78. Moving forward

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It has been a month... A month since everything had happened... 2 weeks ago we had buried Stacy. It was emotional... Kevin was heartbroken... He had been up and down with his emotions which is understandable... He was in therapy now. He was making slow progress, but it was progress none the less... 

To watch him say goodbye to his mother was heartbreaking. There were not a lot of people there... The detective... The CPS worker and a neighbor... That was it... It was sad... His father who was still walking around a free man as he posted bail was not allowed to come. Our lawyer had made sure of that... He was really a piece of shit... Banning him from the funeral was mere a formality as he had made clear he would not show up... 

But what amazed me the most is that not once he had asked about Kevin... He really was a piece of shit... He never asked about Kevin... He made no attempt to get him back... It was a good thing i guess because he was an abusive piece of shit. Still, i had expected him to want Kevin back. Even if it was to influence him to make sure he would not be charged with what he did to his wife and kid... But he didn't... From what i heard he seemed to be happy his wife was dead and more than happy to not have to deal with his kid anymore... From what i heard he was confident he would get away with it...

Kevin and Oliver got a long great which was nice... Oliver was amazing towards him... I was so proud as he just embraced Kevin as a brother... He was comforting when he was feeling down, cheering him up. We would spend time with the boys together and apart to make sure Oliver didn't feel ignored or overlooked... Kevin was taking up a lot of our time now and we had been worried about how that would make Oliver feel... But Oliver loved spending time with my mother when we had to go with Kevin to some appointment. Oliver seems to be understanding when i talked with him about it on our morning walks... Mya would spend time with Kevin making breakfast while i would walk the dogs with Oliver one day and the other day we would switch... 

We were back at the house... The room had been stripped and cleaned and was now empty and locked... We didn't want to go in there... It was like nothing had happened but the knowledge of what happened in there was enough to keep the door closed. We just pretended the room did not exist... 

I had a talk with our contractor and after explaining our predicament, he said he would speed up the work on the house as much as he could... We just wanted to move... To start fresh... The boys each would get their own rooms... They were still sharing now... The seem to like it but we were aware that it was because everything was new... Soon they each needed their own space... A place they could go when they needed some time to themselves... 

They have been back to school for a week now. It was time to get back to normal. We didn't want them to miss anymore school. We had a talk with the school about it all and to say they were shocked was an understatement... They were accommodating and we made a plan for Kevin if he would have a bad day... But he seems to enjoy going back. I guess it was a nice distraction. But it was the weekend now and the boys had a great week at school, so we were going to have a nice relaxing weekend...

"So, what do you boys want to do after dinner?" I ask as we eat... The boys look at each other smirking and i take a deep breath knowing i will not like what is coming next. I look at Mya who is smirking to, i give her a look... She is biting her lip and i look between all of them... I sigh... "Okay... Lay it on me..." I say and Oliver giggles... "Kevin has never seen all the Marvel movies..." Oliver says and i groan... "We are going to have a movie night... Starting all the marvel movies in the right timeline..." Mya says... "You are welcome to join..." She smirks at me letting me know it is going to happen and i could either join or find something to do. I groan again making the boys giggle to... "I have only seen one of the captain America movies..." Kevin says... I smile at him... "Well i guess we are going to have a few movie nights so you can see them all..." I say and he smiles with excitement in his eyes... 

"Fine... But first we are going to walk the dogs together..." I say and the boys nod smiling... "While you boys do that i will make snacks and get pillows and blankets..." Mya says and i smile... "Oh and i talked with your mother... She is going to take the boys to the aquarium tomorrow..." Mya says and i look at her surprised and she winks at me... I then look at the boys who are smiling... "A day with grandma?" I ask them and they both nod smiling from ear to ear... "She is going to take us for pizza after..." Oliver says all excited and Kevin nods... "I have never been..." Kevin says and once again we are reminded of the life, he had... But this time it doesn't bring the dread it did before... It was nice to know he could have a first with my mother... Oliver and Kevin absolutely adored her. It was going to be a good bonding moment... 

"Well, you are going to be in for a treat... Your grandma loves the aquarium. She used to take me and my brother and sisters a lot when we were kids..." I say and Oliver giggles... "I didn't know the aquarium is that old..." Oliver says being cheeky and Mya starts to cough as she had just taken a sip of her water... I give her a look, and she laughs... "I am not that old..." I growl and the boy's giggle... "Then why does mom call you old man..." Oliver asks looking all innocent and i roll my eyes... "Because your mom thinks she is funny..." I say and Mya smirks... 

"Or maybe it is because you fell asleep watching the news the other day..." Mya says smirking making the boys laugh... The boys both start to make snoring noises. I shake my head smirking... "And for that you both get to clear the table..." I say and they stop both protesting... "Listen to your old man..." Mya says smirking and i stand up making her squeal as i lift her up out of the chair... Oliver giggles and Kevin just watches us. He still finds it strange that two grown-ups are having fun... He is not used to it. I tickle Mya while she squeals trying to break free... "I will remind you of what this old man can do after they are in bed..." I whisper in her ear after i stop tickling her and she smiles kissing me... "Better take a nap then..." She whispers back but i cant react as she shuts me up by kissing me...

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