." I say winking at her, and she bites her lip... "Are you going to play a game with him?" She asks and i smirk... "Probably..." I say and she giggles... "You are always so cute when you get competitive..." She whispers and now i blush. 

"Would you play a game with us?" I ask and she looks confused... "Normally Scott would be with me and play along..." I say and she sighs... "I dont know Chris... I dont think people want to see your wife on tv..." She says and i smirk... "Oooh i think you would be a hit... People will love you..." I say grinning and she sighs... "I can't hide my pregnancy..." She mumbles and i shrug my shoulders... "It would come out sooner or later... Why not on our terms...?" I say and she looks surprised... "You want to reveal the pregnancy?" She says and i nod... "Baby... I want to scream it off the rooftops... Show off my beautiful pregnant wife..." I say and she blushes... 

"I'll think about it... Depends on the game... I dont want to be soaked or something like that..." She says and i smirk... "Nothing to physical... I'll make sure of it... Just think about it..." I say and she nods... "I'll think about it..." She mumbles... "I dont have anything to wear to be on TV..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Nothing... In the 2 suitcases is nothing to wear?" I ask and she shakes her head a little smile on her face... "Well, we can fix that... Plenty of places to buy clothes in New York..." I say and her face lights up... 

I take her hand and grab my wallet and takes hers out of her purse... She wants to protest but i just kiss her... I am going to spoil you... We arrive at this little boutique and i patiently wait for her to pick something out... I can't stop but smile as she is showing outfit after outfit... She looks so cute in all of them showing off her bump... She was adamant no blue or pink... She did not want to give away the gender... Not even the boys know. We wanted to keep that just between us...  She can't pick, so i gather it all and take it to the register under protest and buy it all... 

When we arrive at our hotel room, we get ready, and Mya finally decides on what outfit she is wearing going for the yellow dress with denim jacket and sneakers... Comfort but still looking absolutely gorgeous... 

As we arrive at the studio she still has not decided if she will participate

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As we arrive at the studio she still has not decided if she will participate... I dont want to push and we have to see what game they had in mind... As we walk in Mya pushes me to take some pictures with fans waiting outside the studio... After taking a few pictures i take her hand and we walk inside... We get greeted by someone of the crew and brought to a dressing room... I introduce Mya to people, and she is a little shy but smiles... As she gets more comfortable, she starts to shine, chatting and being her bubbly self... She just pulls people in. She just has this natural likeability that draw's people in....  I just watch her and smile... God she is amazing... Within a few minutes she knows people's names... Their partners names... How many kids they have... Basically their life story... People naturally trust her... 

There is a knock on the door and Jimmy walks in... I greet him and introduce Mya to him... They shake hands... He is in shock seeing her pregnant and congratulates us with a big smile on his face... He asks if the pregnancy is allowed to be mentioned and i look at Mya... I want her to make that decision... She takes a deep breath rubbing her belly and nods... I smile and kiss her temple... 

Then the big question... If she is up for a game... I look at her... "It is up to you baby..." I say and she blushes... Jimmy smiles to... "You really want this?" She asks me and i smile... "It is up to you baby... No pressure... If you really dont want this, you dont have to..." I say and she takes another deep breath... "Okay... But no water, gore or things that make me jump..." She says and looks at Jimmy who smirks... "No water no gore no things that make you jump... I promise... This is going to be amazing." Jimmy says all excited and Mya smiles back at him then looks at me... "You are going down..." She says to me and Jimmy laughs... "Oh this is definetly going to be fun..." He says and after talking a bit longer he leaves so we can get ready... I smile as we are both sitting in makeup. 

They make her even more beautiful, doing her hair to... She blushes looking in the mirror and then giggles as she watches me being made up... I will be going alone first and then when it is time for the game, she will join... I can see she is nervous... "It will be great baby... You will be great..." I whisper to her, kissing her temple before my name is being called and i have to go on... 

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