89. Noooo...!? Really?!

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The boys are at school... It is 2 weeks until the wedding... We have been so busy with the boys and wedding planning the last couple of months that we barely had time for ourselves... So, for today we had planned on doing nothing... Just relax... Sometimes i wonder if we were better off eloping... Between all the meetings and such it is a lot... This time i was involved in everything that had to do with planning the wedding. Although it is a lot, i loved it... Everything was ready for the wedding... We were good to go... 

My highlight in planning everything was getting our paperwork at city hall... The same girl that told me i still was married to Mya in the first place, now handed me the paperwork to get married to her again...  Even she was in a better mood this time... Which i happily took as a good sign. To me it meant that my marriage to Mya was meant to be...

I had just gotten off the phone with ma who had been shopping with my sisters and niece for dresses for the wedding... Ma is so excited and just wanted to tell me everything about their day of dress shopping. She was so excited about me and Mya getting married that she would call me almost daily asking for updates... It was so sweet... 

But as much as she talked about her and my sister's dresses, so tight lipped was she about Mya's wedding dress... I had tried everything but got nothing... Ma would tell me to stop and Mya would not even give me a hint... Not even about the color... I had no clue if it was white or a non-traditional color... 

But the biggest change was the fact that the whole house is almost packed up... The house... Mya's dream house was ready... It was earlier than expected... The house was painted in the same dark blue color as her house in Yellowstone... It looked absolutely beautiful and would make the perfect back drop to our wedding... The inside had been painted and it was just ready for us to move in... So, we had packed everything up with help of the family and 2 days from now the movers would come and we would move... 

I smile as i find Mya outside. She is sitting on the swinging bench with a cup of tea a blanket wrapped around her... The dogs are running around having a blast... I make a mental note to tell the movers to take this thing to as she absolutely loved it... The weather has become so much nicer the chill was out of the air. The prospects for our wedding looked good... But even if it would rain all day, it would not matter... It would be the best day of my life no matter what... 

"Seriously... I never had such a long conversation with ma about dresses..." I groan sitting down next to Mya letting out a deep sigh... "Their dresses are not the once i am curious about..." I pout and Mya chuckles. I know she will not say a word... She is even more secretive about the dress than ma... Mya would not even react at my questions about the dress... I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her into me... "I am just happy to do nothing today..." I sigh and kiss the top of Mya's head... "Mhm..." Is all i get back and when i look at Mya she looks back at me a twinkle in her eyes... "What?" I ask and Mya shakes her head smirking... "Nothing..." She chirps looking at me while taking a sip of her tea... "What is up with you...? You look like you are up to something..." I say smirking and she giggles... "I have no idea what you are talking about..." She hums in a sweet singing tone this twinkle in her eyes and i squint my eyes at her... 

She is up to something. I can feel it, but i have no idea what... "The dogs are happy with the nice weather..." Mya chirps and i smile as i see them running around... They are amazing and got along so great... Best of buds... They really are amazing dogs and the boys absolutely loved them... They would sleep in the bed with the boys. "Baby girl... What are they wearing...?" I sigh letting out a chuckle... "I dont know... You might want to check it out..." Mya says smirking looking at me all innocent... "See i knew you were up to something..." I mumble and Mya giggles. 

I had not noticed before, but they are both wearing these outfits... "Steve! Bucky! Come here..." I say raising my voice followed by a whistle and Mya cuddles into me giggling... I dont cringe at calling out their names anymore... The dogs look up and look at us for a second, i think they are debating if they are going to listen or not... "Come... Come..." I say patting my leg and all of a sudden, they start running... "Are those my shirts?" I ask Mya as they get closer, and she giggles again... "Mhm..." Is all i get... Something is definitely up as i can feel excitement and tension radiate off of Mya. They are wearing white shirts with black lettering... But i can't read it as they run towards us... 

The dogs reach us and i give them some scratches before i turn Steve so i can see what is written on the shirts... "Bump protection service k9..." I read and i dont get it... "Bump... Protection service k9..." I mumble again... "You get it?" Mya whispers her voice soft and wavering a bit... She sounds nervous. I look at her confused and feeling a little stumped. "No... Not really..." I whisper a little embarrassed... She smiles and sits up kissing my cheek... "Maybe this will help..." She says taking a deep breath. "Close your eyes hold up your hand..." She says and i hesitate for a second, but i do as she asks... I feel her move next to me and feel something being placed in my hand... 

"Okay... You can look..." Mya whispers and i open my eyes... "Noooo..." I yell out in shock and the dogs start to bark... "Really?" I ask and Mya has the biggest brightest smile on her face as she hands me another one... "You are pregnant?" I ask tearing up and she nods... Handing me another test and i chuckle... I look at the 3 screens that say pregnant...  

I turn to her and put the tests down cupping her face with both hands and kissing her passionately... "Really? No joke?" I ask and she smiles shaking her head tears now streaming down her cheeks... "Really... No joke..." She whispers and i kiss her again... "A baby... We are going to have a baby?" I ask again as i rest my forehead against hers and she smiles through her own tears... "We are going to have another baby..." She says and i smile kissing her again... I look down at her stomach... "Can i..." I whisper and she chuckles and pulls back... "You can but there is nothing to feel just yet..." She says and i shrug my shoulders as i put my hand on her stomach... "Dont care... Our baby is in there..." I whisper in awe making Mya giggle... "Yes... Our baby is in there..." She murmurs. 

"How... How... How are you feeling?" I ask Mya stuttering and Mya giggles... "For a moment i thought you were going to ask how our baby got in there..." She says smirking and i grin... "Oh no baby... I know the how... I quite enjoyed the how..." I chuckle and give her another kiss... "I feel tired and a little nauseous..." She whispers and i pull her in my arms... "Whatever you need... Whatever it is... I am here... This time you are not alone... Nothing is too much..." I whisper and she giggles again... "You are going to regret that..." She hums and i just smile holding her... 

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