51.Money talks and accidents

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"So, i did a thing..." I whisper as Mya is having breakfast... She looks up a little hesitant mid bite... "Okay..." She says her voice a little unsure. "I uhm told Seb, Mackie and Scarlet about us... About you and Oliver..." I say blushing. "Christopher...!" She scolds me and i freeze waiting for her to scold me for telling people... But instead, she lets out a deep sigh as if she is relieved and i am confused... "You should really work on your delivery.... Jeeezz for a moment i thought you were going to confess a murder..." She says letting out another sigh. "God your face was so serious..." She says and continues eating...

"You are not mad or annoyed?" I ask a little surprised and she looks up at me again. "No...?! Why would i be mad...? I would not expect you to keep us a secret... In fact, i would be a little offended if you would..." She says and i smile a little... "I dont know... We didn't really discuss it..." I mumble and she smiles. "Chris... I trust you to know who you can talk to and who not... They are your friends. You have a son... I get that you are excited to share that news..." Mya says and i smirk... "Son and girlfriend..." I say taking her hand in mine and she blushes... 

"They want to see you... The both of you..." I say and Mya sighs... "Can we do that after we have come back from Yellowstone... I would like to see them to... I really do but Oliver just met your family... He needs to get used to them... We have our trip to Yellowstone coming up... Which is going to be emotional not just for Oliver... Just..." She says taking a deep breath... "Just one thing at a time..." She says and i smile... "Of course... No problem." I say and kiss her...

"Is there stuff that needs to be done before we can go to Yellowstone?" I ask her and shakes her head... "No i booked our flights and we will be staying at the house while packing up..." Mya says and i look at her surprised. "You booked flights already?" I ask and she nods... "Mya... You shouldn't... I could have..." I say stuttering and she looks at me confused... "What is the problem?" She says taking the last bite of her food standing up and putting the plate in the dishwasher. 

"Well traveling for me..." I start and she smiles crossing her arms in front of her chest not saying a word leaning against the counter making me even more nervous. "Traveling is not as easy for me." I say blushing and she chuckles... "Oh i remember Mr. Moviestar... Dont worry i booked us 3 first class seats with online check in... We dont need to bring much stuff so we can just take carry one luggage with us... I know you can travel light..." She says smirking and i smile a little awkwardly... 

"But you didn't need to pay for our tickets..." I mumble blushing and she chuckles shaking her head. "Why not? Dont tell me you turned into this Alpha male idiot..." She says raising an eyebrow... "Me man... Need to pay... Woman in kitchen... Man provide... Woman sit and look pretty." She growls walking around like some sort of cave man... I look at her shocked but burst out laughing... 

Oliver walks in curious what all the fuss is about. He looks at Mya who walks over to him still pretending to be a cave man... "Ah young man... need to learn... Need to be strong..." She growls and i can't stop laughing... Oliver starts to giggle... "Mom!" He squeals when she catches up with him and wraps her arms around him and starts to attack him with kisses still growling making him squeal even harder.... The dogs fly in jumping around them completing the chaos...

"I am going to eat you..." She growls and Oliver squeals even harder making the dogs even more crazy. I just sit and watch all this with the biggest smile on my face... Oliver manages to break free and runs off the dogs following him out... Mya stops and looks at me putting her hands on her hips looking at me and i smile... "Okay, okay..." I say throwing my hands up in defeat... "You made your point..." I say letting out a chuckle... 

"Good..." She says and sighs as i look at my fingers feeling a bit awkward... She walks over to my puts her finger under my chin making me look at her... She pecks my lips..."Chris... I am doing alright for myself... I dont have debts even with Oliver's medical bills... I have been fortuned... The practice in Yellowstone was doing very well and when my predecessor died, he didn't have a family and left everything to me and Oliver... He always said he felt like a dad to me... And well he kind of was... He was the dad i never had... He loved Oliver and wanted to make sure he was well taken care off... So, i put most of it in and account for his medical bills and in a trust for his college. I made good money with the practice... I made a profit on the house. I sold the practice for good money... I am doing alright... Granted i dont have movie star money... But i am fine..." She says and i blush...  

"Besides... I got another job offer here in Boston... A private practice... It seems i got to have options..." She says smiling and kisses me again... I smile back at her... "Yeah well you are great so i am not surprised..." I say and she blushes... "Well, we have to see... I have set up the interviews for when we come back..." She says and sits in my lap... "I dont need your money Chris... I just want you..." She whispers and i wrap my arms around her as we kiss... 

"Yeah, well what is mine is yours... But we will talk about our financial situation when we get back... It is not just you and Oliver anymore... He is my kid to... We are a family now... We will find a way to arrange our finances that we can both agree on..." I explain to her, and she blushes... "Sorry... Sometimes i forget that everything is not only my responsibility anymore, i just dont want you to feel like it is about money..." She whispers and i smile... "Never thought that..." I hum, and kiss her again... 

All of a sudden, we hear a loud crash and Mya jumps up with me following closely behind... "I'm sorry mom... We were playing and the dogs knocked it over..." Oliver says on the verge of tears... "Are you hurt, sweetie?" Mya asks and he shakes his head... It doesn't stop Mya to check him all over while he keeps saying sorry looking at me with big eyes. "It is okay bud... Accidents happen... It is okay..." I say comforting him before i lead the dogs away. I dont want them to step in the glass of a vase that had been knocked over... After that i go and get a broom... "It is okay bud... Accidents happen..." I say again when i walk back with a broom to get rid of the glass as he is still softly sobbing... "Okay sweetie... You have a cut on your foot let mommy have a look at it..." Mya says and i am horrified as he is hurt... 

Half an hour later the tears are gone, and the cut has a band aid on it. I get down to his level as he is still sitting on the coffee table while Mya is cleaning everything up. "Hey bud listen to me... Accident happen... It is just a vase... The most important thing is that you are okay... I am not mad... Okay?" I say and he nods still pouting a little... "Come on bud... Give me a hug..." I say and i get a big hug... I look up at Mya who is smiling softly at me... "Now what do you say we play some boardgames..." I say and his face lights up... And just like that sadness is over and the accident forgotten.

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