83. Birthday breakfast and gifts

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"Shhh... Shhhh..." I whisper to the boys as i am carrying the tray of food and the boys Mya's gifts... They were so excited helping me with making her breakfast and wrapping the gifts. So excited that i had to temper it just so Mya would not wake up. I chuckle at the dogs carrying the gift bags... Everyone was carrying something.  They were excited to celebrate her birthday. Kevin was excited because he had never celebrated a birthday and now that i think about it i dont remember him being there at Oliver's birthday party... I know when his birthday came around, we would go all out... Make him feel special... But today it was all about Mya... 

I push the bedroom door open and chuckle as Mya is still asleep sprawled out over the bed as a starfish... "Dad...? Where do you sleep?" Oliver whispers and i have to bite my lip to not laugh... The boys put everything down and jump on the bed waking her up by singing happy birthday loudly... I chuckle as she gasps and sits up still dazed and confused what is going on... Maybe i should have instructed them on gentle waking her up... "You boys... This is a nice surprise..." She says with tears in her eyes after she had fully woken up and pulls them in a hug... "We have gifts for you..." Oliver says proudly and Mya hugs them tighter... "You got me gifts?" She asks and the boys both nod... 

"Breakfast first... Otherwise it will get cold..." I say and Mya looks up to me smiling... The boys jump off the bed and i lean down and kiss Mya... "Happy birthday baby..." I whisper and she smiles "Thank you..." She whispers back before scooting up leaning against the headboard... She then looks at the tray and her eyes start to twinkle... "Pesto eggs?" She says all excited and i nod... "Oh god i love your pesto eggs... Why have i not asked you to make them before..." She groans and i chuckle putting the tray in front of her...

She takes a few bites before the boys get too impatient to wait anymore and put the boxes on the bed.  "Easy..." I say cringing scared that their excitement would end in broken gifts and the boy's blush... "This one first mom... It is from dad..." Oliver says and i groan... "Why not yours first..." I say as Oliver and Kevin both giggle... Mya takes the box and looks at me smirking... "What did you get me?" She asks curious as she starts ripping the paper... "Well i uhm... I took the boys... And i had to..." I start to stutter hoping to God that she would love it... She opens the box and smiles... She then looks at me... Then back in the box... "Chris made it...!" Kevin says all excited and she looks at me puts a hand on my cheek and kisses me before lifting the bowl out of the box... "It is beautiful... I love it... You made this??" She says turning the bowl looking at it all over with a big smile on her face... I blush feeling a mixture of relief and pride wash over me... 

"Thank you handsome..." She says kissing me again and i smile... "Now mine!" Kevin says all exited and i chuckles as he shoves the box in her face... "Maybe i should take this away for a moment..." I say and Mya chuckles as i take the food away putting it on the nightstand. "Thank you, sweetheart..." She says giving Kevin a kiss on the cheek before starting to unpack his gift. 

"Oh, sweetheart it is beautiful... Did you make this?" She asks him, kissing his cheek again and he blushes and nods... "I love it... It matches Chris's bowl..." She says smiling and Kevin beams at her proudly... "Mine now!" Oliver says and i pull Kevin in my lap as Oliver crawl next to Mya... She cradles his face and gives him kisses all over making him giggle... "Moooooom..." He protests and she chuckles letting him go... "Did you make me something to?" She asks him and he nods proudly... She opens the box and looks at the vase... "Oh sweetie it is beautiful... I love it..." She says pulling him into her and kissing his head hugging him tightly... "I have some amazing artists living in my home..." She says making all 3 of us blush... 

"I know just the place for it all..." She says smiling proudly and i smile back at her... "There is one more..." I say handing her the box with the vase Gigi made and Mya smiles unwrapping it... "God i love it all... You guys are spoiling me..." Mya says and i chuckle... 

"Steve and Bucky have something for you to..." Oliver says and i chuckle... Oliver takes the gift bags off of them as they were still holding it and i smile as Mya opens the bags... We had bought her stuff for a long relaxing bath... She smiles taking out her favorite scented candles. A few bath oils and bath bombs... Bubble bath and all the other things the boys had picked out including a rubber ducky... She chuckles holding it up and i grin... 

"This is going to be the most relaxing and fun bath ever..." She says and both boys' smirk proudly... "Okay boys time for Mya to eat breakfast and you two to get showered and dressed..." I say clapping my hands together. The each give Mya a kiss before leaving the room running all excited for what the day will bring. 

"You like your gi..." I start to say but before i can even finish the sentence she kisses me... "I love it... I really do... Best birthday ever..." She says and i smile... "Tonight i have another surprise for you..." I murmur into the kiss, and she smirks... "The same surprise i got last night?" She asks and i laugh... "That to..." I say and giggles. 

"But first... Go eat breakfast i will draw you a bath... The family is coming over at 3 so we got plenty of time..." I say and she blushes... "Can i take a bath later... I would just like a shower... I like my baths at night..." She says and i smile and nod... "As you wish... Today is your day..." I say gathering all the paper and stuff putting the bowls and vases on the dresser for her to give a place later... 

"Relax... I will make sure the boys get ready for the day and clean up the mess here and in the kitchen..." I say smirking and Mya laughs as i walk out the room...

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