70. The woman...

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There are a few photographers outside the perimeter of the school... But thank God they are not allowed in the parking lot. There are guards at the gate and where people normally could drive up you now have to show id... I look in the rearview mirror to see the car with security following us without problems. 

We park the car the security guys parking next to us and before i can get out Mya grabs my arm... "Take a moment..." She says and i look at her confused... "You are tense... Relax... I dont want Oliver to think he is in trouble..." She says and i sigh... "Sorry..." I mumble but she smiles... She pushes herself up puts her hand on my face turning me to look at her. She kisses me. I smile into the kiss as my body immediately relaxes... "That is better..." She whispers and i smirk... "I still feel tense..." I mumble a little sly grin on my face, and she giggles... "Fine one more kiss..." She whispers... We pull back and i get out the car telling her to wait... I walk around the car and open the door for her the security guys getting out to looking around. Mya ignores them as if they are not here... As if this is everyday life and i guess for now it will be. She smiles shaking her head taking my hand... 

"If people are going to film again i might as well come across like a gentleman." I say winking at her, and she giggles... School will go out in about an hour, and we are waiting for Oliver in the principal's office where we will have a meeting first on how to ensure Oliver's safety. Mya had set this up after hanging up the phone with me after she called me telling about the situation at the clinic. I take her hand in mine lace my fingers together and we walk in... We tell the lady at the desk we have an appointment, and she smiles and nods... She lets the principal know we are here... 

But we get the surprise of a lifetime when the door of the principal's office opens and as we walk in, we are not alone... There she sits... The woman that filmed us... I immediately recognize her... I have no idea what she is doing here but i feel myself get all tense again... "What is going on here?" Mya is the first to say her voice strained as she squeezes my hand tighter... "Why the hell is she here?" Mya asks sounding angry... The type of angry i hope never to be the recipient off. "

Did you have your fun...? Had a nice pay day... Over the back of our son...? Putting him in harm's way? Do you enjoy stirring up shit?" She spits at the woman whose eyes grow wide at Mya's venom... "Ms. Walsh...." The principal says but she holds up her hand shutting him up and to my surprise he does... She turns to him... "First of all, it is Dr. Walsh..." She says and i have to smirk as the man starts to blush... She turns back to the woman... "Is your own life that shit and boring that you have to spice it up over the back of others? Is that how you get your thrill... Get a fucking hobby or something..." Mya continues to cut into her... 

"I... I... Didn't think..." The woman stutters and i roll my eyes... "That's right... You didn't think... Do you have any idea what you put us through... I had to hire security so Mya could leave her work... We are here with our security to pick up our son... From school... Let that sink in... School..." I say and the woman turns bright red... I turn to the principal... "Mr. Moor... What is the meaning of all this... A heads up would have been nice..." I say and he clears his throat... "I am sorry Mr. Evans... We just found out Mrs. Kennedy was the one to film... Seeing as it was on school grounds, we like to deal with it in house, we are taking it very seriously... And she wants to apologize... Isn't that right, Mrs. Kennedy..." He says and the woman nods. I sigh... 

"Deal with it?" I say and the man nods... "We are going to suspend Mrs. Kennedy's son Kevin... As Mrs. Kennedy has violated school policy..." Mr. Moor says and i nod satisfied... "Kevin?  As in Kevin the boy in Oliver's class?" Mya asks and Mr. Moor nods as Mrs. Kennedy looks at her fingers on the verge of tears... "Yeah no... That kid is already struggling at home... Oliver told me some stories... No need to suspend him... He can't help that his mom is a selfish idiot... We are not going to take it out on her son..." Mya says surprising everyone... "Mya?" I say surprised and she shakes her head...

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