93. You are part of our family now...

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I look in the mirror trying to straighten out my bow tie... I sigh as i can't seem to get it right... I look at Scott who is smirking... "Nervous?" He asks walking over to me and helping me. I nod... "Why? You have married her before..." Scott says and i sigh... "Yeah and we were both drunk out of our minds... Nobody was there... It was just Mya and i... I know it sounds strange, but it was in some way perfect." I say and Scott chuckles... "My brother ladies and gentlemen... The big shot actor with stage fright..." He says and i chuckle... "It has nothing to do with stage fright Scott... It has everything to do with that i want this day to be perfect for Mya..." I say and he sigh... "Chris... Mya does not need perfect... She just needs you... Dont focus too much on everything having to be perfect... Just enjoy the moment..." Scott says and i smile... "When did you get so wise?" I say and he smirks... "No clue... But come on... Lighten up... It is you wedding day... Not so serious... This is a day of joy... The day we... Your family all have been waiting for... Even if it is your second marriage... They always say the second marriage will stick..." He says smirking proud of himself for his little joke and i smirk back at him. 

"Well at least Mya sounds to have fun?" Scott says smirking at me as we hear giggling from down the hall out of our master bedroom... I was changing in Oliver's room... Ma was helping the boys to get ready in Kevin's room, and Scott was here for moral support as my best man... She was getting ready with Sara helping her... It was hard not sneak over and take a peek. I wonder how she would look in her dress. I had no doubt she would look absolutely stunning, but it was killing me to not know... I could not wait to see her walk towards me down the aisle... 

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door... As i told the person to enter Tyler appeared... He smirked... "Looking good Hollywood... I can see now why you make the big bucks..." He says and i shake my head smirking... "Thanks man..."  He turns to Scott... "I am Tyler... Friend from Mya..." He says and they both shake hand... "Nice to meet you. Heard a lot about you..." Scott says and Tyler nods... "Ditto..." He says and both men chuckle...  "I know he is your brother and you're the best man... But i need a moment with the groom..." He says and Scott nods patting my shoulder and leaves. 

Tyler turns to me and takes a deep breath. "Nervous?" He asks and i nod... "A little..." I say and he takes another deep breath... "Second thoughts?" He asks and i look at him smiling. "Not a one..." I say smiling and he nods again... "Good... Because i dont care who you are... Mya is like my little sister and if you hurt her... Ill hurt you..." He says looking seriously and i nod swallowing hard as this man that has a few inches on me and could probably snap me in half looks at me with fire in his eyes talking about Mya... He takes a deep breath... 

"I am serious Evans... We both know she lucked out in the family department. But it is not always blood that makes a family... You off all people know that... We are her family. She and Sara are like sisters. Oliver calls us uncle and aunt... Which means you will be part of our family to... I know you have missed out on a lot with Oliver... But i admire you... Instead of being angry and resentful... You embraced fatherhood and for that i want to thank you... You are a good man... Oliver and Mya have never looked happier... And Kevin... He is sweet and so lucky to have you both..."  Tyler says and i have to swallow hard as i am about to cry... "Thanks man... That means a lot... But dont worry... I will never let Mya go again... I will try my best to be the best dad i can be to Oliver and Kevin... Be the best husband i can be." I say and he smiles... "I know you will..." He says patting my shoulder... "Now enough of the serious talk... I got you something..." He says and i look at him confused... "You didn't have to..." I say but he shakes his head... 

"Shut up Hollywood and just accept it..." He says and hands me a little box... I open it and a little bracelet made by a kid appears... "Oliver made it in day care... It was for Father's Day... Well, he gave it to me... But you are his father now... So, i want you to have it..." I look at him shocked and this time i tear up... I know it is a big thing... Tyler and Sara are important to Mya and to get this i know that they accept me as his father... It means the world... 

"Thanks man..." I say and hug him... "You're welcome..." He says and there is a knock on the door again... "Sorry to interrupt..." Scott says sticking his head in... "It is time..." Scott says and i take a deep breath. Both Tyler and Scott smirk at me... "Let's get you married..." Scott says and i nod again my nervous absolutely racing through my body... 

"Is Mya ready?" I ask and Scott smirks... "Yep... You are going to cry so hard..." Scott says and i roll my eyes... "Am not..." I pout and Scott and Tyler laugh... "Yes, he is..." They both say at once and i groan... "Okay... Let's go... I dont like this dynamic..." I say pointing between the both of them.  "Get used to it Evans..." Tyler says and Scott nods... I smirk and shake my head and walk out. 

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