53. Doubts

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We decided to go to the diner for dinner. Mya was feeling better after a nap. She got some color in her face again. Oliver and i had just lounged around the house. It was weird how much i felt at home at her place... Maybe that was because the house lived and breathed Mya... 

Oliver was excited and when we walk in the waitress who i had met before was there and came over with a big smile hugging Mya and then Oliver... She looks at me and smirks... "Sarah..." She says sticking out her hand. I shake her hand. I blush and she chuckles... "Hello dad..." She says to me and i blush even more with a smile forming on my face... 

"You knew?" Mya asks shocked and Sarah laughed... "I knew as soon as he walked in here and sat down right there..." She says pointing at the booth i sat in having breakfast when i was here still clueless i had a son... She had this proud smirk on her face. "I mean look at them... Oliver is basically his mine me... That and when we had gotten drunk on your birthday years ago you told me... Drunk Mya can't keep secrets..." Sarah says smiling and i can see the blood drain from Mya's face. 

"I did?" Mya asks shocked and Sarah nods... "You never said anything..." She mumbles and Sarah sighs... "I had my reasons... It is not something to get into here..." She whispers. "To many eyes and ears here..." She mumbles and i look around. People are looking at us... Or at me... Some look and whisper but i get the idea it is not the for the reason i am used to... 

"Oliver?! Tyler made your favorite... Mac and cheese..." Sarah says and he gets all excited... "YES!!!" He screams and we all laugh... "Whenever my husband knows Oliver is coming, he makes him mac and cheese..." Sarah says and i smile... "Find a booth and i will come to take your order..." Sarah says and we nod and sit down in the back. 

"Doc." A man greets Mya, and she smiles and nods back at him. The man keeps walking and Sarah came over putting some drinks in front of Mya and Oliver... "I know what Mya and Oliver like... What do you want to drink sweetie?" She asks and i look at Mya's iced tea. "That looks pretty good..." I say and Sarah smiles. "Another one coming right up... And Oliver? Mac and Cheese? Mya? Burger and fries?" She asks and they both smile and nod. "Chris? What would you like?" She asks me and i smile... "Burger and fries, sounds good..." I say and she chuckles... 

"Coming up..." She chirps and walks away... "Mac and Cheese your favorite?" I ask Oliver and he nods with a big smile... "Only if Tyler makes it... He hates mine..." Mya says smirking "Tyler's has a secret ingredient..." Oliver says excited and i chuckle... 

A few more people come and go greeting Mya. Some of them stay to chat and other just give her a nod. Some of them introduce themself to me others just completely ignore me. I dont mind thought, it is kind of nice having people just be normal. Mya was right no one cares about my fame. 

Our food comes and again it is good, just like the pancakes... After dinner we leave with an invitation to come over for game night... Which Oliver seems really excited about. We drive back to the house and watch some TV before it is time for Oliver go to bed... I take him and when i come back downstairs Mya is no longer on the couch. The blanket is gone and when i look up i see her sitting in the back yard on one of the chairs around the fire pit... She had made a fire and had wrapped herself in the blanket... She was looking up at the stars and i smile... I walk outside and she looks at me. "Sorry needed some fresh air..." She says and nod... She scoots forward and i sit down behind her. She scoots back her back against my chest before wrapping the massive blanket around us... Mya looks at the stars again letting out a sigh... 

"We can move here..." I mumble wanting her to know she doesn't have to give everything up. Seeing her interact with the people in this town. It only made it more clear how much she was giving up and part of me felt guilty. Not only for her but for Oliver. Was it fair to have him give up his life here... Maybe that is why he is acting out. 

"Chris..." She sighs and i plant a kiss on her cheek... "Hear me out please..." I mumble and she nods... "I see how much Oliver and you have integrated here. You build a live here... You have friends. Oliver has friends. This place is where he was born and raised. He has people who love him... Who know him... I feel like a selfish ass taking that away from the both of you..." I whisper and she looks over her shoulder... 

"You're not a selfish ass..." She says and i want to protest but she puts her finger on my lips... "No, you got to talk now i talk... Yes... We have a life here with friends and all... But you keep focusing on what we are giving up... You need to focus on what we gain... Oliver gets to know his family... He will have a dad... You keep saying what we will lose... But we will gain so much more... A family... I know he has not been easy the last few days but that is because he is confused... He loves you... He loves your mother, but he also loves his old life here... Besides you said we could visit here... My friends can visit us in Boston... We will buy a house big enough to have guests stay over... Trust me when i say we will not lose... Because we have gotten something great... Love..." She whispers melting my heart and i wrap my arms around her a little tighter. 

"I love you baby..." I murmur and she hums... "Love you to..." She whispers turning her face to me again attaching her lips to mine... After sitting there for a while, the fire goes out and Mya gets up and holds out her hand for me to take... "Now let's show you my sanctuary..." She says smirking and takes me up to her bedroom...

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