124. Got something to tell?

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Mya is only 14 weeks pregnant but already showing... For now, she is still able to hide it a little, but it won't be long... She is feeling a bit better... Week 13 was hell as she kept throwing up... That week she was hiding out in the house scared her being sick all day would give it away... But this week she seems to feel a little better... 

Tonight, we would tell the boys... Iris was still too young... Her birthday would be next week... Her first birthday... I was excited... We were not doing anything really special... Just the family would be by...  A little party... Nothing over the top... Just her blowing out her first candle and getting her birthday presents... I am also curious how the boys are going to take the news of the triplets... They absolutely adore their little sister. 

"Chris!" Mya yells and i jump up snapping out of my little daydream and walk to the living room... "Look!" She says and i look stunned as Iris is stumbling around... Still unstable and holding on to the table, but she is standing, and she is walking...  I walk over and sit on my knees holding out my arms for Iris... "Come on my little nugget... Come to dada..." I say smiling... She giggles and let's go of the table and stumbles over to me... I hold my breath and cheer her on... She reaches me and i cheer and lift her in my arms kissing her cheek making her giggle even harder... 

"Such a daddy's girl..." Mya says smirking rolling her eyes and i laugh... "You are still crossed because she said dada first..." I say smirking kissing my little nuggets chubby cheeks making her giggle... "Only because you have been practicing with her until you saw blue in the face... She felt sorry for you and put you out of your misery..." She says laughing and i smirk... "Dada..." Iris squeals and i smirk as Mya rolls her eyes... She says mama to but not as often and only when she is tired or sad and wants cuddles... Mya is her comfort person... 

"She needs to stop though..." I sigh and Mya looks at me confused... "Stop what?" She asks me and i smile... "She needs to stop growing up... She is going to fast..." I say and Mya smiles... "I know... almost one..." She mumbles and i smile... 

All of a sudden, we hear the front door and the boys run in with the dogs... Sara and Tyler had taken the boys and dogs on a hike. They are really amazing... They love the boys and take them out for day trips often... The boys love them to... Uncle Tyler and Auntie Sara are their favorites... We look up and smile as Sara and Tyler walk in after them... 

Iris squeals and wriggles out of my arms... She abandons walking and crawls over to the boys as they see her. They smile and Oliver lifts her up... He hugs her while Kevin kisses her cheek before putting her back down again. She crawls back over to me... The dogs come to say hi to her... They love her but prefer the boys as they can play with them and give them treats... Oliver and Kevin excitedly start talking about their hike... Mya looks at me and winks as she gets up and hugs Sara and Tyler thanking them... We were going to tell the boys with them here so basically telling them to... 

I know Mya was nervous on how everyone would take it... It would change so much... Sara, if she was willing had to take up more responsibility at the shelter... I was sure she would not mind... I stand up and hug the boys before i hug Tyler and Sara... While the boys go off to play, we sit down in the kitchen with Sara and Tyler. Mya is making tea while i sit with Iris in my lap... 

"So, Tyler and i have a question..." Sara says smirking and Mya and i look at her... "Question?" Mya asks and Sara nods... "Shoot..." I say and Sara looks at Tyler smirking. Tyler just chuckles and shakes his head... Sara then looks at Mya... "Is there something you want to tell us... Or is it too soon...?" She asks smirking and we look at her stunned... "What do you mean?" Mya says turning bright red as she puts a cup of tea in front of them... I just smirk as they probably have figured it out... I mean they are over a lot, so it was not that hard... 

"Come on Mya... Last week you looked like a zombie... You kept throwing up... You only ate crackers for a whole day and drank ginger tea..."  Sara says and Mya blushes... She walks over to her purse and pulls out the ultrasound... I sit up and smirk getting ready for what is to come... 

