18. Seduction, pouting, blackmail...

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After my talk with ma, getting everything off my chest and getting some much-needed clarity, i drive back home... Although i know it is going to be tough and i brace myself for a lot of drama i feel a lot lighter. A weight has been lifted of my shoulders... 

I know that Mya probably won't take me back and if that is the case i have to respect that. But i want to be in my son's life and i dont want to marry Genevieve... If Mya only would let me see Oliver and be part of his life i will be happy... I can understand if it is too late for us even if that would probably kill me... Seeing her again made me realize that i never stopped loving her and i was the biggest idiot for walking out on her. I want to see if there is even a sliver of hope that i can be part of the family i didn't know i had until a few days ago... And if she let me... I would spend the rest of my life making it up to them... But Genevieve would not be part of that. I know it would only make it more complicated... I have a feeling she would not take it well so i decide not to tell her about Mya and Oliver... Anything but that...

I groan as i see the cars of Genevieve her girlfriends in the driveway... Of course, she called her girlfriends... I sigh and park the car but dont get out... She always said i would run to my mother for anything well she does the same only with those insufferable girlfriends... The one more fake then the other... I wonder if Wendy can even move her face... It always made me chuckle a bit... Scott and i would make jokes pulling a blank face and saying. Wendy sad, Wendy smiling, Wendy angry... Never changing the look on our faces... I know it is childish but god that woman was annoying with that chipmunk voice... Think Janice from friends but even worse... Well, that is another plus... I dont have to deal with them anymore....

Now that i had made my decision everything came to the surface as i was looking forward to some peace and quiet... I had decided to deal with everything here first before making a plan to talk to Mya... To go back to Yellowstone... I wanted Genevieve out of the picture so i would not drag the drama into Mya and Olivers life... 

"Time to rip of the band aid..." I mumble and get out the car... I roll my eyes when i walk in the house and hear Genevieve talking to her friends. I have to admit she is putting up a nice show. She should be an actress... I throw my keys in the bowl, and they all look up... I keep my face straight as Wendy jumps up and rushes over to me... "How dare you make Genevieve cry!" She hisses at me and i look at her with a blank stare... "Wendy... Are you angry? Sad or annoyed that your trip is not happening, and you can't leach off of me... I can't tell because off all the Botox..." I hiss back at her, and she looks at me... I wanna say shocked?  I look around the room and sigh... "Everybody who does not live her out!" I say and i look at Genevieve who looks at me shocked and stands up... But before she can say anything Botox Wendy steps in again... "We are not leaving her alone with you, you are unhinged and abusive..." She growls and i sigh and roll my eyes... 

"Abusive?" I chuckle and she puts her hand on her hips... "Yes, financially abusive... You want to control her..." She says proud of herself for coming up with that nonsense and i laugh, i laugh hard catching them all off guard. They are not used to me pushing back... "Because i dont want to pay for you all to go to Hawaii and do god knows what...? Good one... Well Wendy seeing as Genevieve doesn't mind you meddling with our private live let me tell you... I dont mind her going... I just told her to pay for it herself... Or maybe skip a round of Botox and you pay... But Genevieve can't pay... Can't she... She has not been working... Without any form of communication, she made the decision to stop working and live off of me..." I say and they all stay silent and at that moment i knew they all knew... "But you all knew that... Didn't you...? Apparently, it is more important to talk to you than to me about important decisions..." I say stepping closer... 

"Chrissy... Please stop... What has gotten into you... You are scaring me..." Genevieve squeaks her face bright red and i roll my eyes... "Drop the act... I am not falling for it... You are not scared... Even a terrorist would not freak you out... Either your friends go... So, we can talk in private... Or... I will just tell you with all of them here... I dont care either way... But at the end of what i have to say i want them gone... And out of my house..." I say and Genevieve takes a deep breath putting her foot down as she shakes her head that they are not going... I take a deep breath to... "An audience it is..." I say and look around the room, but no one is leaving... So, i take a deep breath and just get it over with...

"You and i... It is not working anymore... I thought i was okay with all this... I thought it was good to have an easy life... As long as i would buy you shit you would be happy... A shallow but simple life... But i came to realize that this is not the life that i want... I came to realize i hate the life we have together... I became a sugar daddy without even realizing it and let's face it... I dont get the benefits from that arrangement... So, Genevieve, i am sorry but... The wedding is off..." I say and she looks at me shocked... 

"What?!" She yells and i sigh... "We are not getting married. I am calling off the wedding..." I repeat and i can see the blood drain from her face.  "Everybody out..." Genevieve screeches and i smile as they all stand up in shock and i wave as they all walk past me... "Bye... Thanks for coming... Let's not do this again..." I say smiling as they all walk out... When we hear the door close Genevieve looks at me with fire in her eyes and i smile... The real Genevieve showed up now... The one who takes no shit... So, i do what ma advised me and start the recording... Ma was scared she was going to pull something so in order to protect myself i am going to tape this conversation... 

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asks her voice sweet and soft not matching the look in her eyes... But i can play that game to... I am not going to let her provoke me... "Genevieve... We both know it isn't working... We have been living together more like room mates who sleep in the same bed than as people who are going to get married soon..." I say and she steps closer and bats her eyes at me... "We can change that... I just have been so busy with the wedding..." She says playing with the buttons on my shirt and i sigh grabbing her wrist stopping her... 

"Please dont touch me... Sex won't fix this... So, trying to seduce me won't work... Look... I get this comes out of nowhere for you...  And for that i am really sorry... But i dont want to get married anymore... We are not good together..." I say and the look on her face changes... She tried seduction and now the pouting starts... "What do you want from me? Is this because i dont want a baby yet... Because i want to wait until we are married... We can start trying... I can spend less... No trip to Hawaii..." She says and i sigh... "No i am sorry... I dont want a family with you anymore..." I just simply state and i mean it... God for the first time the idea of having a kid with her disgusts me... But now her whole demeanor changes and we are to anger and... Blackmail?

"We are getting married... You can't fucking cancel now... All the invitations have gone out and everything is arranged... I will not let you do this... If you do this... I will ruin, you... I will tell everyone who wants to hear that you are abusive..." She spits at me, and my blood is starting to boil but i keep calm... It takes everything in me to not start yelling but i know i have to keep a level head right now and i need her to say it is a lie... "That is a lie, and you know it... I never laid hands on you... I always treated you well..." I say and she chuckles her face bright red as steam is coming from her hears... 

"Yes... But it will ruin you... It will ruin you precious career... It will ruin your family... You ruin me... I will ruin you..." She says with and evil smile on her face and i smirk back at her... "Oh really...?" I say pulling out my phone holding it up and showing her the record app... Her face goes even whiter and i smirk... "You won't... You won't risk going to jail for blackmail... You know why... Orange is not your color... But thank you..." I say and she looks at me confused. 

"Thank you for what?" She bites at me anger radiating of her face as she is breathing heavy and i smile... "For making this easier... Part of me felt guilty. Guilty for canceling everything so close to the wedding... But this just confirm i am doing the right thing..." I say letting out a sigh of relief.

"You can't do this to me!!" She screeches and she stomps her feet like a toddler who doesn't get its way. "You love me!!" She screams and i sigh... "No... I dont... I thought i loved you... But i realized that i just settled..." I say and she looks at me defeated... She stomps off and i sigh feeling relieved but also a little bit comprehensive for what is to come next...

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