111. Hello little nugget...

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"Okay... Okay... Okay... We have to go... Dont panic... Dont panic..." I say panicked and run my hand through my hair looking around me... I dont know who i am saying this to as i am the only one that seems panicked... The others just stare at us with stunned expressions. "Does this mean i dont get to eat..." Scott says smirking and i shoot him a glare... But ma slaps his head again. "Auw... It was just a joke..." He says rubbing the back of his head... I ignore him and focus back on Mya.

 "Uhm... Uhm...." I say as i feel more and more lost... We had practiced... I know what i need to do but i am in panic mode.  "Chris..." Mya says but it does not register... "Your bag... Oh god the car seat..." I say and Mya grabs my face making me look at her... "Breathe baby... Breathe..." She says smiling... "My bag is in the car... Remember... You put it in there... The car seat is installed in between the boys..." Mya says... "Deeeeep breath..." She says and i take a deep breath... 

"Okay... You two go to the hospital... Dont worry about the boys. We got them..." Ma says smiling and i nod still a little dazed. "I need my keys..." I say looking around patting my pockets... "WHERE ARE MY KEYS!" I yell panicked and the boy's giggle... "Here you go dad..." Oliver says picking them off the counter were i had put them to be in sight just in case... "Thanks bud..." I mumble and everyone giggles... Excepts for Mya because she is grabbing her belly and her face screams pain... 

"I think we really need to go now... I dont want to have our little nugget in the car..." She groans and i snap out of it... "Okay baby... Let's go... Boys be good to grandma..." I manage to say and they both nod and wave us off. I take Mya's arm... "Good Luck... Keep us in the loop..." Carly says all excited but i dont answer as i lead Mya to the car... My heart is racing... We are going to have our little baby...

I am a nerves wreck almost hitting Mya in the head with the car door, but eventually i get her in the car... "Chris... It is going to be okay... Please calm down...Just get me to the hospital without crashing the car..." Mya says smirking before breathing through the pain... "Sorry baby, just so nervous..." I mumble and she smiles. "I know... It is okay..." She whispers...

We safely make our way to the hospital and go up to the maternity ward...  Mya gets checked in and i want to help her in the bed, but she shakes her head... "I rather walk around for a little bit..." She says breathing heavy... "Okay... Whatever you want..." I say and she puts her hands on the bed leaning on it breathing through the pain... I feel like a nervous wreck desperately trying to keep myself calm... Mya doesn't seem nervous at all... But i guess she knows what is coming... She had explained everything to me but i felt i had forgotten it all... "Can you rub my lower back please?" Mya asks and i rush over... 

"Is it really painful?" I ask and she lifts her head and looks at me as if i am crazy.... "Nooooo. It feels like sunshine and rainbows..." She says sarcastically and i chuckle... "Sorry dumb question..." I mumble and she sighs... "No... It is not... I am sorry..." She mumbles and i smile... "Nothing to be sorry about baby" I say, and she groans... 

"2 Bio kids is enough right..." Mya groans as another contraction comes... "No more after this..." She groans as i keep rubbing her back. I smile and nod... "I am okay with that..." I say and she sighs... "Good... Then you are getting a vasectomy after this... And then i am going to ask you if it hurts..." She mumbles and i look at her with wide eyes... "Just kidding..." She smirks as she sees my reaction.

Time goes by... Doctors and nurses come and go, and to my relief she is now finally lying in the bed... She even managed to take a quick snooze... We are 18 hours in, and I feel helpless seeing her so tired and in pain...  The contractions are now coming quick. She tells me to call in the doctor as she feels she needs to push... She yells at the doctor when he tells her she is probably not there yet, only to have to swallow his words as he checks.

It is time... She is fully dilated, and the doctor tells her we are going to push... "I know... I told you..." She groans and i hold her hand... "Asshole..." She mumbles under her breath...She is absolutely crushing my hand but i bite my tongue... I won't be that guy that is complaining about a little pain when she is pushing a baby out... 

"Chris about the name..." She groans mid push... I look at her... "You want to talk about the name now?" I ask surprised and she groans... "Yes... Why are you going somewhere..." She says and i shake my head... "What about the name..." I say dabbing her forehead with a washcloth and she needs to push again... "Middle name... Lisa... After your mom..." She says breathing heavy and i look at her smiling. "Must have been some roast..." I say smirking and she laughs... We had been so focused on a first name that we never thought about a middle name. 

"I love it..." I say and she smiles... "Okay Mya... One more push..." The doctor says and she groans giving it her all... It is like time is slowing down... But then all of a sudden i hear crying... Loud, loud crying and the doctor hold up our little girl who is screaming her head off... I look at the baby covered in gunk and i feel myself tear up as i watch them put the baby on her chest... "Congratulations mom, dad... You have a little girl..." The nurse says and Mya and i are now both crying... 

"Hi little girl... She is perfect... Isn't she perfect...?" Mya says coos and i look at her smiling and kiss her forehead... "Yes... She is, just like her mother..." I mumble and look at our perfect little girl who had stopped crying immediately when she was placed on her mother's chest..."You want to cut the cord dad?" A nurse asks and i nod, smiling through my tears... I cut the cord and when i am done kiss Mya... "You did it baby... She is here... Our little nugget..." I whisper and she chuckles... 

"Hi little nugget... I am your dad..." I whisper and i feel my tears run down my cheek looking at our beautiful girl... Our little girl gets taken to get cleaned up and the doctors take care of Mya... Our little girl gets brought back and put in Mya's arms who immediately puts her on her breast to feed... I just look at it amazed... 

"Do we have a name already?" We get asked and i smile and nod... I look at Mya who gives me a nod... "Dont worry... I still like the name we picked..." She said with a lazy smile... "Iris Lisa Evans..." I say with a proud smile.

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