She walks over to Sara and blushes... "Well... Yes... There is something to tell..." she says handing Sara the ultrasound... "You are pregnant again..." Sara says all giddy... "You guys waste no time huh..." Tyler says at me smirking... I smirk back and we shake hands as he congratulates us... Iris squeals and reaches out for him... He takes her from me and i stand up... 

"Wait a minute... WAIT A MINUTE!" Sara screeches all of a sudden says her eyes growing wide just like ma had when she found out... I smirk and walk over to Mya pulling her by my side kissing the top of her head... "Is this real?" She asks us and we both nod... "What?" Tyler asks with Iris in his lap... Sara walks over to him and hands him the ultrasound... "Look at it..." She says and he looks at it... "It is an ultrasound..." He says and Sara rolls her eyes... "Look closely..." She says but he is clueless... "There... There... And there..." She says pointing the 3 babies out...

"I dont get it..." He says and Sara groans and gives him a little slap on the back of the head... "Triplets, you idiot..." She says and now Tyler's eyes grow wide, and he looks at Mya and me... "Triplets?" He asks and we nod... 

"Holy crap..." He mutters and Mya giggles... "That is what Chris said when the doctor told us..." she mumbles and i smirk... "How are you guys feeling about this?" Sara asks and we both smile... "In shock at first and maybe even now... I mean i am 14 weeks pregnant and already really showing hence the hoodie of Chris..." Mya says blushing and lifts the hoodie showing her bump. I smirk and rub the bump... "We are still getting used to the idea... We wanted another baby... But had not planned on 3..." I say letting out a sigh... "Do the boys know?" Sara asks and we shake our heads.  "We were going to tell them after dinner and were hoping that you two could join..." I say and Sara and Tyler smile...

"Whatever you need we are here for you..." Tyler says standing up and he hugs us both... I know it is hard for them... I learned that they have tried for so long to have kids of their own... It was not in the cards for them... Sara's womb was not able to carry a baby to full term and there were problems with Tyler to... They decided to just stay childfree. The exact details i dont know... They just decided to be the best aunt and uncle they could be to our kids... And the best they are... 

"We need to talk about the shelter..." Mya said a little unsure and Sara smiled... "Tomorrow... Today we celebrate..." Sara says and i could see Mya was relieved... "Then there is another thing..." I said and Mya let me go wanting to sit down... I stood behind her and put my hands on her shoulders... 

"So... With 3 babies on the way... This house is too small and not practical..." I say and both Tyler and Sara nod... "We have bought the plot of land next door as we really like this neighborhood are the lack of there off... It is private and we all know that is important for us..." I say and take another deep breath... "We are going to build a house there big and practical enough for our family... But that leaves this house empty..." I say and i look at Mya who looks up at me smiling... 

"You guys mean a lot to us... We are so thankful for everything you have done for us..." I say and they both smile... "It is our pleasure... We will always be here for both of you... For all of you..." Sara says chuckling and i smile... "Well, we were hoping you would say that... Because when our new house is ready, we want to give this house to you..." Mya says and their eyes grow wide... "What?" Sara says and Mya smiles... "You two have always been there for me... And now for Chris and i... And our kids... I owe you both so much and there is no way i can ever repay you for everything... But Chris and i want you to have this house... It is the least we can do..." Mya says and i nod smiling... 

"That is too much..." Tyler says and i shake my head... "No... No, it is not..." I say and Sara starts to cry and hugs Mya... "We are not taking no for an answer... As soon as we move out, we will put the house in your names..." I say and Tyler and i hug again... "Thanks man..." He says and i smirk as Iris starts to protest wanting to be put down... He does and she stands up and waddles out of the kitchen as if she has somewhere to be, leaving us all speechless... "She is walking..." Sara says in shock and Mya and i laugh but are still stunned as earlier she still was unstable and now is running off as if she has been walking for years.... "Okay... an hour ago she was just waddling a little and now she is running off..." Mya says and it hits me all of a sudden. "Shit..." I mumble. I drop everything and run after her to make sure she does not hurt herself...

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