26. The house

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"This place is huuuuge!" Oliver screams as he runs around and i chuckle watching him run around. But when i turn around i notice that Mya is still standing in the front door... She looks around on the verge of tears and trying her best to keep it together. 

"Shit..." I mumble as i see her lips tremble. She is on the verge of tears... "Hey bud, why dont you go wash your hands in the kitchen!" I yell and i hear a loud okay followed by running... "Mya?" I say rushing over to her and she looks at me with those beautiful eyes... Those eyes that show nothing but pain and sadness right now... "I never thought i would be here ever again..." She whispers her voice trembling and a tear now running down her cheek... 

Fuck i never thought about that... That her coming here would be met with mixed emotions... We left here for Vegas happy and were i came back alone she never stepped foot in this house again. I didn't realize that it could be quite emotional to do so now... I am an idiot for not thinking about that... How could i have not thought about that...

I cup her face with my hand, and she closes her eyes... "I am sorry... I am so sorry... I didn't think about how it must feel for you to be back here..." I whisper and she closes her eyes putting her hand over mine... With my free hand i take her hand and give her a squeeze... "Take all the time you need baby girl... Whenever you're ready... If you are not ready, we will leave..." I say and her eyes fly open... "Please dont call me that..." She whispers softly... She doesn't sound angry but more like she is in pain... "Sorry..." I mumble blushing as i did not say it intentionally... 

I want to tell her it is not intentional when we hear loud screaming and not coming from the kitchen... "Ma look!!!" Oliver yells and i let Mya's face and hand go, turning around as we hear footsteps rushing over to us.... Oliver appears holding one of the shields i have in my office... I guess he took himself on a little tour of the house... "I can do this all day..." He says lowering his voice and holding the shield in front of him...  I laugh but Mya looks mortified and all the doubt of stepping over the threshold seems to have disappeared as she rushes over to him... "Oliver Christopher Walsh...! Where did you get that...! Put that down immediately... I did not raise you to go taking stuff that is not yours without asking first..." She scolds him and Oliver looks at her a little sad putting the shield down, but he has still a little mischievous smirk on his face and right now he looks so much like her... 

I want to say something, tell her it is okay but i can't... I am still in shock... Oliver Christopher Walsh.... middle name Christopher... His middle name is Christopher... She named him after me?  But i snap out of it... "Apologize to Chris..." Mya says in full mommy mode... "Sorry Chris..." Oliver says as she pushes him towards me and i get down to his level taking the shield from him putting it against the wall... "It is okay bud..." I say my voice still a little shaky as i am still reeling from finding out that tidbit of information... 

"Mommy is right you can't just take stuff of the walls..." I say smiling and he pouts a little... "But it is so cool..." He whispers and i smile taking in a sharp breath as i feel a sense of pride... "It is... Isn't it..." I say and he nods... "Can we throw it around later..." He asks all shy and i chuckle... "We can play with it later... But no throwing... I dont want you to get hurt... I dont think mommy will ever forgive me if you get hurt..." I say and he smiles and before i know what is happening, he hugs me putting his arms around my neck... I freeze for a second and look up at Mya who is smiling but wiping away tears... I put my arms around his little body and hug him back... Our first hug... This kid is so pure and has no idea what this means to me....

"Now what do you say we are going to eat before it all gets cold..." I say and he pulls back... "Foooooood..." He screams our hug over and he runs to the kitchen... I stand up and look at Mya... "Christopher?" I whisper in awe, and she blushes and nods... "It seemed right, he got my last name... I wanted him to have something of yours..." She whispers looking at the ground kicking her feet as she turns bright red... I walk over to her and cup her face... I hesitate as i want to kiss her so bad, she looks up at me... Those beautiful green eyes piercing my soul... The air gets thick, and my breathing gets heavy as she invades my senses... The feeling over her soft skin under my fingertips her scent... It is all driving me insane... Our lips hover over each other as we stare into each other's eyes... Those beautiful green eyes that hold so much emotion and hurt... I just want to kiss it all away... She doesn't pull back i can feel her hand being placed on my chest and a shiver runs down my spine as the warmth of her touch spreads through my body... Her warm breath fanning over me as she to is breathing heavy and she licks her lips... She says nothing, she doesn't stop me as she closes her eyes for a second and when she opens them again, they are dark and filled with want... She seems just as effected like i am... Her cheeks are red, and her lips parted a little...Those perfect plump and soft lips...  

"Mooooom... I am thirsty! Can i have something to drink..." Oliver yells breaking the spell and Mya pulls back clearing her throat... Her hand leaving my chest but still i can feel it...  "I should get to him before he raids your fridge and destroys your kitchen..." Mya mumbles and walks off leaving me there... I sigh and hang my head before shaking it... "Yep he is definitely mine... He has the worst timing ever... Just like me..." I groan as i realize she almost let me kiss her... I shake it off and take a few breaths to get my body under control again... To regain my composure but i can't shake the smile on my face... The little bit of hope i had grows more and more...

I walk to the kitchen and smile as Mya is pouring him some juice... I smile because it looks like she belongs... "Sorry he was thirsty..." She mumbles and i smile... "It is okay... Mi casa es su casa..." I say and she blushes... She starts to unpack the food and tells Oliver to sit at the table... He rushes over and sits down. "Chris sit next to me!" He says and i smile as i sit down beside him... 

As we eat Oliver talks a mile a minute... Mya has to tell him to chew and not stuff his face every now and then and it makes me smile. He is just such an energetic and sweet boy... Mya and i steal glances at each other every now and then our almost kiss still hanging in the air between us... It makes me more determined though... I will fight for my family...

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