50. Is that Mya?

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I get woken up by being poked... I open my eyes still a little groggy only to look in the smiling face of Oliver next to him are Steve and Buck... Shit we had fallen asleep and are both still naked but thank God covered by the sheets... 

Mya is still out like a light and i smile. Oliver signs that he can't sleep anymore and is hungry. I sign for him to go to the kitchen and i will be right there. He was wearing his processor but still signed and i smile again as i assume it was to not wake Mya up. He skips out but to my surprise the dogs stay...  I get out and get dressed. I decide to let Mya sleep in... To my surprise as i walk out the closet the dogs have crawled into bed with her... 

They are cuddled up to her and look at me as if they are saying dont worry we will keep her warm. I chuckle and shake my head and i can't resist taking a picture. I guess the dogs just love lounging in the bed. I dont mind. It is a beautiful sight. 

"Morning bud..." I say as i walk into the kitchen and he looks up and smiles... "What do you say i am going to try and make us some breakfast..." I say and Oliver smiles... "Can i help?" He asks and i nod... "Sure..." I say and he follows me around the kitchen. I lift him on the counter and get the eggs and other stuff i need... "Can you break them for me?" I ask pointing at the eggs, and he nods... I grab the milk and when i turn around Oliver is giggling... "Dad." He says in a giggle and i am a little confused... "Yes bud?" I say and he waves me over... "Look..." He says and i lean forward to see closer as i dont see what he means... But before i know what is happening, he hits my forehead with the egg to crack it... He is in hysterics laughing hard as egg runs down my face... I can't help but laugh... Not at the egg running down my face but at the fact that he is laughing so hard he is snorting... 

When i have cleaned myself up and Oliver has calmed down we make breakfast... My phone buzzes and i grab it and smile when i look at the screen. I smile as it is Mackie in the group chat i am having with him, Seb and Scarlet. I make Oliver a plate and sit him down at the table... While he eats i watch the group chat and make myself a plate.

"Mackie: Just checking in as everyone seems to be off the grid... Everyone all alright?" 

"Seb:  Mackie i have just seen you an hour ago..." 

"Mackie:  Yeah, and you know you already miss me..." 

"Seb: 😐🤦‍♂️"

"Scarlet: It is too early for this... Everything fine here... Having a little break enjoying time with Colin and the kids."

"Mackie: It is never too early for a text from me." 

"Seb: I disagree." 

"Mackie: Evans is being lazy like usual... Probably still snoring..." 

"Chris: No i am not... Have just made some breakfast, now eating with you guys entertaining me..."

"Mackie: It is alive! You have been of the grid more than usual... You okay man? Has the cancelation of your wedding got you down? Do we need to come and cheer you up." 

"Seb: Please tell me you are not to depressed about that. Look i normally dont do this, i normally dont get into this shit... Each his own... But good riddance... She was... Awful..." 

Scarlet: Is it just the wedding that is off? Or have you finally come to your senses about that woman..."

I groan reading that... Did nobody like her... Have i really been so blind... Has everyone just been tolerating her... I sigh as it does not matter... "Dad?" Oliver says wanting my attention and i smile. "Yeah bud?" I ask and he blushes... "Can i have some more?" He asks and i chuckle... "Of course..." I say and grab his plate making him another one... He digs in as if he has not eaten in a long time while watching cartoons on his iPad. I turn back to my phone.

"Chris:  Not sad at all... Genevieve is gone... Best thing i have ever done... Still not sure why i ever dated her, let alone asked her to marry me... Looking back i just want to punch myself.

"Mackie:  When is the party? We have to celebrate you coming to your senses..." 

"Seb: Or at least have a few drinks together... Maybe we can meet up in New York and have dinner the 4 of us..."

"Scarlet: I am down... Colin can watch the kids..." 

"Chris: Nope can't do... Sorry... I am busy... Got some new additions to the family." 

I sent them, and then send the picture of Mya sleeping between the dogs... 

"Chris: Meet Steve and Bucky..." 

"Seb:  I know you miss me... But seriously Steve and Bucky?" 

"Mackie: Where is the Falcon? I feel left out!" 

"Scarlet: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Forget the freaking dogs... Is no one going to ask about the girl? She looks familiar..." 

"Chris: 🤔😏🤭🤣🤫"

"Scarlet: OMG, OMG is that Mya???🤯" 

"Mackie: Nooooo...😱 Is it?" 

"Seb: Scarlet is right... That is Mya...😳"

"Scarlet: How... When... Is this why you called of the wedding? OMG are you guys back together? Please tell me you guys are back together! I love Mya... I am going to kill you if you are not back together..." 

"Chris: It is a long story... But yes, we are back together, and she is not 100% the reason the wedding is canceled but seeing her again had part in it... But there is something else..." 

I look at Oliver and smile... "Hey bud... Can i take a picture of you?" I ask and Oliver grins at me with a mouth full off food making me chuckle. He puts a thumb up making me chuckle... I take a picture and take a deep breath sending it. 

"Chris: Meet my son... Oliver... Mine and Mya's kid..." 

"Seb: WHAT! 😮" 

"Scarlet: He is so cute! He looks like you... Omg we need to meet up i need to know everything... How long have you known... I am so confused and screaming right now that Colin is looking at me like i have gone crazy..." 

"Mackie... Damn..." 

The conversation went on for a little bit and i explained a little bit... I promised them to talk to Mya as they were dying to see her again and meet Oliver... 

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