94. There she is...

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I am standing at the altar...I am fidgeting with my sleeves as i anxiously wait for Mya. I hear Scott chuckle behind me. He is finding my nerves hilarious. I know he is never going to let this go... Everyone is where they are supposed to be... Everything looks amazing. It is really perfect. It is not over the top but there are white tulips everywhere just like Mya had wanted... The weather is perfect the sun is shining. The house as a backdrop just makes it perfect... We have our wedding in our little heaven. And whenever we will sit on the swinging bench cuddled up and look out over our yard, we will be reminded of this day... I can see it... Both of us old and gray... Still madly in love maybe our kids will have kids who run around the yard... I know that it is thinking way ahead and our little nugget isn't even born yet and to think about all that might sound crazy but i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with Mya... To grow old with her... She is my past, my present, and my future... 

The boys stole the show walking in their little tuxedos down the aisle carrying the little suitcases with our rings

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The boys stole the show walking in their little tuxedos down the aisle carrying the little suitcases with our rings... I couldn't stop smiling at them and i even had to wipe away a few tears. This meant when Mya would come out i would be bawling and Scott and Tyler would be right. I would never hear the end of it, but i didn't care... I am just so damn happy... 

 The boys look had been completed by Aviator sunglasses making them look like real badass security. They even had little earpieces that our security had provided them with as they were showing off their outfits to them... They were so proud with big smiles on their faces... I loved the fact they were so happy to be involved. Mya and i didn't want it any other way they were part of our big day... And although Kevin still was hesitant about adopting him he was part of our family and we loved him so much. We hope that if there is a heaven that Stacy is looking down smiling happy with the life he is having. 

The little suitcases they are carrying were custom made by Mackie and looked amazing... The sunglasses they got from Seb. Oliver and Kevin really loved them, and they adored the boys... The last month's up till the wedding they visited more just to hang out with them... To watch them if we had to go out to plan our wedding. They had taken them to the science museum, the zoo or just hanging out with them at home.  They were now referred to as Uncle Mackie and Uncle Sebby... But their favorite uncle was still Scott who would take them at least once a month for a day to hang out doing whatever... 

Their walk down the aisle was hilarious... Every now and then they recognized people between all the guests only to be stunned, stop and wave... They lost it when they saw RDJ. They lost it so bad that they abandoned their task and ran over to him all excited... It was hilarious. Robert just smirked gave them a high five before they realized that they still had a task... They walked further and i gave them both a hug telling them i was so proud and loved them so much. It was only more hilarious when they both pulled a tissue out of their pockets handing it to me telling me it was okay to cry but i was going to need this... Everybody laughed and when i saw Tyler i knew he had put them up to it a big smirk on his face as he put both thumbs up. They sat down next to ma who put her arms around them kissing them on top of their heads. Grandma... They adored her... Every Sunday she came over for family dinner. Mya and i would cook and the boys would make dessert with her. It was just all so perfectly mundane and just heaven. Life was  ... 

Sara has walked down the aisle in her pink bridesmaid dress and when i look how Tyler looks at her i smile. You can see the love they have for each other and i hope that people look at me and Mya they see the same... 

The music starts to play... I take a deep breath knowing it will be any minute now... The music is normal but all of a sudden there is a lull in the music and i look surprised thinking something was going wrong... Mya had picked the music to walk down the aisle and when i asked her she would not tell me... But the music went on and i recognized it immediately... It was the Avengers theme song made into a processional song... I was shocked, it was amazing a little wink to me... It was beautiful but nothing compared to the sight in front of me... Mya had appeared a big smile on her face and i could not help but smile back the music had caught me off guard... 

I shake my head slowly a little smile on my face as she winks at me

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I shake my head slowly a little smile on my face as she winks at me... I am just unable to breath as she just takes my breath away... The guests gasp looking at her. She looks absolutely breathtaking and is glowing... Her dress... Her dress is breathtaking... She is breathtaking and i have to swallow hard to bite back the tears... It is no use though and i take one of the tissues the boys had gave me drying my eyes... I am the luckiest man in the world... This beautiful woman is going to marry me... Walking towards me... No elegantly gliding towards me... She is the most beautiful woman, and she is going to be all mine. I am going to be all hers... I wipe away my tears again as i can't stop them anymore... I only have eyes for her everything around her seems to disappear. I only have eyes for her... 

She comes closer and closer. My heart is pounding in my chest and i take a deep, deep breath to calm my excitement... I have the urge to run up to her as she is halfway up the aisle but when she is close i can't take it anymore and step of the little podium and take the 2 steps towards her closing the distance... People chuckle... "Always so impatient..." Mya whispers as i take her hand in mine... "Can you blame me... You look absolutely stunning..." I whisper and i kiss her sparking heavy protest making us both blush and giggle... 

I take her hand and help her step up. I dont let go of her hand my thumb rubbing circles over her knuckles... We turn to face each other, and Sara fixes her dress. "You look so beautiful..." I whisper and she smiles a blush appearing again... "Thank you, you look very handsome..." She whispers and i smile proudly... 

But then we get interrupted by the boys running up... They want a hug, and everyone laughs when Oliver and Kevin tell Mya all excited that she looks like a princess... My leans down and kisses both their cheeks telling them they look very handsome... Ma takes them back to their places and then it is time to start...

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